Watson, Jack C
Dean, College of Health & Human Services
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Rethinking the first-year experience during COVID: Trading spaces, pedagogies, and technology,
Annual Meeting of the American Kinesiology Association 2022-01-01
The new “Normal” of sport, exercise, and performance psychology: professional and ethical issues for practice in a pandemic,
AASP Annual Conference 2021-10-01
Transitioning into academic leadership position: What to know and consider,
AASP Annual Conference 2021-10-01
“I’m feeling the need to make copies of myself”: A descriptive study of practitioner perspectives in collegiate mental health and sport psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2021-10-01
Differences in stigma and attitudes toward counseling between college student-athletes and nonathletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2020-10-01
Drawing out the student-athlete voice: Satisfaction with mental health service availability and desired changes,
AASP Annual Conference 2019-10-01
Predictors of mental health service use among Division-I student-athletes and implications for practitioners,
AASP Annual Conference 2019-10-01
Stigma, attitudes, and intentions to seek help in collegiate student-athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2019-10-01
The relationships among self-compassion, stigma, and attitudes toward counseling in student-athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2019-10-01
Applied Sport Psychology Supervision: A Survey of Students and Professionals,
AASP Annual Conference 2018-10-01
Crossing the Boundary Line: Understanding Identity and Overconformity in Collegiate Volleyball Players ,
AASP Annual Conference 2018-10-01
Cultural Awareness of Sport Psychology Practitioners,
Asian South PASP Conference 2018-04-01
Developmental Characteristics of Novice Practitioners: Current Knowledge and Future Directions,
AASP Annual Conference 2018-02-01
Perceptions of and Approaches to LGBTQ Athlete Inclusion,
AASP Annual Conference 2018-02-01
Teaching Practice-Based Ethics in Graduate Programs: A "How-to" Approach for Sport Psychology Professionals and Students,
AASP Annual Conference 2018-02-01
Consulting from the edge: Legal and ethical issues to consider when consulting with clients from a distance,
AASP Annual Conference 2017-10-20
Ethical beliefs and behaviors of sport psychology practitioners,
AASP Annual Conference 2017-10-19
Keep Calm and get over it: An examination of post-shot routines in skilled and professional golfers internationally,
AASP Annual Conference 2017-10-19
Exam based certification: What does it mean for the international sport psychology professional?,
14th World Congress of International Society of Sport Psychology 2017-07-01
Global efforts in developing credentialing systems for sport and exercise psychologists: Four organizational perspectives (AASP, FEPSAC, EFPA, and ISSP),
14th World Congress of International Society of Sport Psychology 2017-07-01
An Evening of Ethics: Overview, Cases and Discussion,
Big Sky Sport Psychology Group Annual Meeting 2017-01-01
AASP Certification: Exam Development and Future Direction,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
AASP Certification: Next Steps for Fellows,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
Better Together: A Case Study Workshop for Students,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
In the Hole or in the Pond, now what? Post-Shot routines: A conceptual model for enhancing golf performance,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
Taboo Talks in Sport Psychology: Managing Ethically Challenging Conversations in Teaching, Research, and Practice,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
The Internationalization of Training in Sport and Exercise Psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2016-09-01
Career paths for young professionals: Engaging in sport psychology post-graduation,
AASP Annual Conference 2015-10-01
High school coaches’ perceptions of efficacy to work with gay, lesbian, and bisexual athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2015-10-01
Passing the torch: Intergenerational Perspectives on sport psychology supervision,
AASP Annual Conference 2015-10-01
Shaping the Future of Certification and Practice: Results of the Job Task Analysis,
AASP Annual Conference 2015-10-01
A Clinical and Ethical Approach to Working with Athletes,
Halmstad University Faculty and Students Meeting 2015-01-01
An Evening of Ethics: Overview, Cases and Discussion,
Big Sky Sport Psychology Group Annual Meeting 2015-01-01
Community Based Sport and Physical Activity Research Projects at West Virginia University,
Halmstad University Faculty and Students Meeting 2015-01-01
Coalition for the advancement of graduate education and training in the practice of sport psychology: Voluntary program recognition for sport psychology practice graduate programs,
AASP Annual Conference 2014-10-01
Future of Certification Ad Hoc Committee: Summary of information,
AASP Annual Conference 2014-10-01
Coalition for the Advancement of Graduate Training in the Practice of Sport Psychology: Undergraduate Double Major,
AASP Annual Conference 2013-10-01
