Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Virtual Access to STEM Careers: In the Field Experiments -- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 44:73-80. 2024-03-01
- Phases of the Moon: As simple as ABCDE: Teaching the phases of the moon to first graders using patterns.. Science Activities.. 2022-06-01
- Science fair buddies: A course-embedded partnership on experimental design. PDS Partners: Bridging Research to Practice. 14:15-18. 2020-01-01
- Island Ecology for Educators: An interdisciplinary course bridging science and education through interactive community partnerships. Journal of College Science Teaching. 49:24-30. 2019-09-01
- Swinging into Art with Pendulum Paintings.. Science Activities.. 2019-01-01
- “I could see myself as a scientist”: The Potential of Out-of-School-Time Programs to Influence Girls’ Identities in Science.. Afterschool Matters. 23. 2016-01-01
- Precollege nanotechnology education: a different kind of thinking.. Nanotechnology Reviews. 4:117-127. 2015-01-01
- Close the Textbook, Open the Cell Image Library.. The American Biology Teacher. 76:201-206. 2014-01-01
- Using Virtual Globes to Pinpoint Watershed Pollution.. The Science Teacher. 81:51-55. 2014-01-01
- Students' and teachers' applications of surface area to volume relationships. Research in Science Education. 2013-02-01
- Proportional reasoning ability and concepts of scale: Surface area to volume relationships in science. International Journal of Science Education. 31:1231-1247. 2009-06-01
- Developing a Sense of Scale: Looking Backward. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 46:460-475. 2009-04-01
- Concepts of scale held by students with visual impairment. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 46:506-519. 2009-01-01
- Creativity, Inquiry, or Accountability? Scientists' and teachers' perceptions of science education. Science Education. 92:1058-1075. 2008-11-01
- Bumpy, Sticky, Shaky: Nanoscale Science and the Curriculum. Science Scope. 31:28-35. 2008-03-01
- Experienced and novice teachers’ Concepts of spatial scale.. International Journal of Science Education. 30:409-429. 2008-02-01
- Understanding scale: Powers of Ten. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 16:191-202. 2007-04-01
- The effect of traditional classroom assessment on science learning and understanding of the processes of science. Journal of Elementary Science Education. 12:19-32. 2000-03-01
- Hands-in Science. National Science Teachers Association. 20:16-17. 1997-04-01
- Extreme Science: From Nano to the Galactic. National Science Teachers Association. 2009-06-01
- Nanoscale Science. National Science Teacher Association. 2007-04-01
- Examining Covid-19 with young learners: An interdisciplinary inquiry design model approach -- Post-Pandemic Social Studies: How Covid 19 has changed the world and how we teach. Teachers College Press. 2021-01-01
- Island Ecology for Educators: The intersection of ecosystems content, coastal environmental education, and technology -- Building STEM Skills Through Environmental Education. IGI Global. 219-243. 2020-09-01
- Leveraging Parent Chaperones to Support Youths’ Learning During an Out-of-School Field Trip to a Marine Science Field Station.. Springer Publication.. 2018-01-01
- Science fair buddies: A course-embedded partnership on experimental design. PDS Partners. 2020-01-01
- Wanted: More Science. Kidsville News. 2010-04-01