Sikma, Lynn Marie
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Building resilience in beginning teachers: Using BRiTE in hybrid professional development for teachers in the U.S.,
Online Learning Consortium’s Accelerate 2019 Conference 2019-11-01
Developing leadership capacity in PDS Master Teachers,
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2019-04-01
Building capacity and maintaining partnerships to build a network of teacher leaders,
annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2019-02-01
Building resilience in beginning teachers,
annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2019-02-01
How can we engage in organic, school-university-community partnerships to advance our profession and create a new essential: Engaging the community?,
annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2019-02-01
Science fair buddies: A course-embedded partnership on experimental design,
annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2019-02-01
Building Teacher Resilience,
Southeast 2018 Beginning Teacher Summit 2018-06-01
Furthering the Education Profession: Partnerships in Action,
conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2018-03-01
Successful models of applied learning in K-12 school/university partnerships,
Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education 2018-03-01
Successful models of applied learning in K-12 university partnerships,
Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education 2018-03-01
The Evolution of a Leader in Elementary Science Education,
annual conference of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 2018-01-01
Collaborative Partnerships for Clinical Practice,
NC School University Partnership Summit 2017-10-01
Moving from School-Univeristy to School-University-Community,
NC School University Partnership Summit 2017-10-01
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Elementary Field Placement,
National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference 2017-01-01
Partnership in Action: Building a STEM Resource Lab,
National Association for Professional Development Schools Conference 2017-01-01
Incorporating Experimental Design and STEM in the Elementary Classroom,
North Carolina Science Teachers Association’s 46th Annual Professional Development Institute 2016-01-01
A Case Study Examination of the Needs of Two Novice Bilingual Elementary Teachers,
Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference 2016-01-01
Contextual Influences on Novice Elementary Teacher Job Satisfaction,
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2016-01-01
Elementary Science Methods Syllabus Shar,
School Science and Mathematics Association Conference 2015-01-01
Blurring the Lines Between Disciplines: Is it Math or is it Science?,
School Science and Mathematics Association Conference 2015-01-01
Using Qualitative Social Network Analysis to Determine Novice Teacher Needs,
Watson Faculty Research Showcase 2015-01-01
Using Qualitative Social Network Analysis to Determine Novice Teacher Needs,
Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference 2015-01-01
Creating a Culture of Mentoring,
9th Annual Illinois New Teacher Collaborative Induction and Mentoring Conference 2014-01-01
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