Reilly, Colleen A
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Prompt engineering 101 for instructors ,
Prompt engineering 101 for instructors, with Lance Cummings, Dr. Yeqing Kong, and Dr. Jeremy Tirrell 2023-04-12
Collaboration in Action: Participatory Assessment Research with STEM Partners ,
Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC) 2022-10-01
Collaboration in action: Participatory assessment research with STEM partners ,
Faculty Works-in-Progress Series 2022-10-01
Writing a Scientific Research Paper ,
Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM) Program 2019-07-02
Only Connect: A Collaborative Model for ePortfolio Initiatives, ,
AAC&U: Forum on Digital Learning and ePortfolios 2019-01-01
Using Adobe Creative Cloud apps for research methods ,
Using Adobe Creative Cloud apps for research methods. With Jeanne Persuit. Real-C presentation 2018-10-26
Innovations in Curriculum Design ,
WITX 2018-04-01
Applying a Framework for Experiential Learning Using the NSEE 8 Principles ,
Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education 2018-03-01
Mutually Beneficial Relationships between SOTL, Pedagogy, Program Development, and Assessment ,
International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference 2017-10-01
“Programmatic and Pedagogical Innovations in Professional Writing” ,
Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication Conference 2017-10-01
Metaphors, Analogies, and the Digital: Mental Models Students Use to Understand and Explain Digital Tools and Environments ,
Conference on College Composition and Communication 2017-03-01
The Integration of Community Engagement and Applied Learning in an effort to Address Youth Violence ,
Community Engagement Conference 2016-10-01
“Revisioning Academic Entrepreneurship at a Public Regional Comprehensive University in North Carolina” ,
IEEE ProComm: International Professional Communication Conference 2016-10-01
Understanding International Academic Project Management (PM) as Possibilities of Differences between a High and a Low Cultural Context, ,
IIUI New Global City Conference 2016-05-01
Employment Documents and Design ,
Sigma Tau Delta meeting 2016-04-18
Writing for Wikipedia: Participating in Constructing Shared Knowledge ,
3rd Annual UNCW Writing Conference for K-12 Educators, UNCW Watson College of Education 2015-09-26
Engaged Teaching Institute - Faculty Roundtable ,
UNCW New Faculty Orientation 2015-08-05
Technoliterate In(ter)ventions: Surveillance, Privacy, and Net Neutrality ,
31st Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2015-05-01
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2014-11-10
Open Access Discussion ,
Faculty Day, UNCW Randall Library 2014-10-21
Reading University Ecosystems: Bolstering Sustainability and Revising Growth for Technical Communication Programs ,
Council of Programs of Technical and Scientific Communication 2014-09-01
Annual Reports and Promotions workshop ,
UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence 2014-03-24
Defining Scope: Rigorous Research Design Strategies for Data-Driven Digital Research. ,
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference 2014-03-19
CTE 3rd Annual Mentoring Camp ,
CTE 3rd Annual Mentoring Camp 2014-02-01
Digital writing: Strategies for encouraging production ,
Cape Fear English Language Association Conference 2014-02-01
CTE 3rd Annual Mentoring Camp ,
CTE 3rd Annual Mentoring Camp 2013-11-16
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2013-11-01
NC Higher Education Today and Tomorrow ,
UNCW’s Center for Teaching Excellence 2013-04-25
CTE 2nd Annual Mentoring Camp ,
CTE 2nd Annual Mentoring Camp 2013-03-01
Revision, Editing, and Proofreading ,
Presentation to Communication Studies 400 2013-02-14
Research and Applied Learning: Intellectual Property and Ethics ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2013-02-13
Making Grading Aspirational: Student Motivation & Applied Learning ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2013-01-30
Best Practices in Syllabus Construction ,
Podcast. Center for Teaching Excellence 2012-12-05
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2012-10-01
Methods and Tools for Mapping an Invisible College ,
Works in Progress Presentation 2012-09-02
Designing Aspirational Assessment Criteria for Digital Writing Projects ,
28th Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2012-05-19
Online Impact of Professional and Technical Communication Journals’ Websites: Insights from Webometrics ,
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference 2012-03-21
Taking the 2.0 Leap: Interactive Technologies to Smooth Your Path ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2012-02-29
Applied Learning Within the Classroom: Increasing Engaged Learning in 1-3 classes ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2011-10-19
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2011-10-01
Methods and Tools for Mapping an Invisible College ,
Department of English, Works in Progress 2011-09-02
Mapping an invisible college: Locating connections between open access journals and other web-based texts ,
27th Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2011-05-22
Grading 101 ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2010-11-04
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2010-10-01
Teaching Wikipedia as a Mirrored Technology ,
26th Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2010-05-21
E-portfolios for Student Learning and Faculty Assessment ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2010-04-23
Approaching Writing as Design ,
Masters of Instructional Technology Colloquium 2010-04-08
“Is There a Space in This Class? Designing Effective and Efficient Learning Environments with New Technologies" ,
Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication 2010-03-17
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2010-03-01
“The Use of Evidence in Electronic Portfolios in Communication Studies" ,
Cohort V Meeting 2010-02-26
Incorporating Student Learning Outcomes into the Classroom ,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2009-09-16
Approaching Writing as Design ,
Masters of Instructional Technology Colloquium 2009-03-26
“Innovate, Assess, Sustain: Writing Pedagogy and Web 2.0" ,
Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication 2009-03-11
“Stifling Innovation: The Impact of Resource-poor Techno-ecologies on Student Technology Use.” ,
Seventh Biennial Thomas R. Watson Conference 2008-10-17
“Creating a Cross-Campus Team for Electronic Portfolio Research.” ,
Meeting of Cohort V 2008-08-01
“Materializing Virtual Composing: Locating Models and Analogies to Aid Students to Develop Multi-literacies” ,
24th Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2008-05-25
“Get Your Twitter Out of My Ajax: Web 2.0 and Writing Pedagogy” ,
24th Annual Computers and Writing Conference 2008-05-22
Developing CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2008-04-24
“Research and Citation Practices for New Media Scholarship” ,
Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication 2008-04-04
Writing Effective CVs ,
Graduate English Association 2008-04-01
Applying to MA/MS programs in Professional and Technical Writing ,
UNCW STC membership 2007-10-30
Moving Toward a Paperless Classroom ,
English Department Faculty 2007-09-28
Applying to PhD programs in Professional and Technical Writing and Rhetoric and Composition ,
Graduate English Association 2007-09-01
Improving Student Writing: A Faculty Quality of Life Issue ,
UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence 2006-10-12
Changing Genres, Shaping Organizations: Business Proposals at a Metering Company ,
Works in Process, Department of English 2001-11-01
Web Design Tutorial: Using FrontPage to Make Basic Websites ,
Department of English 2001-10-01
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Professional writing theory and pedagogy; science and medical writing; electronic composition, citation, and publication; computer gaming and literacy; critical digital literacies; writing and AI; distance learning; and privacy and surveillance in digital spaces.