Matthias, April D
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Developing Competencies to Advance Scholarship as a Journal Peer Reviewer,
National League for Nursing Education Summit 2024 2024-09-01
Alignment, Accessibility & Plans for Continued Success: Building the Foundation, Overcoming Gaps, & Adopting Policies for Online Program Design Certification,
2024 UNC System Quality Matters Council Annual Summit 2024-02-01
Advancing Scholarship for the Nursing Discipline: Innovative Strategies to Develop Doctoral Students as Journal Peer Reviewers,
American Association of Colleges of Nursing 2024 Doctoral Conference 2024-01-01
Leveraging Student-created Goals and Activities,
Distance Education and e-Learning Office 2023-02-01
The Power of the Past: Why and How to Engage Students with History,
Teaching and Learning Circle 2023-01-01
A Journey of Collaboration: Discovering the Power of History through a Primary Source,
Novant Health Nursing Research Council 2022-11-01
The Power of a Primary Source: Engaging Enthusiasts with History,
39th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: Nursing and Health Care History 2022-09-01
Using a Framework to Enhance Your Online Teaching ,
Teaching and Learning Circle 2022-09-01
The Evolution of Nursing in Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United States: North American Region Cultural Exchange Event,
46th Biennial Convention, Honor the Past, Remember the Present, Create the Future 2021-11-01
Innovation to Improve Information Literacy Skills of Nurse Educator Students,
EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2021 2021-07-01
Breaking Down Barriers to Information Literacy for Nursing Students,
National Student Nurses Association Annual Convention - Breaking Down Barriers: A Virtual Experience 2021-04-01
Untangling Typhoid: Comparing Early 20th Century Instruction for Quality, Evidence-based Nursing Care,
AAHN Talking History 2021 2021-03-01
Early 20th Century Nursing Correspondence Courses: Claiming Space within the History of Nursing Education 2020-10-01
Untangling Typhoid: Comparing Early 20th Century Instruction for Quality, Evidence-based Nursing Care,
37th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: Nursing and Health Care History 2020-05-01
The Chautauqua Nurses: Testimonies Illustrate Value for an Early 20th Century Correspondence Course in Nursing,
Florence 2020: International Conference on the History of Nursing 2020-02-01
An Early 20th Century Correspondence Course in Nursing: Questionable or Quality Education.,
36th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: Nursing and Health Care History 2019-09-01
Early 20th Century Medical and Nursing Education in Cincinnati: Advancements Made in the Interest of Efficiency and Economy,
Joint Meeting of the 4th Randolph International Nursing History and 21st Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science Conferences 2019-03-01
Teaching future educators to develop, design, and deliver an online learning module,
Online Learning Consortium Accelerate 2018 Conference 2018-11-01
Engaging Students with Nursing History through Intentional Course Design and Delivery,
35th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: Nursing and Health Care History 2018-09-01
Designing and Facilitating Development of a Learning Community in a Fully Online Asynchronous Accelerated Course,
The Technological Innovation in Digital Education (TIDE) Symposium 2018-02-01
Course Development: Aligning SLOs to Assessments,
SON Faculty Development 2017-12-01
Curriculum Mapping: Intentional Course Design to Meet Program Outcomes,
Course Development Workshop 2017-12-01
“Enhancing Student-student and Student-faculty Interaction Using Blackboard Learn Tools.”,
Online Teaching Workshop 2017-02-01
New Educational Pathways for Entry-Level Nursing Practice: Attempts to Differentiate a Professional Identity and Role,
33rd Annual American Association for the History of Nursing 2016-09-01
E-Learners in Fully Online Programs: CLosing the Gap between Prioirities and Satisfaction,
10th Annual National League for Nursing/Elsevier Technology Conference 2015-10-23
Who's on First? Is it enough that she is a woman? Analysis of an Early 20th Century Debate on the First Nurse Training School in America,
32nd Annual American Association for the History of Nursing 2015-09-19
Who’s on First? Is it enough that she is a woman? Analysis of an Early Twentieth-Century Debate on the First Nurse Training School in America.” ,
32nd Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: Nursing and Health Care History 2015-09-19
Using an Interdisciplinary and Interdepartmental Approach to Enhance a New Accelerated Online RN-BS Program ,
2nd Annual CHHS Research Day 2015 2015-04-10
From Map to Masterpiece: Creating Quality Online Courses ,
