Borrett, Stuart R
Assoc Provost for Research and Innovation
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Invited Lecture at North Carolina Coastal Plain – A Biodiversity Hotspot.,
Invited Lecture at North Carolina Coastal Plain – A Biodiversity Hotspot. 2020-04-10
Why do Universities do Research?,
Invited Lecture at Burgaw Rotary Club 2020-01-01
Reproducibility Crisis in Science.,
Public Issues Forum at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNCW 2019-04-09
Why do Universities do Research?,
Invited Lecture at Wilmington Cape Fear Rotary Club 2019-03-08
Why do Universities do Research?,
SEA & Coffee 2019-02-28
Biodiversity Hotspot?,
Essential Ecological Elements of the Lowe Cape Fear Region. 2018-02-08
Proposed changes in the mathematical notation used for Ecosystem Network Analysis for clearer communication,
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016 2016-05-08
Review and synthesis of five flow decompositions techniques in Ecosystem Network Analysis,
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016 2016-05-08
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for network flow models: a comparative ecosystem application,
The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016 2016-05-08
Ecological address and selected neighbors of the Lower Cape Fear Region. ,
Invited Lecture at Church of the Servant Episcopal. 2016-04-23
Ecosystem applications of network models.,
SEA & Coffee 2015-09-24
How what you don’t know affects what you do know: Exploring an application of a linear inverse modeling uncertainty analysis on network models,
100th Annual Meeting 2015-08-08
Six general ecosystem properties tend to be more intense in biogeochemical cycling network than in trophic webs,
100th Annual Meeting 2015-08-08
Spatio-temporal analysis of flooding extent employing a MODIS vegetation proxy in the Sudd wetland of South Sudan,
AAG Annual Meeting: Chicago 2015 2015-04-22
Preliminary Food Web of the Cape Fear River Estuary,
Undergraduate Research Showcase 2015-04-01
A dynamic ecological and economic model linking oyster reef bioenergetics to final ecosystem services,
44th Benthic Ecology Meeting 2015-03-01
The rise, utility, and beauty of network ecology.,
SEA & Coffee 2015-02-05
Tracing the connections in ecosystems with network analysis: theory and application 2015-01-28
A dynamic ecological and economic model linking oyster reef bioenergetics to final ecosystem services,
A Community on Ecosystem Services 2014-12-01
Swimming under the influence: Effect of algal toxins on the behavior of the marine ciliate Favella sp,
36th Southeastern Phycological Colloquy 2014-10-01
enaR: a tool for ecosystem network analysis,
Workshop on Mathematical and Statistical Ecology 2014-08-01
A network model comparison predicts how seawater intrusion will alter coupling among estuarine nitrogen cycling processes,
43rd Benthic Ecology Meeting 2014-03-01
Comparison of process coupling in the nitrogen cycle between the New River and Cape Fear River estuaries,
43rd Benthic Ecology Meeting 2014-03-01
Connecting the dots: Developments in ecosystem network theory and the impact of climate change on estuarine N cycling. 2014-03-01
enaR: An R package that facilitates comparison of ecosystem structure and function with network analysis,
43rd Benthic Ecology Meeting 2014-03-01
Environ properties tend to be more intense in biogeochemical cycling models than in trophic networks,
International Conference on Environmental Biology and Ecological Modelling 2014-02-26
College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be,
Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Workshops 2013-11-19
Swimming under the influence: Effect of algal toxins on the behavior of the marine ciliate Favella sp.,
State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium 2013-11-01
enaR: Free, open-source tools for ecological network analysis,
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2013-08-01
Evaluation of model size, topology, and currency in systems analysis: comparative network environ analysis and nitrogen model time series of the Neuse River estuary, USA,
Systems Ecology: A Network Perspective and Retrospective 2013-04-14
Network mutualism and synergism in a model of nitrogen cycling in the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC,
Systems Ecology: A Network Perspective and Retrospective 2013-04-14
Node-level and whole-network indicators of the impacts of sea level rise on an estuarine nitrogen cycle,
Systems Ecology: A Network Perspective and Retrospective 2013-04-14
Topics in network ecology and the scientific community that studies them,
Systems Ecology: A Network Perspective and Retrospective 2013-04-14
Throughflow centrality reveals important species in ecosystems and environmental impacts of shrimp trawling in Core Sound, NC 2013-02-26
Connecting the dots: Developments in ecosystem network theory and the impact of climate change on estuarine N cycling 2012-10-26
Evaluation of Model Size and Currency in Systems Analysis: Comparative Network Environ Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Model Time Series for the Neuse River Estuary, USA.,
4th International EcoSummit 2012-10-06
An R package for Ecological Network Analysis,
4th International EcoSummit 2012 2012-10-05
Network analysis of the urban water metabolism of Wilmington, North Carolina: Evaluating alternative recycling scenarios for city sustainability,
4th International EcoSummit 2012 2012-10-05
Simulating the impact of sea level rise on the microbial nitrogen cycle in tidally influenced regions of the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC, USA,
4th International EcoSummit 2012 2012-10-05
