Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Reframing educator preparation to collaboratively prepare teachers and administrators: Challenges and advantages.. Development and Learning in Organizations. 36. 2021-09-01
- Shaping the supervision narrative: Innovating teaching and leading to improve STEM instruction.. Journal of Educational Supervision. 3:59-74. 2020-10-01
- A Case Study Approach to STEM Supervision: A Collaborative Model for Teaching and Principal Preparation. Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership. 4:1-11. 2019-12-01
- Island Ecology for Educators: An interdisciplinary course bridging science and education through interactive community partnerships. Journal of College Science Teaching. 49:24-30. 2019-09-01
- A Different “Noticing”: Examining Principal Perceptions of STEM Instruction. American Journal of Educational Science (AJES). 4:180-187. 2019-01-01
- Strategies for Supporting Students Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders in STEM Education. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals. 44-65. 2018-10-01
- Inquiry Into Action: Ecosystems and Animals. Science Scope. 41:20. 2017-11-01
- Island Ecology for Educators: The intersection of ecosystems content, coastal environmental education, and technology -- Building STEM Skills Through Environmental Education. IGI Global. 219-243. 2020-09-01
- Online and International Field Experiences in STEM Education: Frameworks for Program Globalization and Growth -- Encyclopedia of Positive Scholarship for Global K-20 Education. IGI Global. 22. 2018-03-01
- Electronic Portfolios: Insights and Reflections from a Systemic Implementation.. IGI Global. pp. 196-213. 2010-12-01
- Technology Leadership in Teacher Education: Integrated Solutions and Experiences.. IGI Global Publications. 30. 2010-04-01
- Why STEM Education Matters?. North Carolina Association of Elementary Educators. 2015-03-01