Professor Pilkington studies the archaeology and history of the Ancient Mediterranean during the last millennium BCE. His primary academic interest is the history of peripheral peoples, particularly Phoenician populations. His first book, The Carthaginian Empire: 550-202 BCE (2019), reconstructs Carthaginian History using only the archaeological and epigraphic evidence found at Carthage and cities within its empire. In addition, Prof. Pilkington has written extensively on ancient health and demography (Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche) as well as epigraphy (BASOR). At UNCW, much of Prof. Pilkington’s teaching centers on the ongoing Scientific Turn in historical studies. A native North Carolinian, he received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Prior to his appointment at UNCW, Prof. Pilkington was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Ancient Material Culture at Cornell University and a lecturer at Columbia University, Harvard University, and Fairfield University.