Future of Certification Ad Hoc Committee: Summary of information,
AASP Annual Conference 2013-10-01
Creating a more transparent organization (AASP),
2013 Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology 2013-07-01
Key initiatives of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology,
2013 Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology 2013-07-01
Promoting the profession of sport and exercise psychology into the future,
2013 Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology 2013-07-01
Suggestions for improving CC-AASP certification process,
2013 Congress of the International Society of Sport Psychology 2013-07-01
Team approaches to care for athletes and performing artists,
Joint Commission on Sports Medicine and Science Annual Conference 2013-02-01
A Clinical and Ethical Approach to Working with Athletes,
Halmstad University Faculty and Students Meeting 2013-01-01
AASPirations for a Bigger Tomorrow,
AASP Annual Conference 2012-10-01
Examining the Impact of Mentoring on Retention of Collegiate Women Coaches,
AASP Annual Conference 2012-10-01
Preliminary findings: Future of Certification Ad Hoc Committee,
AASP Annual Conference 2012-10-01
So you want to become a sport psychologist?,
2012 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2012-08-01
Intercollegiate Athletic Operations in Times of Financial Constraint: Examining perceptions of Critical Stakeholders,
North American Association of Sport Management Annual Conference 2012-05-01
Pre-service Physical Education Teacher’s Stress,
National Association for Sport and Physical Education Conference 2012-03-01
Dispositional differences of collegiate athletes' flow state,
AASP Annual Conference 2011-10-01
Ethical Challenges to Teaching, Research and Consulting in Applied Sport Psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2011-10-01
Student’s preference for doctoral programs in applied sport & exercise psychology: A consumer-market analysis,
AASP Annual Conference 2011-10-01
The consulting world is flat: Technical and ethical issues related to consulting from a distance,
AASP Annual Conference 2011-10-01
Using sport psychology as a youth sport coach,
AASP Annual Conference 2011-10-01
Characteristics of Sport psychology Practitioners: Using a Multivariate Consumer Analysis to Determine Athletes’ Preferences,
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2011-08-01
Athletes’ preferential qualities of sport psychology practitioners: A conjoint analysis,
AASP Annual Conference 2010-10-01
Ethics in applied sport psychology from community to professional sport,
AASP Annual Conference 2010-10-01
Identifying and handling ethical issues in the new millennium,
AASP Annual Conference 2010-10-01
Self-determination theory and Coakley’s unidimensional identity model: An evaluation of relevant measures for the assessment of youth sport burnout,
AASP Annual Conference 2010-10-01
The effects of goal setting on flow state,
AASP Annual Conference 2010-10-01
Ethical challenges for port psychologists in the 21st century,
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2010-08-01
Individual differences of psychological characteristics of athletes’ trait flow,
2010 International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Sciences 2010-08-01
Keynote: Anger and violence prevention: Strategies for helping athletes perform better ,
9th Chinese National Sport Psychology Conference 2010-05-01
Teacher stress and burnout: Strategies for surviving in the schools,
2010 Conference West Virginia Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 2010-04-01
A clinical and ethical approach to working with athletes,
Society for Sport and Exercise Psychology Annual Conference 2009-12-01
Camp New You: A health promotion program for at-risk youth,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
Developmental considerations in athlete burnout: A model for youth sport participants,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
Ethical issues for the culturally competent practitioner,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
Examination of the factorial validity and reliability of the Chinese versions of the dispositional flow scale-2 and the flow state scale-2,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
Exploring coach’s beliefs and behaviors regarding sports ethics: A key element of coaching education,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
What’s a coach to do: Ethical issues for the real world,
AASP Annual Conference 2009-09-01
Ethics and coaching,
Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2009-08-01
Effect of goal setting difficulty on self-regulation and serving success in table tennis,
12th World Congress of the International Society for Sport Psychology 2009-07-01
Factorial Invariance: A cross-cultural examination of the competitive aggressiveness and anger scale,
12th World Congress of the International Society for Sport Psychology 2009-07-01
International practitioner diversity training. An overview of the current state of art,
12th World Congress of the International Society for Sport Psychology 2009-07-01
Camp New You @ WVU,
2009 Annual Conference of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 2009-03-01
