Aleho, Alemseged
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Anthracological study of samples from Terminal Pleistocene and Holocene high Mountain Settlement sites of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia,
International workgroup for African Archaeobotany 2023-06-27
Archaeology in Conflict Zones: the case of North and North Central Ethiopia,
26th biannual meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 2023-06-02
Archaeobotonical evidence for Late-Holocene agricultural economy in North Ethiopia,
Voices from African Drylands: current research in African Archaeology and Heritage 2023-05-14
Comparative Archaeobotany of Medieval Christian and Islamic sites in Ethiopia,
1st Conference of Eritrean and Ethiopian Studies 2023-03-01
Archaeobotanical study for understanding Medieval Agricultural systems in Lalibella and its Environs,
21st Conference of Ethiopian Studies 2022-10-01
Centers of diversity in North Africa/Horn of Africa,
Seminar organized by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) 2022-08-24
The emergence of Archaeology and Heritage Management as a discipline in Addis Ababa University and Collaboration with University of Neples, Italy,
University of Naples L‟Orientale Seminar Series 2022-04-23
Comparative Archaeobotany of Medieval Christian and Islamic sites in Ethiopia,
Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Seminar series 2021-10-20
Archaeological Research during the pandemic in Ethiopia,
African World Heritage during a pandemic: Perspectives from the field, class, and museum, University of Cambridge 2021-05-05
First farmers and Herders in the Horn of Africa,
24th Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAFA) Conference 2018-06-18
Agricultural History of the Horn of Africa: New Archaeobotanical Evidence from Mezber,
83 International Conference of Society of American Archaeology 2017-03-31
Economic and Environmental Settings of the Aksumite Civilization,
1st International Conference on Aksum and Persia: Parallels of two Ancient Civilizations 2017-01-21
Archaeobotanical study of ancient crops from the mid-late Holocene context of Kassala, Eastern Sudan. and New archaeobotanical evidence for the late Holocene agricultural economy in North Ethiopia.,
23rd Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAFA) Conference 2016-06-26
Salvaging the landscape and memories of the historic salt trade of the Afar depression, North Ethiopia,
19th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 2015-08-24
Filling the Gap: new archaeobotanical evidence for 3rd-1st millennium BCE agricultural economy in Sudan and Ethiopia,
8th International Conference on African Archaeobotany (IWAA8) 2015-06-23
Pre-cultivation domestication: evidence for Simultaneous use of wild and domesticated sorghum during the 2nd millennium BC from Kassala, East Sudan,
Red Sea and the Gulf Conference 2015-05-26
Archaeobotanical Study of Soil Samples from Tigrai, North Ethiopia,
African Archaeology Group (AAG), McDonalds Institute, University of Cambridge 2014-06-24
Archaeobotanical Study of Botanical Remains from Kassala, Eastern Sudan.,
Eastern Sudan Archaeological Research Symposium at University College London (UCL) 2014-06-23
Contacts between Northern Horn and Ancient Sudan: A view from the Archaeological Data,
4th Enno-Litmann International Conference 2014-04-04
Archaeobotanical evidence for Early Population Contacts between Northeast Africa and the Indian Sub-continent,
International Conference on Proto-Globalization on the Indian Ocean World (Sea links Project 2013-11-09
Menue for our ancestors: Palaeoethnobotanical study of ancient food crops and the environmental context, 6000 BC to 300/200 AD,
African Archaeology Group (AAG), McDonalds Institute, University of Cambridge 2013-11-06
Medeival art of Ethiopia,
Cambridge/Africa Collaborative Research Program, Final Workshop 2013-09-01
Reconstructing Mid- late Holocene food systems at Kassala, Northeast Sudan.,
4th International Conference of Association for East African Palaeontologists and Palaeoenvironment 2013-07-01
“Archaeological Research at Aroresa rock art site, Sidama Zone, Ethiopia.,
18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies 2013-06-01
Archaeology: The Profession and the Professionals (Nature of the Profession vs Ethical Issues and Responsibilities of the Professional),
1st Annual Conference of Ethiopian Archaeologists’ and Paleontologists’ Association 2009-01-01
Archaeology & Cultural heritage management in a digital world. and Heritage Management at a digital Age” (Group Presentation).,
8th World Archaeological Congress 2008-12-01
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