Selected Publications
Academic Article
- A Guide for Stakeholder Analysis in IS/IT Management and Research: The Case of Broadband Availability in Rural North Carolina. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 53:621-666. 2023-08-01
- Survey of Technology and Skills in Demand: 2022 Update. Journal of Information Systems Education. 34:243-255. 2023-06-01
- An Exploration of the Benefits of Certifications and their Relationship to Salaries in IS/IT. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 16:35-45. 2023-03-01
- Crisis Communication on Social Media - Lessons from Covid-19. Journal of Decision Systems. 31:150-170. 2021-05-01
- Political Affiliation and Employment Screening Decisions: The Role of Similarity and Identification Processes. Journal of Applied Psychology. 105:472-486. 2020-05-01
- Understanding social networking site (SNS) identity from a dual systems perspective: an investigation of the dark side of SNS use. European Journal of Information Systems. 27:600-621. 2018-10-01
- Implementation of an Automated Grading System with an Adaptive Learning Component to Affect Student Feedback and Response Time. Journal of Information Systems Education. 23:71-84. 2012-01-01