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New Approaches to Vertebrate Brain Evolution.,
International Society for Vertebrate Morphology 2023-07-01
Too Hot to Handle? Effects of Increased Temperature on Brain and Sensory Development in the Port Jackson Shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni).,
JBJC for Evolutionary Neuroscience Meeting. 2022-11-01
Talk + shark dissection at Gills Club Event,
Gills Club Event 2022-10-22
UNCW Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics (SVSM). 2022-07-13
Shark Dissection,
UNCW MarineQuest Shark Trek 2022-07-06
Build-A-Brain (2022),
UNCW MarineQuest Sea GEMS 2022-06-29
Lab tour and shark brain demonstration at Brick-by-Brick,
Brick-by-Brick (a free and voluntary program for boys in at-risk environments) 2022-06-01
Effects of rearing environment on nervous system development in sockeye and chinook salmon.,
UNCW Graduate Student Symposium. 2022-04-22
Quantification of Neurogenesis in a Bony and Cartilaginous Fish.,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2022-04-09
Brains, stains, and climate change: Can the brain of sharks inform behavior in a changing world?,
University of Delaware, SMSP Seminar Series. 2022-03-04
Sharks, smarts, and headstarts: Brain evolution in cartilaginous fishes.,
Center for Health Sciences Research Days. 2022-02-01
Brain evolution in sharks and their relatives.,
NC State University Biology, Ecology and Evolution Seminar Series. 2021-11-11
Taking a Deeper Dive: UNCW’s Zombie Lab Shark Research,
CAS “Like No Other” Campaign. 2021-10-01
Are sharks smart? Diving into the brain of sharks and their relatives.,
Florida Atlantic University Marine Science Seminar Series. 2021-09-24
Brain morphology and sensory specializations in lanternfishes.,
International Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. 2021-09-01
Sound localization in sharks: Investigating inner ear morphology.,
University of Auckland Science Research Showcase 2021-09-01
The sensory world of chondrichthyans - from brain to behaviour,
Virtual Discussion for graduate students and faculty of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society 2021-08-03
Demonstrator at UNCW Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics (SVSM),
UNCW Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics (SVSM) 2021-07-13
Inner ear morphology and directional hearing in sharks.,
NZ Marine Science Society meeting 2021-07-01
Older and wiser? Ontogenetic shifts in brain organization of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae.,
American Elasmobranch Society Meeting 2021-07-01
UNCW MarineQuest Coastal GEMS 2021-06-24
Dr. Koopman’s BIO 585 class 2021-05-04
UNCW MarineQuest Sea GEMS (Girls Experiencing Marine Science) 2021-03-20
Older and Wiser? Ontogenetic shifts in brain organization of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae.,
Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology 2021-02-01
Ontogenetic shifts in the nervous system of sockeye salmon, O. nerka.,
SICB 2021-02-01
The effects of temperature on peripheral nervous system development in cartilaginous fishes.,
Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology. 2021-02-01
Are Sharks Smart? Diving into the Brain of Sharks and Their Relatives.,
Planet Ocean Seminar 2020-11-10
Build-A-Brain (2020),
UNCW MarineQuest Sea GEMS 2020-11-07
Multimodal imaging and analysis provide new insights into the organization of olfactory inputs in a shark model species.,
American Elasmobranch Society Meeting 2020-11-01
New insights into the organization of olfactory inputs in a shark model species (Chiloscyllium punctatum): implications for behavior.,
Oceania Chondrichthyan Society 2020-11-01
Brains on my mind: Diving into brain evolution in fishes.,
UNCW, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, Tenure Seminar. 2020-09-04
Presenter for Marine Quest “Show and Shell” for Shark Week,
Marine Quest “Show and Shell” 2020-08-14
Shark Research Around North America.,
Invited talk at Terranaut Club seminar Series 2020-07-21
Are Sharks Smart? Exploring the Brain of Sharks and Their Relatives. (2020),
Invited talk at Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics (SVSM) 2020-07-14
Demonstrator for Ocean First Institute,
Ocean First Institute 2020-07-09
Diving into the Brain of Sharks and Their Relatives.,
