Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Transforming departmental professional development: Developing colleagues in a learning community using appreciative inquiry. To Improve the Academy. 41. 2022-11-01
- Examining the impact of institutional integration and cultural integrity on sense of belonging for Native students at non-Native colleges and universities. College Student Affairs Journal. 2021-11-01
- Factors Related to Native American Students’ Perceptions of Campus Climate. Journal of College Student Development. 61:267-280. 2020-06-01
- Leading positive change in higher education through appreciative inquiry: A phenomenological exploration of the strategic planning process. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management. 41:219-232. 2019-01-01
- Pathways into the profession: Native Americans in student affairs. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 55:386-398. 2018-07-01
- A call to action: Disrupting assimilation and colonization in fraternity and sorority life.. Essentials, Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. 1-4. 2017-10-01
- Suicide prevention for LGBT students -- Preventing College Student Suicide. New Directions for Student Services. 2013:55-69. 2013-01-01
- The Native American fraternal values movement: Past, present, & future. Perspectives, Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors. 1. 2008-01-01
- The creation and significance of the Indigenous student affairs CAS standards and guidelines. -- Beyond the asterisk: Understanding Native students in higher education.. Routledge. 2023-12-01
- An overview of relevant theories and models of practice. -- Handbook of Student Affairs Administration. Jossey-Bass. 115-135. 2023-01-01
- Widening the path: Reflection of two generations in academia -- Indigenous Motherhood in the Academy. Rutgers University Press. 2022-08-01
- Confronting colonization: Moving forward to remove barriers for Historically Native American Fraternities and Sororities -- Moving Culturally-Based Sororities and Fraternities Forward: Innovations in Practice. Peter Lang. 139-155. 2021-01-01
- Reframing leadership education and development for Native college students -- Shifting the Mindset: Socially Just Leadership Education. Information Age Publishing.. 2021-01-01
- Complexities of Authenticity -- Rethinking College Student Development Theory Using Critical Frameworks. Stylus. 126-141. 2019-08-01
- The historically Native American fraternity and sorority movement -- Beyond the Asterisk: Understanding Native Students in Higher Education. Stylus Publishing, LLC. 2013-01-01
- Appreciative Frameworks in Student Affairs. Wiley. 1-121. 2023-12-01
- Being an appreciative educator in today's world: Unknowingly and knowingly using appreciative frameworks in higher education -- Appreciative Frameworks in Student Affairs. Wiley. 11-17. 2023-12-01
- Editor's Notes -- Appreciative Frameworks in Student Affairs. Wiley. 5-10. 2023-12-01
- CAS Standards for Indigenous Student Affairs. Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS). 2021-01-01
- Examining the impact of institutional integration and cultural integrity on sense of belonging to predict intention to persist for Native American students at non-Native colleges and universities. . 2015-01-01
- From the margins with no reservations. AFA Essentials. 2012-05-01