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It was an extended Anti-colonial Wave: Rethinking the First and Second Waves of Terrorism ,
Western Political Science Association 2024-03-01
Bridge Country: Ireland and the Teaching of Globalization ,
Agency in the Name of Displacement and Social Change 2023-06-01
Legitimacy of Violence and Constraint: How the legitimacy of Violence affects levels of violence in Northern Ireland ,
Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association 2021-04-07
Radical Milieus and Terrorist Insurgencies: An Examination of How Radical Militant Movements Form ,
Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association 2018-04-04
The Market for Terrorism: Strategic Choices, interactions, and survival ,
Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Asscoiation 2015-04-02
The Outbidding Model of Terrorist Group Politics: Violent Intergroup Dynamics and Domestic Terrorist Campaigns ,
Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting 2013-01-03
Disentangling the Relationship between Political Regimes and Terrorism: ,
Western Political Science Association 2012-03-22
Are Foreign Imposed Polities less stable than indigenous Polities? ,
Western Political Science Association 2011-04-24
Strategic Alliance or Dominant Competitor: Discerning the impact of the relationship between terrorist groups and non-violent political actors ,
Western Political Science Association 2010-04-03
Does Regime Type Matter?: The role of legitimacy in the occurrence of terrorism ,
Western Political Science Association 2010-04-01
Terrorism and Anocracy: A critical examination of the strategic school on the causes of terrorism ,
North Carolina Political Science Association 2010-02-26
Strategic Alliance or Dominant Competitor: Discerning the impact of the relationship between terrorist groups and non-violent political actors ,
Southern Political Science Association 2010-01-09
Assessing Compoenents of the Terrorists's Operational Environment ,
Southern Political Science Association 2009-01-01
Promoting Democracy through Military Intervention ,
Southern Political Science Association 2009-01-01
The Terrorist Group-Political Group Dyad ,
International Society for Political Psychology 2008-07-01
Does Regime Type Influence Terrorism? ,
Western Political Science Association 2008-03-01
Musical Chairs?: Government Reorganization in Response to Terrorism ,
Southern Political Science Association 2008-01-01
Framing War: The 9/11-Iraq Link and Public Support for the Iraq War ,
Western Political Science Association 2007-03-01
Research Overview
International Security, Terrorism and Political Violence, Foreign Policy
Co-principal Investigator On
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Teaching Overview
International Relations: International Security, Terrorism, International Political Economy, European Politics, Russian/Post-Soviet Politics, Middle Eastern Politics