Lee, Lorraine S
Cameron Distinguished Professor
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Individual Investor Response to Cybersecurity Breach Announcements,
International Symposium on Accounting Information Systems 2023-06-01
A Multi-Method Examination of Investor Response to Cybersecurity Breach Annoucements,
Joint Midyear Meeting of the AIS, SET, and International Sections Conference 2023-01-01
Two Heads are Better Than One: Team Teaching, Technology Integration, and Collaboration Between Accounting Sub-Disciplines,
AAA Annual Meeting Effective Learning Strategies Forum 2022-08-01
SQL and Alteryx: A Mental Model Approach to Teaching Data Analytics Foundational Skills,
AIS/SET Joint Midyear Meeting 2022-01-01
Textual Analysis: Are accounting professionals using it?,
Hawaii Accounting Research Conference 2022 2022-01-01
Are Investment Decisions Suboptimal When AI is the Source of Financial Information?,
Accounting, Behavior and Origanizations Section Midyear Meeting 2021-10-01
Everything Old is New Again: Repurposing an Excel / Access Exercise with Alteryx,
AIS Educators Conference 2021-07-01
Cyberattacks and Accounting Education: The Case of NotPetya and FedEx,
AIS / SET Midyear Meeting 2021-02-01
Blockchain: An Experiential Accounting Learning Activity,
AAA AIS/SET Section Midyear Meeting 2020-01-01
Tax Retirement Savings and Excel: A Decision-Making Case,
AAA AIS/SET Section Midyear Meeting 2020-01-01
Developing a Microsoft Access Database to Support the AICPA General Ledger Audit Data Standard,
AIS Educators Conference 2019-06-21
IT Audit: Supporting the Audit Team with the AICPA General Ledger Data Standard,
AIS Educators Conference 2019-06-21
XBRL in the Accounting Curriculum,
AIS Educators Conference 2018-06-21
Blockchains and Bitcoins: A framework for teaching emerging technologies,
AAA AIS/SET Midyear Meeting 2018-01-18
Excel Jeopardy!: A Constructivist approach to teaching Excel shortcuts,
AAA AIS / SET Midyear Meeting 2018-01-18
Teaching Emerging Technologies and Accounting: Blockchains and Cybersecurity,
AAA AIS Bootcamp 2017-05-19
IT Controls Testing: Assessing the Effectiveness of User Access Management,
AAA AIS Section Meeting January 2017 2017-01-01
IT Controls Testing: Assessing the Effectiveness of User Access Management,
AIS Educators Conference 2016-06-01
The Role of Liminality in Transitioning and Learning from Project Failures,
ICIS 2015 SigITProjMgmt 2015-12-01
Examining the Relation between Career Success in the Accounting Field and Playing Golf: A Social Capital Perspective,
AAA Diversity Section Meeting 2015-11-07
To Convert or not to Convert: A Multi-level Tax Analysis of S-corporation Conversion with Excel,
American Taxation Association Midyear Meeting 2015-02-01
Intermediate Excel Assignments for Accounting Students,
AIS Education Conference 2013-06-29
Learning through Interactions: Improving Project Management Capabilities through Inter-Organizational Communities of Practice,
5th International Research Workshop on IT Project Management 2010-12-11
"The Impact of Expectations on XBRL Education: An Expectation-Confirmation Perspective",
Southeast Decision Sciences Institute - 40th Annual Meeting 2010-02-18
"Partial Least Squares Path Modeling and Accounting Research: A Methodological Note",
1st Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems 2009-12-15
"A Comparison of Compensatory and Non-Compensatory Decision Making Strategies in IT Project Portfolio Management",
4th Pre-ICIS International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management 2009-12-14
The Mediating Role of Absorptive Capacity on Inter-organizational Information Sharing,
Ninth International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems 2008-12-13
Understaging the Relationship among Strategy, IT, and Performance in the Health Care Context,
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2008-10-01