

  • I obtained my Ph.D in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University under the supervision of Akram Aldroubi and Alex Powell.
  • Selected Publications

    Academic Article

    Year Title Altmetric
    2022-11-01 Inpainting via sparse recovery with directional constraintsMathematical Foundations of Computing2022-11-01
    2021-02-01 On the Search for Tight Frames of Low CoherenceJournal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.  27. 2021-02-01
    2021-01-01 Regularized Kaczmarz Algorithms for Tensor RecoverySIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences.  14:1439-1471. 2021-01-01
    2020-09-01 Preserving injectivity under subgaussian mappings and its application to compressed sensingApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.  49:451-470. 2020-09-01
    2020-02-01 Universal optimal configurations for the p-frame potentialsAdvances in Computational Mathematics.  46. 2020-02-01
    2017-06-01 Frame scalings: A condition number approachLinear Algebra and its Applications.  523:152-168. 2017-06-01
    2016-07-01 The gap between the null space property and the restricted isometry propertyLinear Algebra and its Applications.  501:363-375. 2016-07-01
    2016-02-01 Randomized Subspace Actions and Fusion FramesConstructive Approximation.  43:103-134. 2016-02-01
    2015-11-01 Hildreth’s algorithm with applications to soft constraints for user interface layoutJournal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.  288:193-202. 2015-11-01
    2015-08-01 Measures of ScalabilityIEEE Transactions on Information Theory.  61:4410-4423. 2015-08-01
    2014-11-01 A null space analysis of the l1-synthesis method in dictionary-based compressed sensingApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.  37:492-515. 2014-11-01
    2012-12-01 Almost Sure Convergence of the Kaczmarz Algorithm with Random MeasurementsJournal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.  18:1195-1214. 2012-12-01
    2012-09-01 Perturbations of measurement matrices and dictionaries in compressed sensingApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.  33:282-291. 2012-09-01


    Year Title Altmetric
    2018-01-01 The Kaczmarz algorithm, row action methods, and statistical learning algorithms -- Contemporary MathematicsAmerican Mathematical Society. 115-127. 2018-01-01

    Research Overview

  • My current research focuses on applied harmonic analysis and mathematical aspects of data science.
  • Investigator On

    Full Name

  • Xuemei Chen