Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Impact of North Korean Threats on Housing Prices in South Korea: A Research Note. International Real Estate Review. 27:361-371. 2024-12-01
- “Influences on Mutual Fund Performance: Comparing US and Europe Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis,”. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja. 1-22. 2019-12-01
- A Bump in the Road: Speed Bumps’ Impact on Property Values. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis. 12:43-58. 2019-01-01
- Factors Explaining Spanish Student Performance in Introductory Finance and Economics Classes. Journal of Financial Education. 44:324-343. 2018-12-01
- Regional innovation and firm performance. Journal of Business Research. 88:357-362. 2018-05-01
- Factors Influencing Mutual Fund Performance: A Fuzzy-set Analysis. International Review of Economics and Finance. 2018-01-01
- Business School Grading on Both Sides of the Atlantic. Journal of Business Research. 69:5106-5110. 2017-11-01
- Honor Codes and Perceptions of Cheating. Journal of Economics and Finance Education. 16:40-54. 2017-01-01
- The Financial Crisis and the Wealth-impact of Liquidity Infusions for Publicly-traded Banks. Academy of Economics and Finance Journal. 5:25-30. 2015-05-01
- Real estate ownership and closely-held firm value. Journal of Property Investment and Finance. 32:229-243. 2014-03-01
- Sleep Deprivation and Finance Student Performance. Journal of Financial Education. 39:31-46. 2013-10-01
- The Relationship Between the Real Estate and Stock Market in Poland. Real Estate Issues. 38:8-17. 2013-10-01
- Using the Scenario Method to Analyze Cheating Behaviors. Journal of Academic Ethics. 11:17-33. 2013-03-01
- Biotechnology Valuation and Governance: Drug Development and Board of Director Composition. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology. 19:7-23. 2013-01-01
- Describing REIT Prices and the Real Estate Bubble Using the Dividend Growth Model. Journal of Financial Education. 38:11-21. 2012-11-01
- Are My Colleagues Soft on (Academic) Crime?. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. 12:55-64. 2011-04-01
- Hurricane Risk and Coastal Property Owner Choices. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment / Emerald. 2. 2011-04-01
- The Significance and Certification of Shelf Registration Offerings.. Southern Business and Economic Journal. 33. 2010-12-01
- Instructional Issues Confronting the Finance Professor and the Working Student Enrolled in an Early Morning Class. Journal of Instructional Techniques in Finance. 1-5. 2010-11-01
- The Finance Professor Teaching an Early Morning Class. Journal of Instructional Techniques. 1. 2010-01-01
- Home-Buyer Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls. The Appraisal Journal. 77:338-347. 2009-10-01
- Coastal Homeowner Responses to Hurricane Risk Perceptions. Journal of Housing Research. 17:49-60. 2008-01-01
- Ownership Structure, Expectations and Short Sales on the Nasdaq. Journal of Economics and Finance/Springer. 31:33-48. 2007-04-01
- Hurricanes, Catastrophic Risk and Real Estate Market Recovery. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management. 13:179-190. 2007-01-01
- Liquid Asset Holdings, Firm Value and Private Placements of Equity. Journal of Economics and Finance/Springer. 29:321-336. 2005-10-01
- Catastrophic Risk and the Behavior of Residential Real Estate Market Participants. Natural Hazards Review. 92-97. 2002-08-01
- Does High Short Interest Lead Underperformance?. CFA Digest. 32:56. 2002-02-01
- Catastrophic risk, homeowner response, and wealth-maximizing wind damage mitigation. The Financial Services Review. 11:327-340. 2002-01-01
- “Glued Together, But Miles Apart, Headley’s Section 1031 Like-Kind Property Exchange,”. The Journal of Finance Case Research. 2:31-42. 2001-12-01
- Determinants of Economics Homework Performance. The Journal of Economics and Economics Education Research. 2:13-20. 2001-10-01
- Hurricanes, Housing Market Activity and Coastal Real Estate Values. The Appraisal Journal. 69:379-387. 2001-10-01
- Costly Short Sales on the NASDAQ. Journal of Investing. 10:45-52. 2001-07-01
- The Cost of Coastal Storm Surge Damage Reduction. Cost Engineering,. 43:38-44. 2001-03-01
- Firm Value and Optimal Levels of Liquidity. Columbia University/Garland Publishing. 2001-12-01
- Impacts of Insurance Deductibles and Hurricane Damage Perceptions on Mitigation Choices. Nova Science Publishing. 115-123. 2005-01-01
- Using SAS in Financial Research. Journal of Financial Research/Wiley. 307-308. 2004-07-01
- Hurricanes and Homeowner Decision Making. Journal of Financial and Economic Practice. 1-11. 2010-10-01
- Is COVID Still Impacting the Real Estate Market?. WilmingtonBiz Insights. 2023-06-01
- COVID and the Cape Fear Residential Real Estate Market. Greater Wilmington Business Journal. 2021-06-01
- Speed Bumps: Reduced Speeds And Lowered Housing Values. Greater Wilmington Business Journal. 2015-11-01
- The Housing Bubble, the Cameron School and Real Estate. Wilmington Business Journal. 1-5. 2014-09-01
- The Economic Impacts of Carolina Beach Inlet Navigability on Waterfront Property Values. Chris Dumas and Brendan Manley. 2018-06-01
- Economic Impact Study of Manufacturing/Distribution Facility in Sampson County, North Carolina. . 41. 2009-07-01