Connecting the Dots: Development in ecosystem theory and applications of ecosystem network analysis 2012-08-31
Centrality Analysis Shows Ecosystem Impact of Trawling in Core Sound, North Carolina, USA,
American Fisheries Society 142nd Annual Meeting 2012-08-21
Ecological address and neighbors of the Lower Cape Fear Region,
First Saturday Community Lecture Series 2012-06-02
A network analysis comparison of energy flow through the Dublin Bay and Baie de Somme intertidal ecosystem,
Undergraduate Research Showcase 2012-04-01
Environ analysis of a nitrogen mass balance network model: quantifying microbial interactions in an estuarine nitrogen cycle,
Wilmington Information Technology Expo (WITX) 2012-04-01
Ecological network analysis: recent work and future opportunities at UNCW 2012-03-01
Connecting the dots: Developments in ecosystem theory and an application of ecosystem network analysis to investigate nitrogen cycling in the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC. 2012-02-23
Undergraduate learning through biological research,
Teaching Celebration 2011-12-01
Modeling the effects of sea level rise on estuarine nitrogen cycle: examining the fate and transport of nitrogen in the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC, USA,
21st Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2011-11-01
Indirect effects, network homogenization, and network aggradation are stronger in biogeochemical networks than in trophic ecosystem models,
International Society for Ecological Modelling Biennial Meeting 2011-09-01
Node throughflow is a global centrality measure of species importance in ecosystem flow networks,
International Society for Ecological Modelling Biennial Meeting 2011-09-01
Sea level rise and the alternative fates of nitrogen in the Cape Fear River Estuary, NC, USA: a microbial view,
International Society for Ecological Modelling Biennial Meeting 2011-09-01
Influences of microbial networks on food webs,
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2011-08-08
Do algal toxins affect sensory behavior of marine ciliates?,
Undergraduate Research Symposium 2011-04-01
Importance of indirect effects in ecosystems revealed by network analysis 2011-03-03
Do algal toxins affect sensory behavior of marine ciliates?,
South Eastern Phycological Colloquy 2010-10-29
Rapid development of indirect effects in ecological networks,
SAMSI Workshop: Complex Networks 2010-08-31
Evidence for resource homogenization in 50 trophic ecosystem networks,
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2010-08-03
Addition of microbial loops to food webs: Increases in connectivity, pathway proliferation, and dominant eigenvalues,
Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2010-08-01
Positional importance of species in ecosystems: considering direct and indirect effects through a network environ analysis approach,
CSURF Annual Showcase 2010-04-01
Resource roadmaps reveal how ecosystem connectivity influences species and whole-ecosystem functioning 2009-11-06
Ecosystem network analysis indicators are generally robust to parameter uncertainty in a phosphorus model of Lake Sidney Lanier, USA,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Evidence for the dominance of indirect effects in trophically-based ecosystem networks,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Network analysis for (Soil) Ecologists,
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: New Soil Black Box Math Strategies 2009-10-01
Positional importance of species in ecosystems: considering direct and indirect effects through a network environ analysis approach,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Reconnecting environs to their environments,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Storage-based comparative network environ analysis of a seven-compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River estuary, USA—Time series analysis,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Sufficient conditions for threshold insensitivity of network environ analysis dominance of indirect indicators to boundary input,
Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Modelling 2009-10-01
Dominance of indirect effects in ecological networks: Holoecology Emerging 2009-09-15
Network architecture and the development of indirect effects. Invited presentation 2009-04-16
Ecosystem network analysis (ascendent perspective) indicators are robust to flux uncertainty in Lake Sidney Lanier, USA,
CSURF Annual Showcase 2009-04-01
Measuring control in ecosystems: interpreting the eigenspectrum of the ecological network analysis flow intensity matrix,
CAA Undergraduate Research Conference 2009-04-01
Quantifying species potential for controlling ecosystem dynamics,
CSURF Annual Showcase 2009-04-01
Quantifying species potential for controlling ecosystem dynamics,
UNCW CSURF Annual Showcase 2009-04-01
Feeding behavior of Upogebia affinis: Food source partitioning and effects on benthic-pelagic coupling. ,
38th Annual Benthic Ecology Meetings 2009-03-01
Modeling Indirect Selective Pressure in a Co‐Evolving Community: Preliminary Work,
Darwin’s Legacy: Evolution’s Impact on Science & Culture: A multidisciplinary conference 2009-03-01
Modeling Indirect Selective Pressure in a Co‐Evolving Community: Preliminary Work,
Darwin’s Legacy: Evolution’s Impact on Science & Culture: A multidisciplinary conference 2009-03-01
Eigenvector Analysis of Connectivity in Food Webs,
Annual Meeting 2008-08-01
Hidden links that sustain ecosystems: The rapid development of indirect effects in the Neuse River Estuary 2008-01-24
Eigenvector Analysis of Connectivity in Food Webs,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2008-01-01
Rapid Development of Indirect Effects in Ecological Networks,
