Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Required Minimum Distributions: Taxes and the Use of Life Insurance. Tax Notes. 184:835-837. 2024-07-01
- Required Minimum Distributions and the Three Month Grace Period. Tax Notes. 182:4. 2024-01-01
- Continue Working to Avoid Required Minimum Distributions. Tax Notes. 178:845-847. 2023-02-01
- Strategies to Reduce or Avoid Required Minimum Distributions. Tax Notes (State). 105:417-419. 2022-07-01
- Title: Strategies to Reduce or Avoid Required Minimum Distributions. Tax Notes (Federal). 176:545-547. 2022-07-01
- Required Minimum Distributions, Social Security, and Tax Strategies. Tax Notes. 172:467-470. 2021-07-01
- The turn-of-the-month effect in US sector exchange traded funds (ETFs). Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives. spring/summer 2021:20. 2021-07-01
- Social Security: Worries and Calculations. Tax Notes. 171:1421-24. 2021-05-01
- The SECURE Act and Inherited Non-Spouse IRAs. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 5-8. 2021-03-01
- The SECURE Act: Age, Life Expectancy Tables, and Stretch IRAs. Tax Notes. 170:pp. 4-11. 2021-03-01
- Retirement Challenges. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 2020-11-01
- Are NBA Players Paid to Perform in the Clutch?. The Sport Journal. 1-8. 2020-02-01
- NBA Referee Missed Calls. The Sport Journal. 1-8. 2019-01-01
- When to Take Social Security Benefits. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 26-30. 2019-01-01
- NBA Players' Pay and Performance: What Counts?. The Sport Journal. 2018-08-01
- Baby Boomers and Required Minimum Distributions from Retirement Portfolios. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 11-16. 2018-07-01
- Are There Bubbles in Your Retirement Portfolio?. Business Management Dynamics. 7:7-12. 2018-02-01
- Social Security under the Trump administration. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 2017-08-01
- The unintended consequences of government intrusion into the economy. Business Management Dynamics. 6:7-11. 2017-03-01
- CEO Pay and Company Performance in the Food and Tobacco Industry. International Journal of Management and Economics Invention. 6. 2016-06-01
- Is It Time to Sell Stock and Stock Mutual Funds in Retirement Accounts?. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 5-10. 2016-03-01
- Barnacles. Business and Economics Journal. 7. 2016-01-01
- CEO Pay Complexity: Necessary to Reduce Agency Problems. Compensation and Benefits Review. 47:71-74. 2015-04-01
- The Relationship between the Age of the CEO and Company Capital Investment. Business and Economics Journal. 6. 2015-01-01
- Locusts (with Jake Sigler). Business Management Dynamics. 4:10-14. 2014-08-01
- Hotline - Its Value in a Healthcare Organization Compliance Program. Journal of Global Development. 5:140-142. 2014-01-01
- The Pay Performance RelationshipSpanning CEO Tenure. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences. 5:38-43. 2014-01-01
- Compliance 101: What Corporate Integrity Agreements Reveal (with Linda Green Angus). Compliance Today. Vol. 4:p. 67-71. 2013-11-01
- The Roth 401(K) Plan - Pros and Cons. Journal of Global Business Development. Vol. 4:73-77. 2013-06-01
- Executive Perks. Journal of Global Business Development. Vol. 4:p. 72-75. 2012-06-01
- The U.S. Retail Industry: Are CEOs Paid for Performance?. International Review of Business and Social Sciences. Vol1:p. 33-39. 2012-06-01
- (with Compton,W.) NBA Gambling Inefficiencies: A Second Look. The Sport Journal. 15:1-14. 2012-01-01
- CEO Pay and Company Performance in the Media Industry. Business Management Dynamics. 1:17-23. 2011-11-01
- The Relationship of CEO Pay and Multinational Company Performance. Business and Social Sciences Review. Volume 1:103-108. 2011-09-01
- (with Compton, W.) Adjusting Savings to Reach Retirement Goals. Journal of Global Business Development. 3:77-79. 2011-06-01
- CEO Pay and Company Performance. Business and Economics Journal. Volume 11. 2011-03-01
- Retiring During Challenging Times: Adjustments and Sacrifices. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. Vol. 26:p. 30-33. 2010-07-01
- A Brief Overview of Executive Stock Options in Reducing the Agency Problem of Excessive Risk Aversion. Management Research News. Vol. 32:p. 0140-0148. 2009-07-01
- CEO Pay and Company Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. Vol. 25:p. 28-40. 2009-07-01
- New Accountants May Receive Complex Pay Packages Through Their Careers. New Accountant. Vol. 131:p. 12-15. 2008-10-01
- Required Minimum Distributions and the 50 Percent Penalty. Journal of Compensation and Benefits (Summer). Vol. 23:p. 13-15. 2008-07-01
- Working Beyond Age 70.5 – A Bonanza for Retirement Plan Owners. Financial Services Journal, June. 2008-06-01
- Distributions from Stretch IRAs. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. Vol. 23:p. 5-8. 2007-11-01
- The Stretch IRA Versus the CRUT: Strategies for Leaving Retirement Funds to Beneficiaries. Tax Notes. Vol. 115:p. 1139-1142. 2007-06-01
- Retirement Portfolio Value and Tax Implications When Delaying the First RMD Distributions. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. Vol. 2:11-15. 2006-10-01
- A Younger Spouse Lowers RMDs and Increases Portfolio Value for Older Retirees. Financial Services Journal. 2006-09-01
- Stock Options: Taxes and Tax Strategies for Employees. Tax Notes. Vol. 108:p. 425-427. 2005-07-01
- Help Avoid Outliving Income by Not Taking Social Security Early. Financial Services Journal. 2005-06-01
- Stock Options: Taxes and Tax Strategies for Employees,. Tax Analysts Today. 2005-06-01
- The Case for 401(K) Plan Participation of Investing in Stock Indices Instead of Individual Stocks or Managed Funds. Journal of Compensation and Benefits. 21:p. 35-37. 2005-01-01
- Substantially Equal Distributions from Retirement Plans. Employee Benefits, Compensation and Pension Law. 5. 2004-08-01
- Equal Distribution from Retirement Plans. Tax Notes. 103:p1250. 2004-06-01
- Substantially Equal Distributions from Retirement Plans. Tax Notes. Vol. 103:p. 1250-1253. 2004-06-01
- CEO Compensation: It's Link to Bank Performance. American Business Review. XIX. 2001-06-01