Kermani, Hengameh
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Exploring the Impact of a STEM Integration Teacher Professional Development Program on Early Childhood Teacher’s Pedagogical Beliefs ,
International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA) 2018-10-01
Does STEM-integrated professional development impact early childhood teachers’ pedagogical beliefs? A case study ,
American Educational Research Association 2017-04-01
Preservice teachers’ perceptions of using technology with young children: An applied experience ,
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2016-03-01
Using iPads in the classroom to teach young children early math skills ,
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2016-03-01
How does STEM work in pre-kindergarten classroom? A Head Start Case Study ,
Early Childhood Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (ECSTEM) 2016-02-01
American Educational Research Association 2015-04-20
Using iPads to Support Children's Learning of Mathematics ,
American Educational Research Association 2015-04-16
Importance of Play in the Early Years ,
Exploring Childhood; Growing up in a Security State 2015-04-08
STEM education in pre-kindergarten: A Head Start ,
American Educational Research Association 2015-04-01
ABC and 123: How children’s books can increase mathematical thinking ,
Cape Fear Association for Education of Young Children 2015-01-17
Engaging Prekindergarten Children in Science and Mathematics ,
Head Start's 12th National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2014-07-07
Reaching Potential: Incorporating Science, Mathematics, and Technology in Early Childhood Setting ,
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) 25th International Conference 2014-03-21
Internationalizing Teacher Education 2013-11-13
Technology Supported Math Instruction for Young Children from Low SES ,
American Educational Research Association 2013-04-01
Young children learning mathematics through computer games ,
Head Start’s 11th National Research Conference 2012-06-01
Using computer games to promote children’s mathematics learning ,
Innovations in Learning and Technology: Asia Pacific Perspectives 2012-04-01
Mathematics Computer Games and Young Children: Can They Enhance Learning? ,
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 2011-06-01
The effects of mathematics computer math games on pre-kindergartners’ learning of number sense: Exploring the significance of teacher’s scaffolding ,
American Educational Research Association 2011-04-01
The Effects of Mathematics Computer Math Games on Pre-kindergartners’ Learning of Number Sense: Exploring the Significance of Teacher’s Scaffolding. ,
American Educational Research Association 2011-04-01
Exploring Diversity and Promoting Anti-bias Curriculum for Young Children ,
7th Annual Celebrate Children 2009 2009-04-18
Research Overview
Social and cognitive bases of mother-child interaction; cross-cultural comparisons of parental cognitive mediators and their impact on children's learning; family literacy; cross-age tutoring; Integration of Math, Science, and Technology in early childhood curriculum
Principal Investigator On
Reaching Potential: Incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education in Early Childhood Settings
2013-03-01 - 2013-11-01
Reaching Potential: Incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education in Early Childhood Setting
2013-02-01 - 2013-06-01
Reaching Potential: Incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education in Early Childhood Settings,
2013-01-01 - 2013-06-01
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Teach courses in Early Childhood Education