Schroeder, Lindsey
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National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2025-07-01
Bridging Gaps in Neurocare: Validation of FaaS as a Brainwave Neurosensing Technology,
TechConnect World Innovation Conference 2025-06-01
Evaluating A Neck Strength Protocol for Neuromuscular Indicators in Female Military College Cadets to Reduce the Incidence of Concussions,
Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) 2024-08-01
Equipping Preceptors with Strategies and Skills to Create Meaningful Learning Opportunities for Athletic Training Students,
2024 Annual SCATA Symposium 2024-07-01
Increase Applications from Local HBCUs to Improve Diversity within UNCW's MSAT Program through Campus Outreach,
75th Annual NATA Clinical Symposia and Expo 2024-06-01
Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction in Athletic Training Program Preceptors,
75th Annual NATA Clinical Symposia and Expo 2024-06-01
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Create Simulation Scenarios for Simulation Education,
29th Annual Meeting of SESAM Supporting Excellence in Healthcare 2024-06-01
Association Between BioKinetoGraph Accelerometers and NeuroCom® Balance Master®,
National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024-04-01
BODPOD GS: Derivation of Body Fat Correction-Equation,
National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024-04-01
Exploring Pet Ownership amongst College Athletes as an Important form of Positive Deviant Leisure,
CHHS Research & Innovation Day 2024-04-01
Exploring the Perceived Impact of Companion Animals on Sport-Related Stressors: A Phenomenological Study of College Student Athletes,
CHHS Research and Innovation Day Showcase 2024-04-01
Prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity Amongst College Students,
National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024-04-01
Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and Athletic Training,
NCATA 50th Annual Spring Symposium 2024-03-01
The Effects of Suspension Training Exercise on Psychological Metrics among College Students,
NCATA 50th Annual Spring Symposium 2024-03-01
Utilizing a Neck Strength Protocol in NCAA Division I Female Volleyball Athletes to Reduce the Rate of Concussions,
NCATA 50th Annual Spring Symposium 2024-03-01
Evaluating A Neck Strength Protocol for Neuromuscular Indicators in Intercollegiate Female Athletes to Reduce the Incidence of Concussions,
7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport 2024-02-01
The Dual Role of Preceptors: The Need for Continual Preceptor Development,
Excellence in Secondary School Athletic Training Programs (ESSAT) 2024-01-01
Evaluating A Neck Strength Protocol for Neuromuscular Indicators in Intercollegiate Female Athletes to Reduce the Incidence of Concussions,
Brain Health Research Collider 2023-12-01
Prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity Amongst College Students,
UNC Wilmington Fall Showcase 2023-12-01
Scholarly Support for SHAHS Superstars,
School of Health and Applied Human Sciences Brown Bag Series 2023-11-01
October 2022 Coffee and Career Chat: The Scoop on Our MSAT & MHA Program!,
October Public Health Podcast 2022-10-01
Validation of Health-related Software Application,
ACSM Annual Meeting 2022-05-01
A Portable, Bluetooth-Enabled, Isometric Neck Assessment System,
IEEE SoutheastCon 2022 2022-03-01
Evaluating Neck Strengthening Protocols to Reduce the Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury: Traditional Versus Nontraditional Neck Strengthening Techniques ,
45th Annual Spring Symposium 2022-03-01
Work-Life Balance in the Profession of Athletic Training,
Student Leadership Committee Spring Webinar 2022-02-01
Intergenerational Micro-mentoring: Addressing Ageism and Inclusion in the Workplace,
14th Annual Mentoring Conference, Mentoring in an Interconnected World 2021-10-01
Efficacy of 6-Week Suspension Training Exercises on Fitness Components in Older Adults,
National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference 2021-07-01
Food souvenirs sans travel: How can destinations capitalize on shipping place-specific culinary specialties during Covid-19?,
Popular Culture Association & American Culture Association - PCAACA Annual Mtg 2021-06-01
Delivering an Effective Wellness Curriculum During a Disrupted Semester for Physical Education Courses (PED101): Outcomes from a "Normal" Semester, a Hurricane (Florence) Semester and a Pandemic (COVID-19) Semester,
National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Virtual Conference 2021-01-01
Virtual Fitness Challenges: Place, "Travel", & Motivation,
Northeast Popular Culture Association Annual Conference 2020-10-01
Professional Issues Facing College Athletic Trainers,
NATA 70th Clinical Symposia 2019-06-01
How Balance and Stability Levels of Female Roller Derby Players Influence Fall Percentage,
College of Health and Human Services Research & Innovation Day 2019-04-01
Crafting the Carolina Coast: Brewing a New Sense of Place,
Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Annual Conference 2018-11-09
Sand, Suds, and Symbolism: Exploring Images of the Carolina Coast projected by Craft Breweries,
College of Health and Human Services Research & Innovation Day 2018-04-09
Movie Screens and Master's Degrees: The Blindside of Athletic Training,
Popular Culture Association Annual National Conference 2018-03-28
Leadership and Athletic Training: Perceptions, Intentions & Retention,
NCATA Spring Symposium 2018-03-03
Introduction to the Graston Technique,
Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers' Association 2015-05-30
Research Overview
Retention and attrition factors in the profession of athletic training; work-life balance; leadership
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Organization and administration of athletic training; leadership; Lower extremity evaluation and assessment
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