The ethical issues involved with the care of collegiate and elite athletes – Decision making made easier,
2009 Big Sky Sport Psychology Group Annual Meeting 2009-01-01
Developing the measure of mental toughness for athlete,
AASP Annual Conference 2008-10-01
East meets west: A cross-cultural psychometric evaluation of the AIMS,
AASP Annual Conference 2008-10-01
Ethics in research within the field of applied sport psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2008-10-01
The athletic identity maintenance model: Where identity and aggressiveness collide,
AASP Annual Conference 2008-10-01
Supervision issues for graduate students in applied sport psychology,
2008 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2008-08-01
Alcohol and collegiate athletes: Overview, assessment, referral, and intervention,
2008 Governor’s Summit on Alcohol Use in Higher Education 2008-05-01
Exploring the factors associated with mental toughness of athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2007-10-01
Measuring clients’ readiness to utilize psychological skills training,
AASP Annual Conference 2007-10-01
Sport consultation and social support preferred by Japanese and American college athletes,
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology 34th Annual Conference 2007-10-01
Supervision issues in applied sport psychology: An international survey,
AASP Annual Conference 2007-10-01
Athletes’ and coaches’ perspectives of effective sport psychology consultants,
2007 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2007-08-01
Professional issues in the practice of applied sport and exercise psychology,
Universities of China Meeting 2007-05-01
Training in applied sport psychology in America,
Universities of China Meeting 2007-05-01
Counseling children about their BMI results: The role of school personnel,
CARDIAC: Meeting the Challenges of 2010 2007-04-01
The application of counseling psychology with elite athletes,
8th Chinese National Sport Psychology Conference 2006-11-01
The provision of sport psychology services to elite athletes in the United States,
8th Chinese National Sport Psychology Conference 2006-11-01
An evaluation of graduate student mentoring programs in sport and exercise psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2006-09-01
Athletes’ multicultural backgrounds and experiences and their preferred consultant characteristics and backgrounds,
AASP Annual Conference 2006-09-01
Ethics and organizational consultation in applied sport psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2006-09-01
Stage of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy for psychological skills training: Differences among elite female athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2006-09-01
The influence of coaching staff cohesion on team cohesion and performance,
AASP Annual Conference 2006-09-01
Ethical issues of Internet use in practice of sport psychology,
2006 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association 2006-08-01
Building sport psychology into your clinical practice,
2005 Annual Conference West Virginia Psychological Association 2005-11-01
An assessment of graduate students’ perceptions of diversity training in sport and exercise psychology,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
Ethics and teaching applied sport psychology in academic settings,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
Health behaviors of college students: Gender and motivation,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
Measuring performance anxiety in pre-service teachers,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
Teacher practitioner dual-role relationships: How do we handle them?,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
The coach-athlete dyad: The impact of an educational intervention on athlete’s perceptions and psychosocial variables,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
The effects of explanatory style on bowling performance,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
The interaction of goal orientation and stage of change on exercise behavior in college students,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
You never get a second chance to make a first impression: Physical appearance and the perceived effectiveness of a performance enhancement consultant,
AASP Annual Conference 2005-10-01
Ethical training in sport psychology programs: Current training standards,
2005 Bi-Annual Congress of the International Society for Sport Psychology 2005-08-01
An evaluation of the effects of brief exercise on mood in physical education classes,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Collegiate athletes drinking behaviors: A comparison between division I and II universities,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Collegiate athletes’ perspectives on support seeking,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Comparing physical activity patterns and perceived benefits of new and habitually active college students,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Comparison of age and achievement goal orientation on female aerobic class participants’ exercise identity and self-determined motivation,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Does alcohol consumption among intercollegiate athletes differ by sport type?,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Effective, ethical supervision: Who cares? ,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Ice hockey players’ perceived legitimacy of aggression: An examination at the youth, high school, collegiate and professional levels,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Student recreation centers: A comparison of users and non-users on psychosocial variables,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Televised sport aggression: The effects of sport news media on hostility in athletes and non-athletes,
