Schuhmann, Peter William
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Economic impacts of sargassum on tourism ,
UWI-SargAdapt 3rd Sargassum Symposium, Hastings, Barbados 2023-03-10
Opportunities for Transforming Coastal and Marine Tourism: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience ,
Global webinar series convened by the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy and IUCN Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group) 2023-01-18
Tourists’ willingness to return to coastal destinations after encounters with sargassum: Preliminary results from Barbados ,
The Caribbean Sargassum Cooperation Programme (SARG'COOP) webinar, “Sargassum: anticipating and measuring the impact” 2023-01-13
Presentation of Special Report on Sustainable Ocean Tourism ,
The High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy - Sherpa Meeting on Sustainable Coastal and Marine Tourism 2022-10-26
So You Want to Go to Graduate School? Factors that Influence Admissions to Economics PhD Programs ,
American Economic Association 2019-01-01
So You Want to Go to Graduate School? Factors that Influence Admissions to Economics PhD Programs ,
Southern Economic Association 88th Annual Meetings 2018-11-19
The Economic Implications of Environmental Policy ,
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, SEA and Coffee Series 2018-11-01
The Path to Acceptance: An Examination of Economics Graduate Program Preferences - A Preview ,
17th Annual Economics Teaching Workshop 2018-10-20
Institutional Stability for Integrated Coastal Risk Management for the Coastal Zone Management Unit: Cost Recovery Mechanisms for Coastal Infrastructure and a Value-Based Paradigm for Government Spending 2018-09-27
How can we incorporate the value of island environments into conservation ,
7th International Conference on Environmental Future (ICEF7) 2018-04-14
How can we incorporate the value of island environments into conservation? ,
7th International Conference on Environmental Future 2018-04-14
The Economic Implications of Environmental Policy ,
Wilmington Physicians Investors Group 2018-03-08
The Economic Implications of Environmental Policy ,
Wilmington Physicians Investors Group 2018-03-08
The Importance of Coastal and Marine Resources to Tourism in Barbados Visitor Survey Results and Implications ,
Climate Smart Sustainable Tourism Forum 2017-12-13
Analytics ,
Wilmington Business Expo 2016-03-01
Reservoir Recreation in the South: Willingness to Pay and Impacts of Water Release Policy ,
Southern Economics Association Annual Meeting 2015-11-21
The Valuation of Marine Ecosystem Goods and Services in the Caribbean: A Literature Review and Framework for Future Valuation Efforts ,
ACES, A Community on Ecosystem Services: Linking Science Practice and Decision Making, Washington DC, December 9, 2014. 2014-12-09
Determining the Propensity for Academic Dishonesty Using Decision Tree Analysis ,
Southeast INFORMS 2014-10-03
The Economic Value of Coastal and Marine Resources in the Caribbean ,
7th Annual Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership, San Jose, Costa Rica, September 9, 2014. 2014-09-09
Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services in the Caribbean ,
COMSEC/UNEP Joint Workshop on The Caribbean Green Economy in a Blue World, 2013-04-15
Initial Pricing of Bonds ,
Eastern Finance Association annual meeting 2013 2013-04-01
The Impact of Religion on Economic Ideology ,
Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting 2013-02-14
Multinomial Logit Analysis of Student Academic Dishonesty: Using the Scenario Method to Analyze Crime in the Classroom ,
Financial Education Association 2012-09-15
The Economic Value of Coastal Resources ,
the Sister Cities Symposium: Connecting People and Ideas 2012-04-17
Assessing and Improving Undergraduate Student Writing in a School of Business at a Large Regional University ,
Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute 2011-11-01
Economics and Decision Making ,
GEAR UP North Carolina (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness Undergraduate Program) 2011-09-30
The Economic Value of Marine Quality to SCUBA Divers in Barbados ,
Sustainable Development Coastal Communities : Challenges and Solutions 2011-06-02
The International Factors Influencing the Real Estate Market in Poland ,
American Real Estate Society 2011-04-15
The Factors Influencing Real Estate Prices in Poland ,
ARES 2011 International Conference 2011-04-01
Economics and Sustainability ,
University of North Carolina Wilmington Synergy Lecture Series: “Sustainability: Why Does it Matter?” 2011-02-24
Economics and Sustainability ,
University of North Carolina Wilmington Synergy Lecture Series 2010-10-07
Economics and Decision Making ,
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness Undergraduate Program), North Carolina 2010-10-01
Immediate and Long Term Impacts of Offshore Drilling - Specifically off the Coast of the Carolinas ,
13th Annual Economic Growth Summit, Consequences of Offshore Drilling on the Carolina Coast, Coastal Carolina University 2010-08-06
Business, Economics and Sustainability ,
Hochschule Bremen, Germany MBA Program in U.S. 2010-05-31
An Economic Perspective on the Earthquake in Haiti ,
Faculty Panel on the Haiti Earthquake 2010-01-27
The Value of Coastal Resources in Barbados: Tourists Perceptions and Preferences ,
1st International Tourism Conference 2009-12-01
Economics and The Economics Major ,
UNCW Honors Class 2009-11-04
Trash Turtles and Tourists: Visitors Willing to Pay for Coastal and Marine Quality ,
A public lecture sponsored by the University of the West Indies Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies. University of the West Indies 2009-10-06
Home-Buyer Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls ,
Hurricane Floyd Symposium 2009-09-18
Tourist Preferences and WTP for Beach Attributes in Barbados ,
Scholar in Residence 2009-05-15
Marine Resource Valuation ,
Scholar in Residence 2009-05-14
Economic Considerations for Marine Ecosystem Based Management and the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Caribbean ,
Symposium on Marine Ecosystem Based Management in the Caribbean: An essential component of Principled Ocean Governance 2008-12-01
Real Estate Market Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls ,
Southern Finance Association 2008-11-01
Accounting for the Full Value of Caribbean Sea Resources ,
The Caribbean Sea: Harnessing and Protecting A Vital Resource 2008-07-01
he Value of Coral Quality to SCUBA Divers in Barbados ,
the 11th Annual International Coral Reef Symposium 2008-07-01
Real Estate Market Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls ,
American Real Estate Society 2008-04-01
Hurricanes, Catastrophic Risk and Real Estate Market Recovery ,
American Real Estate Society 2007-04-01
Rethinking Travel Costs: A Localized Application of the Random Utility Model ,
annual meetings of the Southern Economic Association 2006-11-01
Research Overview
Discrete choice models for non-market valuation of environmental amenities and natural resources, fisheries policy analysis, recreation demand, welfare analysis of local and regional environmental issues, sustainable development, effects of natural disasters on real estate values, bioeconomic modeling, natural resource damage assessment, college student behavior and learning, teaching techniques and pedagogy.
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Economics, Principles of Economics, Price Theory, Conservation Policy Analysis, Sustainable Tourism, Public Sector Economics/Public Finance, Econometrics, Statistics, the Economics of Development.