Invited talk at Ocean First Institute 2020-07-09
Guest Scientist at the University of Lethbridge, Research Symposium,
Research Symposium, Behavioral Ecology and Ethology Research Seminars 2020-07-01
Shark Research Around North America.,
Terranaut Club seminar Series. 2020-07-01
Brain & Behavior of Fishes.,
Invited talk at UNCW Osher Lifelong Learning Institute; Sea and Coffee Program. 2020-02-13
Instructive shark dissection at Gills Club Event,
Gills Club Event 2020-01-18
Effects of elevated temperature on muscle development in juvenile epaulette sharks, Hemiscyllium ocellatum.,
Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology 2020-01-01
Comparative Morphology of the Spinal Cord and Associated Vasculature in Shallow vs. Deep Diving Cetaceans.,
World Marine Mammal Science Conference. 2019-12-01
Effects of Temperature on Muscle Development in Juvenile Hemiscyllium ocellatum.,
UNCW Global Marine Science Summit 2019-10-01
Older and Wiser? Ontogenetic shifts in the brains of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae.,
JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience 2019-10-01
Shedding light on the neuroanatomical organisation of the olfactory system in a shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) compared to a teleost (Carassius auratus).,
Australian Society for Fish Biology 2019-10-01
Are sharks smart? Brain evolution in sharks & their relatives.,
UNCW, Department of Biology and Marine Biology, RTP Seminar. 2019-09-13
Are sharks smart? Inside the mind of sharks and their relatives.,
Invited Public Lecture at NC Aquarium at Roanoke for International Shark Awareness Day. 2019-07-14
Sharks, smarts, and headstarts: The brain of sharks and their Relatives.,
Invited talk at UNCW Marine Quest Sea GEMS. 2019-07-11
Demonstrator for Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM),
Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM) 2019-07-09
Are sharks smart? Exploring the brain of sharks and their relatives. (2019),
Invited talk at Summer Ventures in Science & Mathematics (SVSM) 2019-07-09
A dogfish lab dissection (Squalus acanthias) and 3D digital exploration of the brain,
UNCW MarineQuest program “Shark Trek” 2019-07-01
A sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) dissection,
UNCW MarineQuest Sea GEMS (Girls Exploring Marine Science) 2019-07-01
In Hot Water: The Effects of Increased Temperature on Brain Development in the Epaulette Shark (Hemiscyllium ocellatum).,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 2019-07-01
No Scalpel Required: Advancing our understanding of the brain in elasmobranchs using 3D bioimaging. Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.,
Nelson Symposium: The Behavior and Biology of Cartilaginous Fishes. 2019-07-01
Older and Wiser? Ontogenetic shifts in the brains of the Atlantic sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae.,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 2019-07-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2019) 2019-07-01
Sharks, smarts, and headstarts: The brain of sharks and their Relatives.,
Invited talk at UNCW Marine Quest Sea GEMS. 2019-07-01
Demonstrator at Women in Science Day,
Women in Science Day 2019-05-04
MR Imaging of the Port Jackson Shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni.,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity. 2019-04-01
Ontogenetic shifts in brain organization in the sharpnose shark, Rhizoprionodon terranovae.,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity. 2019-04-01
Comparative Morphology of the Spinal Cord and Associated Vasculature in Shallow vs. Deep Diving Cetaceans.,
Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS). 2019-03-01
Hot Brains: The Effect of Temperature on Brain Development.,
Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology. 2019-01-01
Hot Brains: The Effect of Temperature on Brain Development.,
JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience. 2018-11-01
A Small Brain & A Big Nose: Comparative Brain Morphology of the Greenland and Pacific Sleeper Sharks.,
JB Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience. 2018-11-01
Demonstrator at International Shark Awareness Day,
International Shark Awareness Day 2018-07-14
Are sharks smart? Exploring the brain of sharks and their relatives.,
