Shefsiek, Kenneth P
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Where We Come From: Place, Memory, and Hidden History,
UNCW Randall Library Thirsty Tome Series 2021-11-01
Quiet Activism: Social Justice and Historic House Museums,
The Role of Historians in Public Life: A Symposium 2018-06-01
The Church Disordered: Ecclesiastical Authority in Reformed Communities in the Middle Colonies,
New Netherland Institute 2018-05-01
Pennsylvania, New York, Amsterdam and Rotterdam: A Dysfunctional Reformed Community,
Society for German-American Studies 2017-04-01
Cooperation, Conflict and Coin: the German Reformed, Dutch Reformed and Presbyterians in Eighteenth-Century Pennsylvania,
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Annual Conference 2016-03-01
Make an end to my misery,
Rev. Johannes Henricus Goetschius and the negotiation of authority in Eighteenth-Century Dutch New York, Conference on New York History 2015-06-01
On the Edge of 2016: Commemorating the Past and Shaping the Future of Federal Preservation Activities,
National Council of Public History working group 2015-04-01
Emerging Scholars Roundtable,
New Netherland Institute 2014-10-01