Selected Publications
Academic Article
- The Rhetorical Taskscape of Readability Surveys on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Enculturation: Intermezzo. 2022-01-01
- A Body of Texts: Memento and Mētis. Screen Bodies. 6:62–77. 2021-06-01
- Tracing the Human in Amazon Mechanical Turk through Rhetorical Text Mining. Enculturation: Intermezzo. 2020-10-01
- Crossing Boundaries and Redefining Roles: Humanists as academic entrepreneurs. American Journal of Entrepreneurship. 9:40–61. 2016-12-01
- A Study of a Federally Funded Project between Higher-Ed Institutions in the U.S. and Pakistan: An Intercultural Academic Project Management. International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development. 7:27–44. 2015-04-01
- The Bloodsucking Brady Bunch: The Lost Boys and the Single-Parent Family. Supernatural Studies. 1:7-16. 2013-01-01
- A Geographical History of Online Rhetoric and Composition Journals. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. 16. 2012-05-01
- Productive Strife: Andy Clark’s Cognitive Science and Rhetorical Agnonism. Janus Head. 12:39-59. 2011-01-01
- UNCW Composition Guidebook. Fountainhead Press. 2014-01-01
- Latourian Memoria -- Thinking with Bruno Latour in Rhetoric and Composition. Southern Illinois University Press. 165–81. 2015-01-01
- Meeting Community Needs through Service-Learning in the Online Classroom -- Adding to the Conversation on Service-Learning in Composition: Taking a Closer Look. Fountainhead Press. 145-161. 2013-09-01
- Bleeding Through, or We Are Living in A Digital World and I Am an Analog Girl -- The Scary Screen: Media Anxiety in The Ring. The Scary Screen: Media Anxiety in The Ring. 2010-01-01