10th Annual South Eastern Nursing Staff Education Symposium (SENSES) 2014-10-25
From Training to Education: Establishing a Dual Diploma/BS Degree Professional Nursing Program of Study at the University of Cincinnati, 1914-1916,
31st Annual American Association for the the History of Nursing: Nursing and Health Care History 2014-09-20
U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps University of Cincinnati Accelerated BSN Program: The Quiet Patriotism of Becoming a Nurse, 1943-1946.,
31st Annual American Association for the the History of Nursing: Nursing and Health Care History 2014-09-20
Accelerated RNBS Program: Leading Change for an Online Education Initiative,
2014 National League for Nursing Summit: Flight of the Phoenix 2014-09-19
NSG 316: Professional Nursing Practice of the Baccalaureate Nurse,
Faculty Showcase of Online Courses 2014-04-23
RN to BS Online Accelerated Program and Sharestream Video Platform,
11th Annual Wilmington Information Technology eXchange (WITX) Conference 2014-04-08
Vietnam Nurses,
Vietnam Nurses 2014-03-12
POSTER - Barriers Preventing Resolution of the Entry-Level RN Debate,
30th Annual American Association for the History of Nursing Conference: The Art and Rhythm of Nursing through the Years 2013-09-28
POSTER - Reframing the Division of American Nursing Labor: Contemporary Events Dissolve Historical Barriers to Resolution of the Resurfacing Entry-Level RN Debate,
12th Annual Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference 2013-06-21
PODIUM - Reframing the Education-Practice Disorder: A History of the Decisions and Resurfacing Debate Surrounding the Development of Three Entry-Level Registered Nurse Educational Pathways—1873, 1916, and 1952,
26th Annual Southern Nursing Research Society Conference 2012-02-23
PODIUM - Reframing the Disorder of Multiple Entry-Levels to RN Practice: Historical Perspectives of Gender and Class Divisions Meet Contemporary Decisions of the “BSN in 10”,
Nu Omega STTI 2012-01-17
PODIUM - Reframing Disorder: Gender, Class, and the History of the Resurfacing Debate in Nursing,
PhD Hot Topic 2011-09-13
POSTER - The Resurfacing Debate: Historicla Perspectives of Mulitple Entry-Levels to RN Practice,
Sigma Theta Tau Research Day 2011-04-15
POSTER - The Resurfacing Debate: Historical Perspectives of Multiple Entry-Levels to RN Practice,
East Carolina University Research and Creative Achievement Week 2011-04-04
POSTER - The Resurfacing Debate: Historicla Perspectives of Mulitple Entry-Levels to RN Practice,
20th Annual Collaborative Nursing Research Day 2011-02-25
PODIUM - The Resurfacing Debate: Historical Perspectives of Mulitple Entry-Levels to RN Practice,
Laupus Health Sciences Library History Presentations 2010-11-29
PODIUM - Igniting a New Decade with a Visit to Nursing's Past,
North Carolina Association of Nursing Students Fall Conference 2010-10-08
POSTER - The History of Associated Degree Nursing: Why? How? & What Happened?,
18th Annual Collaborative Nursing Research day: Integrating Evidence-based Research into Practice 2009-02-27
POSTER - The History of Associate Degree Nursing: Why? How? & What Happened?,
23rd Annual Southern Nursing Research Society Conference: Interdisciplinary research: A road more or less traveled 2009-02-01
POSTER - The History of Associate Degree Nursing: Why? How? & What Happened?,
2nd Annual National League for Nursing Faculty Leadership Conference 2009-01-01
PODIUM - Nurse Researcher: The What, Why, and How's About It?,
North Carolina Association of Nursing Students Spring Conference 2008-05-01
POSTER - The History of Assoicate Degree Nursing: Why? How? & What Happened?,
East Carolina University Research adn Creative Achievement Week 2008-03-01
POSTER - Paradigm Shift: Global Innovative Pedagogies for Nurse Educators,
East Carolina University Research and Creative Achievement Week 2007-03-27
POSTER - Paradigm Shift: Global Innovative Pedagogies for Nurse Educators,
16th Annual Collaborative Nursing research day: Simulations in Nursing Education: An Opportunity for research 2007-03-02
POSTER - Paradigm Shift: Global Innovative Pedagogies for Nurse Educators,
21st Annual Southern Nursing research Society Conference: Translational research: Bridge or Destination? 2007-02-01
Laerdal Simulation Manikin 101,
Faculty Workshop 2006-01-04
PODIUM - A Comparison of Clinical Reasoning Abilites in Senior Baccalaureate Nursing Students: Authentic Clincial Experiences versus Human Simulations,
9th National Conference for Nurse Educators: Assessing Program Outcomes 2004-10-13
Research Overview
Nursing History Nursing Education Online Education Development of Professional Role and Identity
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Professional Role Transition Nursing History Nursing Education Distance Education/Learning