Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Practical research for the solution-focused practitioner: A follow-up to wheeler’s article on quick and dirty researc. International Journal of Solution-Focused Practices. 2:32-39. 2014-10-01
- Comparison of Three Mode of Instruction in a Graduate Social Work Program. Journal of Social Work Education. 44:157-172. 2008-04-01
- Social Work Practice and Education in the US and Canada. . 2006-01-01
- Comparison of Role Perceptions of White and African-American Foster Parents. Child Welfare. 83:49-68. 2004-01-01
- Evaluation of a comprehensive state program for adolescent mothers: The Adolescent Parenting Program of North Carolina. Journal of Applied Social Sciences. 25:157-168. 2001-01-01
- Adherence to situational leadership theory among social workers. The Clinical Supervisor. 14:5-24. 1996-01-01
- The influence of optimal decision participation upon decision outcome in human service organizations. Journa of Social Service Research. 19:139-160. 1994-01-01
- The interaction of parental alcoholism and alcoholism as a predictor of drinking related locus of control. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. 12:97-110. 1994-01-01
- Situational decision making: An empirical examination. Journal of Applied Social Sciences. 15:207-219. 1991-01-01
- Turnover in county public welfare agencies. Journal of Applied Social Sciences. 15:207-219. 1991-01-01
- Baby Doe Regulations and Medical Judgment. Social Science and Medicine. 30:657-664. 1990-01-01
- Congruence between specialization in graduate school and post-graduate employment patterns for social workers. Journa of Teaching in Social Work. 4:3-15. 1990-01-01
- Leadership behavior and supervisory performance: The view from below. The Clinical Supervisor. 8:93-107. 1990-01-01
- Predictors of success in community placment of persons with mental retardation. British Journal of Subnormality. 37:25-34. 1990-01-01
- Social support and success of deinsitutionalization. Journal of Applied Social Sciences. 14. 1990-01-01
- Are social workers sexually biased in their evaluations of supervisors?. Administration in Social Work. 13:45-57. 1989-01-01
- Rural and urban social work: Is there a difference?. Social Casework. 70:25-34. 1989-01-01
- Influence of feminism and professional status upon service options for the battered woman. Community Mental Health Journal. 21:52-63. 1988-01-01
- Sex-role stereotypes and the socialization of managers. Administration in social work. 12:46-61. 1988-01-01
- Social workers' perceptions of the rual community--An empirical examination. Human Services in the Rural Environment. 11:14-21. 1988-01-01
- The power of positive mentors: Variables associated with women's interest in social work administration. Journan of Social Work Education. 24:242-250. 1988-01-01
- Women and social work bureaucracy. Journal of Applied Social Sciences. 12:46-61. 1988-01-01
- A situational perspective on the approaching of supervisory decisions. The Clinical Supervisor. 5:23-38. 1987-01-01
- Sex-role stereotypes about social work administration. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 14:87-108. 1987-01-01
- Sexual discrimination in social work: Is it salary or advancement?. Social Work. 32:336-340. 1987-01-01
- Perceptions of bureaucracy. Administration in Social Work. 10:3-13. 1986-01-01
- Applying the exception principle to the field instruction program. The Clinical Supervisor. 3:77-86. 1985-01-01
- Barriers to female advancement in social work in social work administration. Journal of Social Services Research. 9:1-15. 1985-01-01
- Planning for group child care services: The limited rationality approach. Child Welfare. 64:55-66. 1985-01-01
- Worker maturity and supervisory leadership behavior. Administration in Social Work. 9:37-47. 1985-01-01
- Achieving quality field instruction in part-time graduate social work programs. The Clinical Supervisor. 2:45-54. 1984-01-01
- Can change be effectively managed?. Administration in Social Work. 1:187-198. 1977-01-01
- Social Work Research Methods: Learning by Doing. Sage Publications. 2019-01-01
- Statistics for Human Service Evaluation. Sage Publications. 2018-10-01
- Evaluating Human Services. Pearson Education. 2009-01-01
- Conducting Social Work Research. Allyn & Bacon. 1997-04-01
- Building Basic Competencies in Social Work Research. Allyn & Bacon. 1996-04-01
- Human Service Planning--Concepts, Tools, and Methods. University of North Carolina Press. 1982-03-01