Selected Publications
Academic Article
- The Antibiotic Peptide Daptomycin Functions by Reorganizing the Membrane. Journal of Membrane Biology. 254:97–108. 2021-02-01
- Lipidomic and Ultrastructural Characterization of the Cell Envelope of Staphylococcus aureus Grown in the Presence of Human Serum. mSphere. 5:e00339-20.. 2020-06-01
- A Quantitative Model of Daptomycin Binding to Lipid Bilayers. J. Phys. Chem. 122:9137-9146.. 2018-10-01
- Daptomycin-Phosphatidylglycerol Domains in Lipid Membranes.. Langmuir. 33:13669-13679.. 2017-11-01
- Lipid composition and thermal properties of the blubber of Gervais’ beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus) across ontogeny.. Marine Mammal Science. 33:695–705. 2017-01-01
- Binding of Daptomycin to Anionic Lipid Vesicles Is Reduced in the Presence of Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol.. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 60:5051-5053.. 2016-05-01
- Branched Phospholipids Render Lipid Vesicles More Susceptible to Membrane-active Peptides.. Biochem. et Biphysica Acta. 1858:988-994.. 2016-03-01
- Peptides with the same composition, hydrophobicity, and hydrophobic moment bind to phospholipid bilayers with different affinities.. J. Phys. Chem. B.. 118:12462-12470.. 2014-10-01
- Peptides with the same composition, hydrophobicity, and hydrophobic moment bind to phospholipid layers with different affinities.. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 12462-12470. 2014-10-01
- Lysylated Phospholipids Stabilize Models of Bacterial Lipid Bilayers and Protect Against Antimicrobial Peptides.. Biochem et Biphysica Acta. 1838:2198-2204.. 2014-04-01
- Lysylated phopholipids stabilize models of baterial bilayers and protect against antimicrobial peptides. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2014-01-01
- On the origin of multiphasic kinetics in peptide binding to phospholipid vesicles. J. Phys. Chem. B.. 116:951-957. 2012-01-01
- Molecular dynamics studies of transportan 10 (Tp10) interacting with a POPC bilayer. Journal of physical chemistry B. 115:1188. 2011-02-01
- Lysyl-PG Attenuates Membrane Perturbation Rather than Surface Association of the Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide 6W-RP-1 in a Model Membrane System – Implications for Daptomycin Resistance. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy/American Society for Microbiology. 2010-10-01
- Mechanisms of antimicrobial, cytolytic, and cell-penetrating peptides: from kinteics to thermodynamics. Biochemistry. 48:8083–8093. 2009-09-01
- Wasp mastoparans follow the same mechanism as the cell-penetrating peptide transportan. Biochemistry. 48:7342–7351. 2009-08-01
- Magainin 2 Revisited: A Test of the Quantitative Model for the All-or-None Permeabilization of Phospholipid Vesicles. Biophys J. 96:116-131. 2009-02-01
- The activity of the amphipathic peptide d-lysin correlates with phospholipid acyl chain structure and bilayer elastic properties.. Biophys J. 95:4748–4755. 2008-11-01
- A quantitative model for the all-or-none permeabilization of phospholipid vesicles by the antimicrobial peptide cecropin A. Biophys J. 94:1667–1680. 2008-03-01
- Small changes in the primary structure of transportan 10 alter the thermodynamics and kinetics of its interaction with phospholipid vesicles. Biochemistry. 47:3051–3060. 2008-03-01
- Investigation of domain formation in sphingomyelin/cholesterol/POPC mixtures by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and Monte Carlo simulations. Biophys J. 92:2422–2433. 2007-04-01
- Mechanism of the cell-penetrating peptide Tp10 permeation of lipid bilayers. Biophys J. 92:2434–2444. 2007-04-01
- Temperature and composition dependence of the interaction of -lysin with ternary mixtures of sphingomyelin/cholesterol/POPC. Biophys J. 91:2184–2197. 2006-09-01
- Thermodynamics of membrane domains. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1720:1-13. 2005-12-01
- Forensic Chemistry CHM 380 Laboratory Manual -- Forensic Chemistry CHM 380 Laboratory Manual. UNCW Publishers. 2020-01-01
- Interactions of antimicrobial peptides with lipid bilayers.. Comprehensive Biophysics/Elsevier. 189–222. 2012-04-01
- Binding and Permeabilization of Model Membranes by Amphipathic Peptides. Methods Mol. Biol./Humana Press/Springer Verlag. 155-169. 2010-01-01