Selected Publications
Academic Article
- “Plato on the Arts in the Gorgias and Republic” Archai: Origins of the Western Philosophical Tradition. Archai: The Origins of Western Thought. 29. 2020-01-01
- Moral Education in Plato's Republic. Journal of General Philosophy (J Philo). 1:6. 2014-03-01
- A Kantian Theory of Sports. Journal of the Philosophy of Sports. 40:1-27. 2013-01-01
- The Politics of Reconciliation. International Studies in Philosophy. 38:4. 2008-11-01
- Review of Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy behind the Militar Mind. Ancient Philosophy. 26:435-438. 2006-01-01
- "Socrates' Practice of Elenchus" in Socrates: Critical Assessments. Routledge. III: Socratic Method. 1997-01-01
- The Definition of Racism. Journal of Applied Philosophy. 13:1. 1996-01-01
- Socratic Conception of Courage. History of Philosophy Quarterly. 2:113-29. 1985-01-01
- Socratic Moderation and Self-Knowledge. Journal of the History of Philosophy. xxi:339-48. 1983-07-01
- Philosophy and Moral Commitment. Ancient Philosophy. ii:134-41. 1982-10-01
- Socrates' Practice of Elenchus in the Charmides. Ancient Philosophy. 1:141-47. 1981-04-01
- Golf as Meaningful Play: A Philosophical Guide. Lexington Books. 2017-01-01
- THE SOCRATIC IDEA OF RATIONALITY AND PLATO'S CHARMIDES. State University of New York Press. 1998-01-01
- Socratic Rationality in Does Socrates Have a Method?. Pennsylvania State University. 2006-10-01