O'Brien, Coleen E
Clinical Assistant Professor
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Supporting Faculty in DNP Projects: A Collaborative Workload Model Focused on Faculty Development,
The 51st Annual Conference, The NP Educators Golden Jubilee 2025-04-01
Collaborative DNP Project Faculty Workload Model: Supporting Faculty Success in DNP Projects Through Intentional Faculty Development,
AACN Doctoral Conference 2025-01-01
Implementing Clinical Skills and Clinical Simulation Across the Lifespan: Impactful Nursing Education Design and Delivery,
18th Annual South Eastern Nurse Educator Symposium 2024-10-01
Clinical Skills Building to Enhance Students Application of Learning,
14th Annual Beyond the Manikin: Best Practices in Advanced Simulation Conference 2024-02-01
DNP Project Evolution: Crafting a New Narrative for DNP Project Faculty Workload,
AACN Doctoral Conference 2024-01-01
Revolutionary DNP Project Product: The DNP Dissemination Package,
AACN Doctoral Conference 2024-01-01
Moving from Here to There Using an Academic Nurse Residency ,
17th Annual South Eastern Nurse Educator Symposium (SENSES) 2023-10-01
Appropriate Use of Transthoracic Echocardiography for Full Term Neonates with a Presumptively Innocent Murmur in the Newborn Nursery,
8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 2023-08-01
Appropriate Use of Transthoracic Echocardiography for Full Term Neonates with a Presumptively Innocent Murmur in the Newborn Nursery,
8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 2023-08-01