Higgins, Heidi Jean
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A phenomenological analysis of education major's international field experience to Ethiopia,
The Qualitative Report Tenth Annual Conference 2019-01-01
The Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs, Confidence, and Ability with Complex Computations,
2018 School Science and Math Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas 2018-10-20
Media, Math, and the Mathematical Mindset,
UNCW Beginning Teachers Workshop 2018-02-08
Preservice Teachers' Views of Mathematics, Mathematics Teaching, and Authority,
13th International Congress on Mathematical Education 2016-07-26
Blurring the Lines Between Disciplines: Is it Math or is it Science?,
School Science and Mathematics Association Conference 2015-01-01
Blazing a Trail through the Common Core ,
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014-04-01
Look Who's Talking: Using Math Talk to Promote Number Sense ,
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 2014-04-01
Using Blogs to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics,
SSMA Convention 2013-11-16
Math Trails as an Avenue to Explore the Common Core Standards ,
School Science and Mathematics Association 2013-11-01
Prospective elementary teachers' interpretations of a classroom scenario,
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2013-01-24
Prospective elementary teachers' interpretations of a classroom scenario,
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators 2013-01-24
Elementary Teachers’ Perceptions of Mathematical and Pedagogical Authority ,
NCTM Research Presession 2012-04-24
Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Espistomological Beliefs about Teaching Mathematics,
Research Speaks 2012-04-18
“Infusing the Arts for Engaging the Learners”. ,
UNCW WSE’s First Years of Teaching Support Program. 2012-02-24
Pre-Service Teachers' Intellectual Development May Impede their Ability to Learn Effective Pedagogy,
ATE: Creating a Global Community of Learners 2012-02-14
Pre-Service Teachers' Intellectual Development May Impede their Ability to Learn Effective Pedagogy,
ATE: Creating a Global Community of Learners 2012-02-14
Examining Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Espistomological Beliefs about Teaching Mathematics,
Homecoming Day Alumni Luncheon 2012-02-04
Elementary Teachers’ Definitions and Characterizations of “Good” Mathematics Teaching ,
School Science and Mathematics Association 2011-11-01
“Infusing the Arts for Engaging the Learners”. ,
UNCW Watson School of Education Professional Days 2011-10-25
Data Visualization Exercises and their Effects on Learning,
International Society for Technology in Education 2011-06-26
NCTM: Preservice Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs about Teaching and Learning Mathematics,
2011 Annual Meeting & Exposition 2011-04-15
Modern educational games and middle school mathematics 2010-06-01
Teacher Voices on Integrating Games in Middle School Classrooms ,
International Society for Technology in Education 2010-06-01
Effects of modern educational game play on attitudes towards mathematics, mathematics self-efficacy, and mathematics achievement 2010-05-01
Teacher experiences on the integration of modern educational games in the middle school mathematics classroom 2010-05-01
Effects of Serious Gameplay on Mathematics Acheivement and Self Efficacy,
Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2009-10-28
Is online a good substitute for face-to-face in mathematics methods courses?,
School Science and Mathematics Association 2009-10-01
Online vs. face-to-face: What works for undergraduate mathematics methods courses? ,
Association of Teacher Educators 2009-08-01
Video Podcasts as Professional Development,
Faculty Showcase: Diversity and Technology 2009-04-23
Six years of No Child Left Behind: Impacts on science curriculum and instruction,
Association for Science Teacher Education 2009-01-01
Six years of No Child Left Behind: Impacts on science curriculum and instruction,
Association for Science Teacher Education 2009-01-01
Pre-service teachers’ philosophies & intellectual development for planning and teaching problem-solving in an integrated context.,
Psychology of Mathematics Education 2007-10-01
Pre-service teachers’ philosophies & intellectual development for planning and teaching problem-solving in an integrated context.,
Psychology of Mathematics Education 2007-10-01
Quantitative Literacy for Social Justice,
International Conference of Teacher Education and Social Justice 2004-07-01
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