Watson, Ethan Dale
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When the Fed Bears Down: Monetary Policy Effects on Industry Financial Cycles,
International Workshop in Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics 2021-06-01
When the Fed Bears Down: Monetary Policy Effects on Industry Financial Cycles,
Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2020-10-21
Hidden Orders and Frictions in Information Flow,
SFA - Annual Meeting 2019-11-01
Correlated Behavior in Limit Order Cancellations,
EFA - Annual Meeting 2019-04-12
Hidden Orders and Price Efficiency,
Brown Bag Session - Econ/Fin 2019-04-05
Praying for Capitalism: An examination of the relationships between religious, political, and economic ideology with life satisfaction,
Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting 2019-02-01
Correlated Behavior in Limit Order Cancellations,
SFA - Annual Meeting 2018-11-17
The explanatory power of order and balance measures,
SFA - Annual Meeting 2017-11-15
Commonality and Cancellation Activity,
FMA Annual Meeting 2017-10-11
Hedging, Cash Flows, and Firm Value: Evidence of an Indirect Effect,
SFA - Annual Meeting 2016-11-18
Hedging, Cash Flows, and Firm Value: Evidence of an Indirect Effect,
FMA - Annual meeting 2016-10-17
Market Information and Price Clustering: Evidence from SEC Rule 201,
SFA Annual Meeting 2015-11-01
Information Production in the Market for Private Placements,
FMA Annual Meeting 2015-10-17
Information Production in the Market for Private Placements,
Brown Bag Session - UNCW 2015-04-10
Information Production in the Market for Private Placements,
SFA Annual Meeting 2014-11-19
Cancelling Liquidity,
University of Mississippi and University of Memphis Spring 2012 joint Ph.D. research seminar 2012-02-10
Research Overview
Market Microstructure and Institutional Investing
Principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Principles, Investments, Healthcare Finance