Schweikert, Lorian E
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The sensory world of vertebrates,
2023 International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology 2023-07-01
Multisensory Integration of Aposematic Signals by a Mantid Predator,
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology 2023-01-01
Marine mammal sensory systems: recent advances and emerging technologies,
2022 Society for Marine Mammalogy 24th Biennial Conference 2022-08-01
Exploring sparse processing in the multisensory basis of predatory behavior,
Air Force Research Laboratory, NSSL Guest Lecture 2022-01-01
Investigating the Hide and seek of Multisensory Integration,
SOAR-BiSCITs Meeting (Bioinspired Sensing: Collaborative International Teams Meeting 2022-01-01
Life, light, and color: visual diversity in the underwater World,
University of Hawai’i at Manoa, School of Life Sciences Guest Lecture 2022-01-01
Sensor and effector networking for coordinating patterns of skin color change,
Air Force Research Laboratory, NSSL Grant Kick-off Meeting 2022-01-01
Shallow reefs to the deep dark sea: lessons of light and color in nature,
Union College, Department of Biological Sciences Guest Lecture 2022-01-01
All in the Family: Investigating Ties Between Visual Ability and Light Organ Diversification in the Shrimp Family Sergestidae,
Living Light Conference 2021-09-01
Light in nature panel,
2021 SPIE Optics and Photonics Annual Meeting 2021-08-01
Ecological Predictors of Eye Size Evolution in Deep-sea Shrimps,
Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology 2021-01-01
Four master lectures on the theory & practice of advanced neural imaging techniques,
Air Force Research Laboratory, NSSL Guest Lecture 2021-01-01
Investigating the design principles of an autonomous sensorimotor system,
Air Force Research Laboratory, NSSL Guest Lecture 2021-01-01
Life, light, and color: visual diversity in the underwater World,
Florida Institute of Technology, Department of OEMS Guest Lecture 2021-01-01
Life, light, and color: visual diversity in the underwater world,
Louisiana Tech University, Department of Biological & Environmental Science Guest Lecture 2021-01-01
Life, light, and color: visual diversity in the underwater world,
University of Central Florida, Department of Biology Guest Lecture 2020-01-01
Vision and Bioluminescence in Deep-sea Shrimps: Implications for Conspecific Recognition,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2020-01-01
Life, light, and color: the evolution of visual diversity in the underwater world,
Florida International University, Department of Biological sciences Guest Lecture 2019-01-01
Patterns and Predictors of Spectral Sensitivity Variation in Fishes,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2019-01-01
The Cone Conundrum: Intact Cone Signaling Pathways Found in the First Mammalian Rod Monochromat,
GOEvol (VI) Sensation Consortium 2018-09-01
Cryptocurrency and Fish Skin: the Power of Distributed Sensing and Processing,
Air Force Research Laboratory, NSSL Guest Lecture 2018-01-01
Dermal Photoreception May Provide Sensory Feedback for Dynamic Coloration,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2018-01-01
New ideas in photoreception from studies of marine vertebrates,
University of Trento, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences Guest Lecture 2018-01-01
New ideas in photoreception from studies of marine vertebrates,
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Guest Lecture 2018-01-01
Marine mammal sensory systems workshop: an integrated perspective,
2017 Society for Marine Mammalogy 22nd Biennial Conference 2017-10-01
New models of light-sensing circuitry from the retina and skin of vertebrates,
Duke University, Department of Biology Evo-Devo Seminar Guest Lecture 2017-01-01
Visual Anticipation of New Photic Environments by the Developing Retina of the Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus),
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2017-01-01
Red Fish, Blue Fish: Wavelength Sensitivity of the Marine Fish Retina Adjusts to Transient Changes in Environmental Light Color,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Regional Meeting 2016-11-01
Experts for Career Exploration in Biology Panelist ,
Experts for Career Exploration in Biology Panel 2016-01-01
Red Fish, Blue Fish: Wavelength Sensitivity of the Marine Fish Retina Adjusts to Transient Changes in Environmental Light Color ,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2016-01-01
A Whale of a Tale: Intact Cone Signaling Pathways Found in the First Mammalian Rod Monochromat,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2015-01-01
Dark Side of the Dune: Ocean Prisms and Color Vision of the Silver King,
Bonefish Tarpon Trust Consortium 2014-11-01
The Cone Conundrum: Intact Cone Signaling Pathways Found in the First Mammalian Rod Monochromat,
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology 2014-05-01
A Whale of a Tale: Rod Monochromacy in the Balaenid Whale Retina,
Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting 2014-03-01
Rod Monochromacy in the North Atlantic Right Whale: Implications on Visual Sensory Perception,
Annual Meeting of the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2013-11-01
Bycatch reduction workshop,
2013 North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 2013-10-01
The Impact of Rod Monochromacy on North Atlantic Right Whale Visual Ecology,
Graduate Student Biological Sciences Seminar 2013-03-01
Extreme color in a blue world: pentachromatism in the Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus,
Florida Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting 2012-03-01