Invited Talk at International Shark Awareness Day at North Carolina Aquarium. 2018-07-14
Effect of acoustic stimuli on shark behaviour.,
International Congress of Neuroethology. 2018-07-01
Neurobiological indicators of olfactory sensitivity in cartilaginous and bony fishes.,
International Congress of Neuroethology 2018-07-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2018) 2018-07-01
Are sharks smart? Exploring the brain of sharks and their relatives.,
Summer Lecture Series at New England Aquarium. 2018-06-21
A Small Brain & A Big Nose: Comparative Brain Morphology of the Greenland and Pacific Sleeper Sharks.,
Sharks International Conference. 2018-06-01
Hot Brains: The Effect of Temperature on Brain Development.,
Sharks International Conference 2018-06-01
Session Chair,
Sharks International Conference 2018-06-01
The neural basis of olfactory sensitivity in cartilaginous and bony fishes.,
Sharks International Conference. 2018-06-01
MRI Analysis of the Little Skate: Effect of Temperature on Brain Development.,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity. 2018-04-17
The effect of temperature on brain development in the little skate (Leucoraja erinacea) and Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni).,
Graduate Student Symposium, University of North Carolina at Wilmington 2018-04-13
Sending Sharks to School: Brain Evolution in Sharks and their Relatives.,
NC Shark and Ray Science Symposium. 2018-03-01
A Small Brain & A Big Nose: Comparative Brain Morphology of the Greenland and Pacific Sleeper Sharks.,
Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology. 2018-01-01
Design-a-Nervous System.,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2018-01-01
Is Bigger Always Better? Developing Quantitative Measures of Cognitive Abilities in Sharks & Their Relatives. Symposium, “Thinking outside the box: How brains across the animal kingdom deal with the world”.,
Australasian Neuroscience Society Meeting 2017-12-01
Demonstrator at Gills Club Workshop,
Gills Club Workshop 2017-09-20
Sharks, smarts, and headstarts: The brain of sharks and their Relatives.,
Gills Club Symposium at New England Aquarium. 2017-09-19
Dissecting brain- body allometry through time: linking micro- and macroevolution.,
European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2017-08-01
Can you spare some brain: How life history and ecology have shaped brain size evolution in sharks and rays.,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 2017-07-01
Leave Your Scalpel at Home: The Use of MRI in Comparative Anatomy.,
ASIH Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. 2017-07-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2017) 2017-07-01
Effects of acoustic stimuli on the behaviour of wild and captive sharks.,
Joint Meeting of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society and the Australian Society for Fish Biology. 2016-09-01
Using Brain Anatomy to Understand Cognitive Ability in Cartilaginous Fishes.,
Joint Meeting of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society and the Australian Society for Fish Biology, Women in Ichthyology: Striving for equity, diversity and innovation. 2016-09-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2016) 2016-07-01
What you Saw isn’t Always What you Get: Patterns of Brain Organization in Sawfishes.,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Sawfish Biology Symposium. 2016-07-01
Is Bigger Always Better? Developing Quantitative Measures of Cognitive Ability in Early Vertebrates.,
31st Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (CYTO). 2016-06-01
Demonstrator at Brain Stem Elective, Santa Maria College,
Brain Stem Elective 2016-03-22
Brain evolution in sharks: Using 3D printing for comparative neuroanatomy.,
Orion Discovery Event; Education Futures Observatory 2016-03-10
Brain evolution in sharks: Using 3D printing for comparative neuroanatomy.,
UWA 3D Printing Network Seminar Series. Education Futures Observatory 2015-11-04
Can we Quantify Cognitive Ability in Early Vertebrates?,
Australasian Cytometry Society. 2015-10-01
Comparative Brain Anatomy: A means of understanding behavior,
the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behavior (ASSAB) 2015-10-01
Comparative Brain Anatomy: A means of understanding behavior,
