Selected Publications
Academic Article
- The hidden impacts of phosphorus pollution to streams and rivers.. BioScience. 70:315-329. 2020-04-01
- Micro-zooplankton grazing as a means of fecal bacteria removal in stormwater BMPs. Water Science & Technology. 75:2702-2715. 2017-05-01
- Seismic Testing. Wrightsville Beach Magazine. 38-39. 2016-06-01
- Multiple sources of water quality impairment by fecal contamination in a rapidly developing coastal area: Southwest Brunswick County, North Carolina.. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188:1-13. 2016-03-01
- Rapid sub-surface ocean warming in the Bay of Fundy as measured by free-swimming basking sharks.. Oceanography. 27:14-16. 2014-07-01
- Composition and distribution of phosphorus forms in sediments of Greenfield Lake, Wilmington, North Carolina. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 129:172-179. 2014-01-01
- Stimulation of fecal bacteria in ambient waters by experimental inputs of organic and inorganic phosphorus.. Water Research. 47:3455-3466. 2013-08-01
- Ecological Risk-O-Meter (Eco-RoM): Quantitative ecological risk assessor and manager software for better decision making.. Environmetrics. 23:729-737. 2012-12-01
- A carotenoid anti-oxidant extracted from bacterial populations in swine waste lagoons. Agricultural Science. 2012-10-01
- Phytoplankton productivity in the surf zone of sandy beaches estimated by simultaneous in situ 14C incubations and Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry. Estuaries and Coasts. 2012-10-01
- El Niño – Southern Oscillation effects on river discharge in the Cape Fear River watershed, North Carolina. J. North Carolina Academy of Science. 128:74-80. 2012-09-01
- LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION" should be “ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENT!”: A Market-Based Tool to Simplify Environmental Considerations in Residential Real Estate.. Golden Gate University Environmental Law Journal. 6:83-122. 2012-09-01
- Effects of “ShellBond” on water quality: II. Effects on phytoplankton growth. J. N.C. Academy of Science. 127:259-263. 2012-01-01
- Preface to “Making the Connection: Translating Science into Effective Coastal Policy”. Coastal Management Journal. 2011-10-01
- Risks to Coastal Wastewater Collection Systems from Sea Level Rise and Climate Change.. Journal of Coastal Research. 27:652-660. 2011-10-01
- Spill the Beans: GoodGuide, Walmart and EPA use Information as Efficient, Market-Based Environmental Regulation. Tulane Environmental Law Journal. 24:291-334. 2011-10-01
- Monsoon effects on biomass and distribution of microphytobenthos in the Cochin Estuary, southwest India.. J. N.C. Academy of Science. 127:1-12. 2011-01-01
- Intelligent Design: Shilling for Theocracy. UNCW Ecotone. special. 2009-03-01
- The "gift" that keeps on giving: Global warming meets the common law. Vermont Journal of Environmental Law. 10:109-179. 2009-03-01
- Effects of "ShellBond" on water quality: I. laboratory experiments. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science. 125:16-22. 2009-01-01
- Extracts of diatom cultures induce and inhibit larval metamorphosis in the marine gastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 379:51-59. 2009-01-01
- Phosphorus and carbohydrate limitation of fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus within tidal creek sediments. Hydrobiologia. 636:401-412. 2009-01-01
- Live benthic diatoms from the upper continental slope: Extending the limits of marine primary production. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 356:103-112. 2008-01-01
- Biochemical and sediment oxygen demand: patterns of oxygen depletion in tidal creeks. Hydrobiologia. 586:235-248. 2007-01-01
- Impacts of a raw sewage spill on water and sediment quality in an urbanized estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 54:81-88. 2007-01-01
- Contrasting food-web support bases for adjoining river-influenced and non-river influenced continental shelf ecosystems. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 62:55-62. 2005-01-01
- Photosynthetic and heterotrophic impacts of nutrient loading to blackwater streams. Ecological Applications. 14:823-838. 2004-01-01
- Industrialized animal production – a major source of nutrient and microbial pollution to aquatic ecosystems. Population and Environment. 24:369-385. 2003-01-01
- Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus loading on plankton in Coastal Plain blackwater streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 16:455-466. 2001-01-01
- Evaluating the use of ergosterol as a bioindicator for assessing water quality. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 65:547-558. 2000-01-01
- Restoration of shellfishing waters in a tidal creek following limited dredging. Journal of Coastal Research. 16:40-47. 2000-01-01
- The North and South Carolina coasts. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 41:56-75. 2000-01-01
- Alternation of factors limiting phytoplankton production in the Cape Fear Estuary. Estuaries. 22:985-996. 1999-01-01
- Nutrient imports to the Cape Fear and Neuse River basins to support animal production. Environmental Science and Technology. 33:410-415. 1999-01-01
- Homebuilders took risks, now want us to pay. Wilmington Star News. 2011-03-01
- Microphytobenthos. Encyclopedia of Estuaries/Springer. 438. 2015-07-01
- Tychoplankton. Encyclopedia of Estuaries/Springer. 721. 2015-07-01
- Coal ash as a cause of water quality impairment. Invited chapter in Food, Energy, and Water: The Nexus. Elsevier. Chapter 10, pp. 259-272. 2014-10-01
- Water quality monitoring and environmental risk assessment in a developing coastal region, southeastern North Carolina.. Elsevier. 2013-02-01
- Neurotransmitters, benthic diatoms and metamorphosis in a marine snail. Nova Publishers. 1-43. 2012-08-01
- Water quality monitoring and environmental risk assessment in a developing coastal region, southeastern North Carolina. Monitoring Water Quality - Pollution Assessment, Analysis and Remediation. 2012-07-01
- North and South Carolina coasts -- Seas of the Millennium. Elsevier Science, Ltd.. 341-361. 2000-01-01
- Cement Plant’s Threat to NC Fish. Raleigh News and Observer. 2010-02-01
- Wildlife at Risk. Wilmington Star News. 2010-02-01
- Monitoring swine fecal contamination in the Cape Fear River Watershed based on the detection and quantification of hog-specific Bacteroides-Prevotella 16S rRNA genes. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 2013-12-01
- The potential impacts of climate change on coastal North Carolina: A report by the faculty of the University of North Carolina Wilmington for Erskine Bowles, President, The University of North Carolina.. UNC-System Office. 125. 2008-11-01
- Is there a relationship between phosphorus and fecal microbes in aquatic sediments?. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 2007-01-01
- Seeking science-based nutrient standards for coastal blackwater stream systems. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 2002-01-01
- Effect of organic and inorganic nutrient loading on photosynthetic and heterotrophic plankton communities in blackwater rivers. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 1998-01-01
- Nutrient limitation and eutrophication potential in the Cape Fear and New River Estuaries. Water Resources Research Institute of the University of North Carolina. 1997-01-01