Richter, Sharon M
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Impact of task analytic instruction on use of rideshare services to access community locations among young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.,
Division for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Convention 2022-10-01
A review of multimedia simulated instruction for learners with intellectual disabilities.,
Annual International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference 2022-05-01
Teaching independent community travel skills to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.,
Annual International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference 2022-05-01
Teaching independent community travel skills to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.,
International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference 2022-05-01
Research-based practices for K-12 learners with disabilities.,
North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children Conference 2022-03-01
The impact of simultaneous prompting on personal information writing skills among learners with I/DD: A single subject research study proposal.,
North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children Conference 2022-03-01
Research- based Practices for K-12 Learners with Disabilities,
North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children Conference. 2022-02-01
Research-based practices for K-12 learners with disabilities,
North Carolina CEC 35th Annual Conference: Educational Equity, Access & Engagement 2022-02-01
The effects of robotics on off-task behaviors in young children with ASD,
22nd Annual International Division of Autism and Developmental Disabilities Conference 2022-01-01
Effects of who and what graphic organizer on sentence construction for students with autism and mild-moderate intellectual disabilities. ,
Council for Exceptional Children Convention 2021-03-01
Research-based Practices for Learners with Disabilities Across the Pre-K to Secondary Transition Continuum,
North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children Conference 2020-02-01
Research-based Practices for Learners with Disabilities Across the Pre-K to Secondary Transition Continuum.,
North Carolina Conference for Exceptional Children Conference 2020-02-01
Navigation research in inclusive post-secondary education programs.,
Division for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Convention 2020-01-01
Simulated instruction research designed to improve community-referenced skills among youth with I/DD: Analysis of evidence.,
Division for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Convention 2020-01-01
Research-based campus navigation interventions to support youth with I/DD.,
Division for Career Development and Transition International Conference 2019-10-01
Simulated instruction: Comprehensive Review and analysis of research quality and effect on community-referenced skills among youth with I/DD.,
Division for Career Development and Transition International Conference 2019-10-01
Simulated Instruction: An evidence-based practice with important benefits for rural communities.,
American Council on Rural Special Education Conference Annual Conference 2019-03-01
Simulated instruction: An evidence-based practice. ,
North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference 2019-01-01
The Weeklong Instructional Plan: A layered and longitudinal tool for Adapted Curriculum special educators.,
North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference 2019-01-01
3-D mapping to develop geographic understanding for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.,
South Carolina Council for the Social Studies. 2017-09-01
Climate change in higher education: Including students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. ,
Division for Career Development and Transition Convention 2016-10-01
The impact of peer-delivered 3D mapping instruction on knowledge of campus locations and navigation among college students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.,
Division for Career Development and Transition Convention 2016-10-01
Student exit summary. Invited professional development presentation for New York State Transition Services Professional Development Support Center.,
Online webinar provided for the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability at Cornell University. 2016-03-01
Evidence-based practices for learners with significant disabilities.,
South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference. 2016-01-01
Purposeful instructional planning for special educators.,
South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children Conference. 2016-01-01
Evidence-based practices for learners with significant disabilities.,
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 64th Conference on Exceptional Children. 2014-11-01
Scholars with diverse abilities program at Appalachian State University: Recommendations from the first four years. ,
State of the Art Conference on Post-Secondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities 2014-11-01
Inclusive college for students with intellectual disabilities.,
North Carolina Division for Career Development and Transition Annual Conference 2014-04-01
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