Annual Meeting 2008-01-01
Rapid Development of Indirect Effects in Ecological Networks,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America and UGA Ecological Network Analysis Meeting 2008-01-01
Use of Eigenvector and Network Environ Analysis (NEA) in the Quantification of Keystone Species,
Annual Meeting 2008-01-01
Use of Eigenvector and Network Environ Analysis (NEA) in the Quantification of Keystone Species,
Annual Meeting, Society for Conservation Biology 2008-01-01
Network architecture determines the development of indirect effects in ecosystems 2007-11-30
Hidden links that sustain ecosystems 2007-01-01
Searching for ecosystem models that explain phytoplankton dynamics in the Ross Sea 2007-01-01
Searching for ecosystem models that explain phytoplankton dynamics in the Ross Sea 2007-01-01
Value of information in modeling the Ross Sea ecosystem,
Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Conference 2007-01-01
A hierarchical process model of the Ross Sea ecosystem,
Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), Ocean Sciences Meeting Supplement, Abstract OS43K-06 2006-01-01
Computational discovery of process models of aquatic ecosystems,
91st Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2006-01-01
Process sensitivity analysis for ecological modeling,
5th International Conference on Ecological Informatics 2006-01-01
Ecosystem organization and transformation: The role of network architecture in the development of indirect effects,
Dissertation Defense 2005-01-01
Environ sensitivity to flux uncertainty in a phosphorus model of Lake Sidney Lanier, USA: Preliminary Results,
Annual International Meeting, Institute of Biological Engineering 2005-01-01
Analysis of ecosystems as a network of environments,
Annual Meeting, American Ecological Engineering Society 2004-01-01
Biodiversity determines pathway proliferation in ecological networks: Preliminary results 2004-01-01
Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems 1. Environs and network environ analysis: Introduction and overview,
Fourth European Conference on Ecological Modelling 2004-01-01
Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems 2. Environ analysis of a seven–compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River Estuary, USA: The static case,
Fourth European Conference on Ecological Modelling 2004-01-01
Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems 3. Temporal variation of indirect effects in a nitrogen flow model of the Neuse River Estuary, USA: Time series analysis,
. Fourth European Conference on Ecological Modelling 2004-01-01
Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems 4. Comparative environ analysis of a seven-compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River Estuary, USA: The discrete time case,
. Fourth European Conference on Ecological Modelling 2004-01-01
Indirect effects and distributed control in ecosystems 5. Distributed Control in the environ network of a seven-compartment model of nitrogen flow in the Neuse River Estuary, USA: Static analysis,
Fourth European Conference on Ecological Modelling 2004-01-01
Pathway proliferation in ecological networks,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2004-01-01
Development of environ indirect effects in ecological flow networks: Initial lessons from the Neuse River Estuary,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2003-01-01
Discrete-time dynamic environ analysis of indirect effects in ecological networks: Basic considerations,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2003-01-01
Indirect effects in transport networks,
Annual Meeting, American Ecological Engineering Society 2003-01-01
Network indirect effects in transport networks: Integral elements of system complexity,
Annual International Meeting, Institute of Biological Engineering 2003-01-01
Network indirect transactions in the Neuse River Estuary 2003-01-01
Pattern and process in the steady-state transport of energy and matter in model ecosystems: Perspectives from the theory of environs,
Annual International Meeting, Institute of Biological Engineering 2003-01-01
Phaeocystis: a biocomplex life-form on a biogeochemically complex planet: Using conceptual modeling to guide team research,
Meeting of Phaeocystis SCOR Work Group 2003-01-01
Introduction to environs,
Long Term Ecological Research Program Network Analysis Workshop 2002-01-01
Investigating pathway proliferation in ecological networks,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2002-01-01
Investigating pathway proliferation in ecological networks,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2002-01-01
System size and connectance determine the relationship between pathway length and the number of pathways in ecological networks: Preliminary results 2002-01-01
Community values and the long-term ecological integrity of rapidly urbanizing watersheds,
EPA-NSF Water and Watershed Grant Meeting 2001-01-01
Exploring systems complexity 2001-01-01
Incorporating citizen knowledge into an ecosystem model of Flowery Branch Bay: an initial science-based model,
3rd European Ecological Modelling Conference, International Society for Ecological Modelling European Chapter 2001-01-01
Sources of system complexity in the Lake Lanier ecosystem, Georgia,
Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America 2001-01-01
Incorporating stakeholder concerns into a lake ecosystem model: A heuristic tool for Lake Lanier,
also at 9th Annual Conference, Southeastern Division, North American Lake Management Society 2000-01-01
Incorporating stakeholder concerns into a lake ecosystem model: A heuristic tool for Lake Lanier,
Ecosummit2000 2000-01-01
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On