Suanda, Sutara H
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The Effects of Boat Traffic on Intracoastal Stratification,
NSF REU Poster Session 2022-07-01
Unresolved tidal effects in coastal circulation models.,
Invited Presentation at Duke Marine Laboratory 2022-03-01
Earth and Marine Sciences URGE Pod at University of North Carolina Wilmington,
2021 Fall Meeting, AGU 2021-12-01
Unresolved tidal effects in coastal circulation models,
Invited Presentation at Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Old Dominion University 2021-11-01
Inner shelf circulation and retention downstream of Otago Peninsula, New Zealand,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020-02-01
The effects of barotropic and baroclinic tides on vertical and horizontal mixing in the coastal ocean,
Invited Presentation at National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research 2019-02-01
Barotropic and baroclinic tidal effects on coastal mixing and dispersion.,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018-02-01
Nested modeling of the coastal ocean. Workshop presenter International Workshop on Oceanography of the Indonesian Seas,
Invited Presentation at International Workshop on Oceanography of the Indonesian Seas 2017-11-01
Modeling high frequency processes on the inner shelf of a coastal upwelling system,
Invited Presentation at University of California 2017-03-01
Barotropic and baroclinic tidal effects on coastal stratification. (Poster),
Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Dynamics 2017-02-01
Vortex interactions between mean longshore currents and transient rip currents.,
AGU Fall Meeting 2016-12-01
Multiple scales of physical processes in the coastal ocean: Examples from the North American West Coast,
Invited Presentation at Nanyang Technological University 2016-11-01
Special Course on Coastal Oceanography.,
Invited Presentation at Institut Teknologi Bandung 2016-11-01
Got Tides?: Tidal effects in a realistic coastal ocean model.,
Eastern Pacific Oceans Conference 2016-09-01
Tidal effects in a realistic model of a thermally buoyant plume north of Pt. Conception.,
VIIIth International Symposium on Stratified Flows 2016-08-01
Modeling multi-scale interactions on the inner shelf.,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016-02-01
Modeling multi-scale interactions on the inner shelf.,
Invited Presentation at Gordon Research Seminar on Coastal Ocean Modeling 2015-06-01
Modeling multi-scale interactions on the inner shelf.,
Gordon Research Seminar on Coastal Ocean Modeling 2015-02-01
Modeling multi-scale interactions on the inner shelf. (Poster),
Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Modeling 2015-02-01
A self-similar scaling for transient rip currents.,
AGU Fall Meeting 2014-12-01
Tidal-band and high-frequency internal waves on the Central Oregon inner shelf.,
Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium 2014-10-01
The role of transient rip currents in driving exchange between the surfzone and inner shelf.,
Eastern Pacific Oceans Conference 2014-09-01
Understanding the timing and transports of high- frequency internal waves on the Oregon inner shelf.,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014-02-01
Using inner-shelf internal wave indices to determine the recruitment of intertidal invertebrates.,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014-02-01
Internal tides on the Oregon inner shelf.,
Eastern Pacific Oceans Conference 2013-09-01
Internal tides on the Oregon inner shelf. (Poster),
Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Circulation 2013-06-01
Long-term observations of internal waves with shore-based video cameras.,
North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2012-10-01
Streaks and Slicks: Observing the surface manifestation of internal processes in the coastal ocean,
Heceta Head Coastal Conference 2012-10-01
Contrasting regimes of internal wave activity on the Central Oregon inner shelf.,
Eastern Pacific Oceans Conference 2012-09-01
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