New Zealand and Africa Region of Applied Ethology 2015-10-01
Comparative Brain Anatomy: A means of understanding behavior,
Australasian Evolution Society (AES) 2015-09-01
Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference (IEC), the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behavior (ASSAB), Australasian Evolution Society (AES), and Australasia, New Zealand and Africa Region of Applied Ethology 2015-08-01
Is Bigger Always Better? The Functional Implications of Brain Scaling in Fishes. Symposium entitled “Comparative Brain Anatomy: A means of understanding behavior.”,
Joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference (IEC), the Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behavior (ASSAB), Australasian Evolution Society (AES), and Australasia, New Zealand and Africa Region of Applied Ethology 2015-08-01
Are sharks smart? Developing quantitative measures of cognitive abilities in fishes.,
Leigh Marine Laboratory Seminar Series 2015-07-13
Comparative Brain Anatomy: A means of understanding behavior,
the joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference (IEC) 2015-07-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2015) 2015-07-01
Is Bigger Always Better? Developing Quantitative Measures of Cognitive Ability in Early Vertebrates.,
Symposium for Western Australian Neuroscience. 2015-04-01
Smarts, sharks, and head starts: Developing quantitative measures of cognitive abilities in early vertebrates.,
School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Western Australia 2014-11-28
Brain scaling and allometric variation of sensory brain regions in lampreys (Petromyzontiformes).,
Annual Meeting of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience. 2014-11-01
Is Bigger Always Better? Developing Quantitative Measures of Cognitive Ability in Early Vertebrates.,
Annual Meeting of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience. 2014-11-01
Wake up and smell the evolution: Variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes.,
Neuroscience Seminar Series. 2014-08-05
Are sharks “smart”? Developing quantitative measures of cognitive abilities in fishes.,
Invited Seminar, Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation, and Analysis, QE II Medical Centre, University of Western Australia 2014-07-01
Matrotrophy and the evolution of brain size and structure in sharks, rays, and chimaeras.,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 2014-07-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2014) 2014-07-01
Wake up and smell the evolution: Variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes.,
Joint Meeting of the Oceania Chondrichthyan Society and the NZ Society of Marine Science 2014-07-01
Wake up and smell the evolution: Variation in olfactory bulb size in cartilaginous fishes.,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 2014-07-01
A different kind of neuroscience: Structure, senses, and sharks.,
Brain Bee at University of Western Australia. 2014-06-25
Is Bigger Always Better? The Evolution of Brain Size and Cognitive Ability in Sharks.,
Sharks International Conference 2014-06-01
Sex on the brain: placentation and the evolution of brain size and structure in sharks, skates, and rays.,
Sharks International Conference 2014-06-01
Shark! What big ears you have: Functional and morphological differences in the auditory system of elasmobranchs.,
Sharks International Conference 2014-06-01
Matrotrophy and the evolution of brain size and structure in sharks, rays, and chimaeras.,
FAB* lab seminar 2014-04-04
Matrotrophy and the evolution of brain size and structure in sharks, rays, and chimaeras.,
Northeastern Pacific Shark Symposium 2014-03-01
Cognition and behavior in sharks and their relatives.,
Oceans Institute Advisory Board Meeting 2014-02-07
Are sharks “smart”? Developing quantitative measures of cognitive abilities in fishes.,
Australasian Neuroscience Society annual meeting 2014-01-01
Session Chair,
Australasian Neuroscience Society conference 2014-01-01
Session Chair,
Joint Meeting of the American Elasmobranch Society and the International Society of Ichthylologists and Herpetologists (2013) 2013-07-01
How to make a memorable Powerpoint presentation. School of Animal Biology Postgraduate Retreat,
Invited Seminar at University of Western Australia. 2012-09-24