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Exploring Person Care Responses to Moral Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic,
21st International Nursing Ethics Conference & 6th International Ethics in Care Conference 2021-09-01
Personal Autonomy and Patient Autonomy in Modern Medicine,
Philosophy and Religion Society (PARS) 2019-04-01
Aristotle, Bentham, Mill, and Kant on Happiness,,
Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Carolina Wilmington 2019-01-01
What Philosophers Can Learn from Ubuntu, Pudgalavāda Buddhism, Feral Children, and People Living with Dementia about Human Nature, Persons, and Selves,
Invited Presentation for the Philosophy Club 2018-04-19
What Philosophers Can Learn from Ubuntu, Pudgalavāda Buddhism, Feral Children, and People Living with Dementia about Human Nature, Persons, and Selves,
Philosophy and Religion Society (PARS) 2018-04-18
Persons , Selves, and Dementia,
Uehiro Graduate Philosophy Conference 2018-03-01
Rethinking Semantic Agency, Memorial Personhood, and Holding,
Graduate Student Colloquium 2017-06-01
Kant on the Moral Significance and Value of Happiness,
Department of Philosophy and Religion, University of North Carolina Wilmington 2017-02-01
Why Interests that Survive Dementia Carry Moral Authority,
The Fifth Annual WMU Medical Humanities Conference 2015-09-01
Autonomy, Well-Being, and Surrogate Decision-Making,
UCSB Ethics Bowl Participants 2015-01-01
Autonomy, Well-Being, and What the Patient Would Choose If Competent,
Graduate Student Colloquium 2014-11-01