Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Mapping Interaction Design in Global Health Interventions: A Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 mHealth technologies. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 67:173-191. 2024-05-01
- Access as a participatory design principle: Grant writers moving from securing resources to codesigning with communities. Open Words. 14:73-95. 2022-12-01
- From anecdote to evidence: One program’s efforts to define STEM collaborators’ perceptions of successful writing instruction. Programmatic Perspectives. 13:130-157. 2022-12-01
- Developing a site specific art and humanities platform -- Past and Future Presence: Approaches for Implementing XR Technology in Humanities and Art Education. Amherst College Press. 145-180. 2024-05-01
- Participatory design -- Keywords in design thinking: A lexical primer for technical communicators & designers. The WAC Clearinghouse. 129-133. 2022-12-01
- From meteorological uncertainty to missing muffins: How university emergency managers manage uncertainty as a hurricane response strategy -- The handbook of disaster pedagogy for higher education. Rowman & Littlefield. 43-70. 2022-05-01