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Regional Innovation and Firm Performance,
GIKA Lisbon 2017-06-01
Business school grading on both sides of the Atlantic,
General Information and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) 2016-03-01
Can Assurance of Learning Assessment Test Results be used to Determine Discipline-Specific Determinants of Success for a Capstone Business Course?,
Southeast INFORMS 2015-10-03
Factors Influencing Finance and Economics Student Performance in Spain and the United States,
Financial Education Association 2015-09-01
Determining the Propensity for Academic Dishonesty Using Decision Tree Analysis,
Southeast INFORMS 2014-10-03
Finance and Economics Student Performance in the United States and Spain: Contrasts and Similarities,
Financial Education Association 2013-09-01
Faculty Observables and Self-Reported Responsiveness to Academic Dishonesty,
Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting 2013-02-15
The Impact of Religion on Economic Ideology,
Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting 2013-02-14
Multinomial Logit Analysis of Student Academic Dishonesty: Using the Scenario Method to Analyze Crime in the Classroom ,
Financial Education Association 2012-09-15
Investigating the Impact of Recruiting on NCAA Basketball Success,
Western Economic Association 2012-06-30
Lipstick on a Pig? Honor Codes and Perceptions of Cheating,
AEF Annual Meeting 2012-02-09
Faculty Perceptions of Academic Integrity,
Financial Education Association 2011-09-23
Are my Colleagues Soft on Academic Crime?,
Academy of Economics and Economic Education 2011-04-01
Hurricane Risk and Coastal Property Owner Choices,
ARES 2011 International Conference 2011-04-01
Evolution of a Modified Honor Code at a Medium-sized Pulic University,
NASPA 2011-03-01
It's the Students, Stupid: Student Cheating and Perceptions of Snitching,
Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Conference 2011-02-10
North Carolina Coastal Homeowner Adaptation to Changing Hurricane Risk,
The Coastal Society 22nd International Conference 2010-06-16
Are my Colleagues Soft on (Academic) Crime?,
Annual Meetings 2010-02-01
Home-Buyer Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls,
Hurricane Floyd Symposium 2009-09-18
Hurricanes and Homeowner Decision-Making ,
Hurricane Floyd Symposium 2009-09-18
Early Morning Classes and Finance Student Performance,
Financial Education Association 2009-09-01
The Eight O'clock Class and Student Performance,
Annual Meetings 2009-02-01
Real Estate Market Sentiment and Hurricane Landfalls,
Southern Finance Association 2008-11-01
Impacts of Insurance Deductibles and Hurricane Damage Perceptions on Mitigation Choices,
Annual Meetings 2008-02-01
Homeowner Responses to Hurricane Risk Perceptions,
Southern Finance Association 2007-11-01
The Impact of Perceived Hurricane Risk on Homeowner Mitigation Behavior,
Annual Meetings 2007-02-01
Catastrophic Damages, Hurricanes and Homeowner Risk Aversion,
American Real Estate Society 2006-04-01
Does Law Enforcment Impact Problematic Undergraduate Drinking?,
Annual Meetings 2006-02-01
Hurricane Risk Perceptions and Mitigation Choice,
Academy of Economics and Finance 2006-02-01
The Impact of Perceived Hurricane Risk on Homeowner Mitigation,
Southern Economics Association annual meeting 2005-11-17
Catastrophic Risk, Hurricane Damage, and Homeowner Risk Aversion,
Southern Finance Association 2005-11-01
Estimating Homeowner Risk Aversion to Hurrican Damage: A Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Approach,
American Real Estate Society 2005-04-01
Illicit Drugs and Economics: Examples for the Principles Classroom,
Annual Meetings 2005-02-01
Student Quantitative Literacy: Importance, Measurement, and Correlation with Economic Literacy,
Annual Meetings 2005-02-01
Estimates of Coastal Homeowner Risk Aversion to Hurricane Damage,
Southern Economics Association annual meeting 2004-11-21
Impacts of Insurance Deductibles and Hurricane Damage Perceptions on Mitigation Choices,
Southern Finance Association 2004-11-01
The Impactso of Insurance Deductibles and Hurricane Damage Perceptions on Mitigation Choices,
Southern Economics Association annual meeting 2003-11-20
Catastrophic Events and Long Term Real Estate Market Behavior ,
Southern Finance Association 2003-11-01
Catastrophic Events and Long Term Real Estate Market Behavior ,
Southern Finance Association 2002-11-01