Phillips Bell, Anna Lena
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Guest editor,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2023-07-01
Reclaiming Meter,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2023-07-01
Reading at Malaprops Bookstore,
Asheville Poetry Review William Matthews Prize winners 2023-04-27
Reclaiming Meter: Strategies for Contemporary Poem-Making,
AWP 2023-03-01
Workshop on procedure and play in poetry,
Write Wilmington 2023-02-17
Master class in poetry,
North Carolina Writers’ Network Fall Conference 2022-11-19
Randolph College Visiting Writers Series 2022-11-03
Planned and hosted group reading,
Gilbert-Chappell Distinguished Poet series for eastern NC 2022-09-25
Guest editor,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2022-07-01
Reclaiming Meter,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2022-07-01
Reclaiming Meter,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2022-07-01
Guest editor,
Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference 2022-06-01
Guest editor,
Bread Loaf Environmental Writing Conference 2022-06-01
Guest editor, Bread Loaf Environmental Writing Conference,
Bread Loaf Environmental Writing Conference 2022-06-01
Editing for Poets,
Poetry by the Sea Conference 2022-05-01
Faculty reading,
Poetry by the Sea Conference 2022-05-01
Writing in the End Times,
Poetry by the Sea conference 2022-05-01
Writing in the End Times,
Poetry by the Sea Conference 2022-05-01
“Editing for Poets,”,
Poetry by the Sea conference 2022-05-01
Editors’ panel, University of Florida MFA Program Editors’ Weekend,
University of Florida MFA Program Editors’ Weekend 2022-04-01
Manuscript consultations, University of Florida MFA Program Editors’ Weekend,
University of Florida MFA Program Editors’ Weekend 2022-04-01
Reading at Carmine Street Metrics reading series,
Carmine Street Metrics reading series 2022-02-01
Guest lecture, Orion poetry workshop taught by Amber Flora Thomas,
Orion poetry workshop taught by Amber Flora Thomas 2022-01-01
Not Hope or Despair, but Attention: Poetry and/of Climate Crisis,
Transformations: Evolving Approaches to Teaching, Poetry, and the Natural World, West Chester University 2021-11-01
Plenary session, Transformations: Evolving Approaches to Teaching, Poetry, and the Natural World,
West Chester University 2021-11-01
Transformations: Evolving Approaches to Teaching, Poetry, and the Natural World,
Keynote reading 2021-11-01
Editing for Poets,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2021-07-01
Journal Publishing 101,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2021-07-01
Manuscript Consultations,
South Carolina Writers Association Conference 2021-04-01
Manuscript consultations, South Carolina Writers Association conference,
South Carolina Writers Association conference 2021-04-01
Reading at Khalisa Rae book launch reading,
Khalisa Rae book launch reading 2021-04-01
Rise Up, Go, Ladies! Remaking Ballads,
C.R.A.F.T. Festival, West Chester University 2021-04-01
Writing Life Q&A,
South Carolina Writers Association conference 2021-04-01
Teaching Editorial Best Practices to Students,
five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing 2021-03-01
Ecopoetics in the Classroom,,
workshop, Craft(ing) the Classroom: Poetry and Pedagogy virtual conference 2021-02-01
five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing,
five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing 2021-01-01
Manuscript Consultations,
C.D Wright Women Writers Conference 2020-11-01
five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing,
five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing 2020-11-01
Reading at Cordella magazine Labor Issue launch,
Cordella magazine Labor Issue launch 2020-10-01
This resonant, strange, vaulting roof’: Contemporary Sonnets Beyond Iambic Pentameter,
Sonnets from the American symposium 2020-10-01
Five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing,
Five-part roundtable series on teaching literary editing 2020-09-01
Smaller Songs book launch, with reading and virtual St Brigid Press print-shop tour,
Smaller Songs book launch 2020-09-01
Don’t Mess with Text: A Reading with Florida Review and Willow Springs, the Palace Room at Smoke,
AWP San Antonio 2020-03-01
Editing the Last Wild Places, panelist, with Elizabeth Dodd, Juan J. Morales, Tom Payton, and Laura-Gray Stree,
AWP, San Antonio, TX 2020-03-01
Love Poems in Place: Ecotone Poets in Fourteen Lines,
Love Poems in Place: Ecotone Poets in Fourteen Lines, panel organizer, AWP, San Antonio, TX 2020-03-01
Poetry on the Riverwalk: A Reading with Quarterly West,
Poetry on the Riverwalk: A Reading with Quarterly West 2020-03-01
Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop,
Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop 2019-12-01
Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop 2019-11-01
Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop 2019-11-01
Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop 2019-11-01
Uncanny Activisms: Poems as Spells, Curses, Prayers, and Blessings, panelist,
C. D. Wright Women Writers’ Conference 2019-11-01
Literary Matters reading, with George David Clark, Ishion Hutchinson, Didi Jackson, Marcia Karp, Oliver de la Paz, David Yezzi, and featured reader Major Jackson,
ALCSW Conference 2019-10-01
Panel presentation: Literary Magazine Editors,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2019-07-01
Panel presentation: Literary Magazine Editors, Sewanee Writers’ Conference,
Panel presentation: Literary Magazine Editors, Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2019-07-01
Sustained Attention: Writing, Printing, Editing,” on panel Art and Activism, Poetry and Editing: Helping to Build “Paradise,,
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference 2019-06-01
Editing Literary Magazines,
Poetry by the Sea conference 2019-05-01
Reading and sonnet-making workshop, with Eric Smith,
Reading and sonnet-making workshop, with Eric Smith 2019-05-01
Reading at Counter-Desecration: Collective Remedying Release Party,
Counter-Desecration: Collective Remedying Release Party 2019-04-01
A Woman’s Place: Ecotone Essayists Expand the Boundaries of Place-Based Writing,
panel chair, AWP, Tampa, FL 2019-03-01
Dear Lit Mag Editors: Now What?,
AWP, Portland, OR 2019-03-01
Editing Patriarchy: Women Editors Respond to Historic & Restorative Publishing, panelist, with Rachel Morgan, Sumita Chakraborty, Lauren Slaughter, & Melissa R. Sipin,
AWP, Portland, OR 2019-03-01
Hopkins Review and Literary Matters Lunch Poems and Prose,
Hopkins Review and Literary Matters Lunch Poems and Prose 2019-03-01
Reading at House Party Reading Series,
House Party Reading Series 2019-02-01
Faculty/Alumni Reading Series, with Daniel Tobin, Emerson College,
Faculty/Alumni Reading Series 2018-11-01
Reader and printer, Vandercooked Poetry Nights,
Vandercooked Poetry Nights, Asheville Bookworks 2018-10-01
Reading by honorable mention recipients in the Brockman-Campbell Book Award,
NC Poetry Society annual meeting 2018-10-01
Panel presentation: Literary Magazine Editors,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2018-07-01
First Books Reading,
West Chester poetry conference 2018-06-01
Author Talk Series at Athenian House,
Author Talk Series 2018-05-01
Sweet, Fraught South: Readings and Incitements to Write from Place,
panel chair and reader, Split This Rock Poetry Festival 2018-04-01
Reader and panelist, University of Mount Olive Literary Festival,,
Reader and panelist, University of Mount Olive Literary Festival 2018-03-01
Reading and guest lecture, Washington and Lee University,
Reading and guest lecture, Washington and Lee University 2018-03-01
Vassar Miller Poetry Prize 25th Anniversary Reading,
AWP, Tampa, FL 2018-03-01
Virginia Festival of the Book, reading at New Dominion Bookshop,
Virginia Festival of the Book 2018-03-01
making," "attention," "slow violence 2018-02-01
Girl at the State Line 2018-01-01
In Her Place: An Ecopoetical Reading and Incitement to Write from Where We Are,
C.D. Wright Women Writers Conference 2017-11-04
Flowere and Are 2017-11-01
In Her Place: An Ecopoetical Reading and Incitement to Write from Where We Are, panel chair, reader, and designer of zine with prompts from readers,
C. D. Wright Women Writers’ Conference 2017-11-01
The Natural World: Environmental Racism,
Reproductive Justice & Creative Writing, panel & reading with Danielle Purifoy, Earth Feathur, & Tammy Gomez, Salem College Center for Women Writers 2017-11-01
Reading, writing workshop at college farm, and guest lectures on poetry and nonfiction,
Reading, writing workshop at college farm, and guest lectures on poetry and nonfiction 2017-09-01
Magazine Editors' Panel,
Sewanee Writers' Conference 2017-07-20
Reading at Holler Salon at Sundress Academy for the Arts,
Holler Salon 2017-07-01
Big Energy Poets: Ecopoetry Thinks Climate Change 2017-06-30
Endearments (my honey, pumpkin, mouse, my dearest dear, my sweet) 2017-06-15
Reading at Literati Bookstore,
Literati Bookstore 2017-06-01
New Books Reading,
Poetry by the Sea 2017-05-26
Ecopoetical Possibilities: An Ecotone Reading,
Poetry by the Sea 2017-05-25
Reading at Ornament book launch at Satellite Bar and Lounge,
Ornament book launch 2017-05-01
What Can I Give You? 2017-04-10
Ecotone Poets of Place, panel chair and designer of zine with prompts from readers,
Poetry by the Sea 2017-04-01
New books panel,
Poetry by the Sea 2017-04-01
Ornament 2017-04-01
Sunday," "Strapless," "Green Man 2017-04-01
The Regulars’ Table feat. Anna Lena Phillips Bell and José Manuel Marrero Henríquez, a project of Detroit Research,
The Regulars’ Table feat. Anna Lena Phillips Bell and José Manuel Marrero Henríquez, a project of Detroit Research 2017-04-01
Overture 2017-03-15
Nantahala National Forest 2017-02-15
The Craft of Editing Poetry: Practices and Perspectives from Literary Magazine Editors, panel chair,
Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference 2017-02-01
Charms for Hemlock, letterpress-printed artist book featuring two poems first published in Big Energy Poets: Ecopoetry Thinks Climate Change (BlazeVOX, 2017) 2017-01-01
Some Ways In 2017-01-01
Featured speaker, The Watering Hole Poetry Retreat,
Featured speaker, The Watering Hole Poetry Retreat 2016-12-01
Honeysuckle 2016-10-15
Pears," "Dishwashing," "Nesting 2016-10-13
Hush," "June Swim," "Roustabout 2016-09-25
Qualifications for One to be Climbed by a Vine 2016-09-15
North Carolina Arts Council Fellows Reading,
North Carolina Arts Council Fellows Reading 2016-09-01
Scholars’ reading,
Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2016-07-01
Missive 2016-06-15
Piedmont 2016-06-01
Residents’ reading at Vermont Studio Center,
Residents’ reading 2016-06-01
Limax maximus 2016-05-20
Trillium 2016-05-15
From Tetrameter to Terza Rima: Prosody as a Catalyst for Discovery in the Workshop, panel chair and presente,
Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference 2016-05-01
Unhomemaking 2016-04-25
She Tells a Story exhibit opening and reading at Cameron Art Museum,
She Tells a Story exhibit opening and reading 2016-04-01
She Tells a Story,
Exhibitor 2016-03-18
Appalachian square-dance calling workshop 2016-01-01
Leap Up, letterpress-printed broadside of “Nantahala National Forest,” 2016-01-01
Word as Image: Visual Composition Strategies in the Endearments,
South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference 2015-11-01
NC Arts Council 2016 Literature Fellows Reading,
NC Arts Council 2016 Literature Fellows Reading 2015-10-01
Raleigh Review’s Southern Recitations series, reading with Malena Mörling,
Raleigh Review’s Southern Recitations series 2015-10-01
Millay in Landscape: Place Poetics in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s Work,
Poetry by the Sea conference 2015-09-01
Enplaced Poetics, panel chair and presenter,
Writing the Rockies conference 2015-07-01
BELEAVE, presentation for Ecopoetics Roundtable,
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment conference 2015-06-01
Ecotone at Ten: Celebrating a Decade of Place-based Writing,
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment conference 2015-06-01
Editing Poetry Journals,
Poetry by the Sea conference 2015-05-01
Ecotone at Ten: A Reading and Conversation,
AWP Conference 2015-04-01
Ecotone at Ten: A Reading and Conversation, panelis,
AWP, Minneapolis, MN 2015-04-01
&Now: Blast Radius 2015-03-01
Mess o' Catfish: Four Working in the Solid South Attempting to Create a Neo-Regionalism of Innovative Writing Below the Bug Line,
&Now 2015, Blast Radius: Writing and the Other Arts 2015-03-01
Artists’ Books Cornucopia VI / A Pocket Book of Forms, fancy edition 2015-01-29
A Pocket Book of Forms 2015-01-01
Editing: Passing Down the Craft,,
presentation for Bridgewater International Poetry Festival 2015-01-01
Featured reader,
Bridgewater International Poetry Festival 2015-01-01
Literary Editing: Keeping the Craft Alive,
Bridgewater International Poetry Festival 2015-01-01
Poetry reading,
Bridgewater International Poetry Festival 2015-01-01
Poetry reading,
Southern Recitations reading series 2015-01-01
Natural Wonder: The Rensing Story / A Pocket Book of Forms, standard edition 2014-11-10
Magazine Editing (panel chair),
UNCW Writers Week 2014-11-01
Southern Appalachian Ecopoetics / panel: One Place: Appalachia,
Ecomusicologies Conference 2014-10-01
Bookopolis: Printmade Artist Books / A Pocket Book of Forms, fancy edition 2014-09-19
Guides to Poetic Craft (panel chair),
West Chester Poetry Conference 2014-06-01
Maxine Kumin's "Morning Swim" / Panel: A Tribute to Maxine Kumin,
West Chester Poetry Conference 2014-06-01
Poets’ Guides to Craft, panel chair and presenter,,
West Chester University Poetry Conference 2014-06-01
Working with an Editor,
UNCW Summer Writers Conference 2014-06-01
Lecture on editing, lecture on nature writing, and poetry reading 2014-05-01
Reading and guest lectures,
Reading and guest lectures 2014-05-01
A Pocket Book of Forms,
AWP, Seattle, WA 2014-02-01
A Pocket Book of Forms 2014-01-01
A Pocket Book of Forms 2014-01-01
A Pocket Book of Forms 2014-01-01
How to Work with a Publisher (So They'll Want to Work with You),
North Carolina Writers Network Fall Conference 2013-11-16
Carolyn Beard Whitlow’s Formal Blues,
Celebrating African American Literature conference 2013-10-01
Names for the Land: Toward a Subjective Southern Ecopoetics,
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment 2013-05-01
SEND WORD, a correspondence station 2013-01-01
Caller for old-time Appalachian square dances 2009-01-01
Edible Durham, with Tim Stallmann and Kevin Webb, a community-generated map of edible plants,
Counter Cartographies Conference 2008-09-01
What Does the Triangle Look Like to You?,
Counter Cartographies Conference 2008-09-01