Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Not so Hidden Figure: Marie Hochmuth Nichols’ Leadership in the Communication Discipline -- The Pennsylvania Scholar Series. Pennsylvania Communication Association. 2019-01-01
- The Potential for Paracrisis in Corporate Philanthropy and Social Media -- International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior. Emerald Publishing Limited. 20:51-71. 2017-01-01
- Back to the Future: Cicero’s Five Canons as an Assessment Framework.. Journal of the Association of Communication Administration. 33:35-48. 2014-01-01
- The Universal and Particular: Stephen Toulmin’s Rhetorical Theory and the Natural Law Tradition -- The Review of Communication. Taylor & Francis Group. 11:50-65. 2011-01-01
- Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement.. Lexington Books. 2016-01-01
- Social Media and Integrated Marketing Communication: A Rhetorical Approach. Lexington Books. 2013-07-01
- Rhetorical Sensitivity and Crisis and Risk Communication: Extension of a Theory -- Communicating Risk and Safety. de Gruyter. 111-122. 2024-04-01
- Memory-Place and the Unintentional Monument: Pittsburgh’s Civic Arena (1961-2012) and its Legacy. -- Contested Commemoration in US History: Diverging Public Interpretations. Routledge. 2020-09-01
- Featured Scholar for the Crisis and Conflict in Event Planning chapter. . 2016-01-01
- Integrated Marketing Communication and Public Relations: Epideictic Rhetoric, Kairos, and Ireland’s Vote Yes! Campaign. -- Integrated Marketing Communication: Creating Spaces for Engagement. Lexington Books. 2016-01-01
- The Epideictic Rhetoric of Michelle Obama: Evolution of the First Lady's Brand. Lexington Books.. 2015-01-01
- Branding your Treatment Court.. National Drug Court Resource Center.. 2021-10-01
- Selling your Treatment Court.. National Drug Court Resource Center.. 2021-10-01