AASP Annual Conference 2004-09-01
Coaches and athletic trainers’ use of and self-efficacy for psychological skills training,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
Establishing a hierarchy of psychological skills: Psychologists’ perceptions of competence and effectiveness,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
Exercise and smoking behaviors among new exercisers and habitually active college students,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
Home field advantage: The effects of new stadiums on team performance,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
Mentoring physical education faculty: What works in PETE and sport psychology?,
2003 NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education Conference 2003-10-01
Performance enhancement workshop series: An investigation of its empirical effectiveness,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
The effects of multiple goal setting strategies on anxiety and performance,
AAASP Annual Conference 2003-10-01
Applied sport psychology supervision: A survey of students and professionals,
2003 Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association 2003-08-01
Anger management: Useful techniques for business and industry,
Celltron Meeting 2003-07-01
Ethical beliefs and behaviors of AAASP members,
AAASP Annual Conference 2002-10-01
Grant writing in sport psychology: Learning from experience,
AAASP Annual Conference 2002-10-01
The sport official: Understanding the development of expertise,
AAASP Annual Conference 2002-10-01
An overview of anger management and violence prevention programs,
Counseling Psychology Program 2002-04-01
A multifaceted approach for anger management / violence prevention with at-risk youths,
Clinical Psychology Department at West Virginia University 2002-03-01
A good theory is the most practical tool in sport psychology – A series of applied simulations,
AAASP Annual Conference 2001-10-01
A risk management approach to ethical behavior in sport and exercise psychology practice,
AAASP Annual Conference 2001-10-01
APA Pre-doctoral Internships: A survivor’s guide for Students Interested in Sport Psychology,
AAASP Annual Conference 2001-10-01
Athletes and eating disorders: Working with anorexia nervosa,
AAASP Annual Conference 2001-10-01
Sport psychology training during APA internships: Myths and realities,
AAASP Annual Conference 2001-10-01
Gaining applied sport experiences: Transitions between educational sport psychology and counseling,
AAASP Annual Conference 2000-10-01
Integrating Internet and e-mail technology into applied sport psychology: A new approach to intervention and education,
AAASP Annual Conference 2000-10-01
Obtaining a post-doctoral respecialization in counseling psychology,
AAASP Annual Conference 2000-10-01
Successful ethical consulting: recognizing, resolving and preventing ethical dilemmas in your practice with athletes,
AAASP Annual Conference 2000-10-01
The Internet: Ethical implications for the field of sport psychology,
AAASP Annual Conference 2000-10-01
Expert golf putting: Better prediction and higher consistency of ball trajectories,
1999 Annual Conference of the Psychonomic Society 1999-11-01
Student-athletes: Improving our understanding of their fears, wants and needs,
36th Annual Southeastern Conference of Counseling Center Personnel 1999-10-01
The effects of cognitive-affective stress management training on game-time stress in high school volleyball coaches,
AAASP Annual Conference 1999-09-01
Achievement goal orientation as a function of sport type, gender, and ethnicity,
1999 Southeastern Sport Psychology Student Symposium 1999-07-01
Ethics for future professionals,
AAASP Annual Conference 1998-09-01
Ethics: What are they and how do we learn them?,
AAASP Annual Conference 1998-09-01
Parental involvement in the planning of youth sport programs: A comparison of two cities,
AAASP Annual Conference 1998-09-01
Athletes at risk: A psychological perspective,
South East American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1998-01-01
Stress reactivity prior to intense physical activity,
AAASP Annual Conference 1997-09-01
Emotional responses prior to intense physical activity,
Southeastern Sport and Exercise Psychology Student Symposium 1997-02-01
Arousal responses of division I coaches during competition: A qualitative analysis,
AAASP Annual Conference 1996-10-01
The effects of a preshot routine emphasizing anxiety reduction techniques on golf putting performance,
1994 Midwest District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Conference 1994-02-01