Selected Publications
Academic Article
- “A Bunch of Big Idiots Smack into Each Other” – a Mixed-Method Investigation of Learning Rugby Through Video Gaming Compared to Traditional Instruction. Entertainment Computing. 46. 2023-03-01
- Enhancing Motivation in Workplace Training with Casual Games: A Twelve Month Field Study of Retail Employees. Educational Technology Research and Development. 2020-04-01
- A case study of process intervention within the Enterprise Content Management system support process. Performance Improvement. 2018-01-01
- Classroom Gamification: How to Use Minecraft In Your Classroom. Journal of Training, Design, and Technology. 2017-05-01
- The multimedia principle: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 2016-12-01
- Learner Preferences of Time-Compressed Instruction. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 2015-12-01
- Effects of captions and time-compressed video on learner performance and satisfaction. Computers in Human Behavior. 59:222-227. 2015-03-01
- Using time-compression to make multimedia learning more efficient: Current research and practice. Techtrends. 59:66-74. 2015-02-01
- Multimedia: Learner Preferences For Multimedia Learning. Journal of Multimedia Processing and Technologies,. 5:134-144. 2014-12-01
- SimSchool.. Computers in the Schools. 32:197-219. 2014-07-01
- Designing and Developing Mobile Based Instruction: A Designers Perspective. Design and Technology Education. 18:61-72. 2013-09-01
- Developing Mobile Based Instruction. Tech Trends. 56:46-51. 2012-09-01
- The effects of time-compressed instruction and redundancy on learning and learners’ perceptions of cognitive load. Computers & Education. 58:641-651. 2012-01-01
Audio-visual Document
- Gaming and financial literacy for kids -- Verizon Parenting in a Digital World. . 2024-04-01
- How to set house rules for multiplayer VR games -- Verizon Parenting in a Digital World. . 2023-09-01
- 3 ways your family can stay connected when your kids go off to college -- Verizon Parenting in a Digital World. . 2023-08-01
- Family fitness: the top 3 metrics this parent tracks on his kids’ smartwatch -- Verizon Parenting in a Digital World. . 2023-03-01
- Game on: Why gamers are getting serious about physical fitness. verizon wireless. 2022-12-01
- Blog. . 2020-01-01
- Youtube. . 2020-01-01
- The Level 7 Spell. KRH: 7Level7. 2023-09-01
- The Instructional Design and Development Process: A ‘How To’ Guide for Practitioners. . 2020-06-01
- Online Learning: An Instructional Technology Class's Exploration of Online Teaching and Learning. CreateSpace. 2012-05-01
- Mobile Computing in Higher Education. IGI Global. 2011-01-01
- Hacking Society: How Reality is Broken Constructs Gaming as a Necessary Cure-All. Games and Culture.. 2016-08-01
- Ray Pastore’s website. 2012-12-01
- Women and Gaming. International Journal of Gaming and Computer Mediated Simulations. 86-89.. 2012-04-01
- Pre- and in-service teachers perceptions of gaming in the classroom.. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 2011-12-01
- User Design: A Case Study of Corporate Change.. Performance Improvement Quarterly. 27-48. 2011-01-01
- The effects of diagrams and time-compressed instruction on learning and learners’ perceptions of cognitive load. Educational Technology Research and Development. 485-505. 2010-10-01