Nguyen, Simone P
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To be or not to be? The effects of transformation on category membership of foods and non-foods.,
biennial meeting 2023-03-01
Beliefs on category membership for foods and non-foods based on their origins.,
biennial Meeting 2022-03-01
The role of theory of mind, cognitive flexibility, and age in children’s developing cross-classification abilities.,
biennial meeting 2021-04-01
Changes in category membership judgments following a transformation. ,
Annual Meeting 2021-03-01
Healthy or junky? The development of classifying foods by its health status in Egypt.,
biennial Meeting 2019-10-01
The same or different? The effect of physical transformations on category membership of foods and non-foods. ,
Biennial Meeting 2019-10-01
How children make inferences about cross-classified individuals.,
biennial meeting 2019-03-01
Judgments across age and culture about whether natural foods are owned. ,
biennial meeting 2019-03-01
Developmental changes in categorizing others into multiple social roles,
biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society 2017-10-01
Grown or made? Children’s causal explanations of the origins of natural versus processed foods,
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2017-04-01
Natural but owned: Children's and adults' judgments about the ownership of food,
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2017-04-01
Hope, happiness, and gratitude in children with visual and hearing impairments,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2016-11-01
How do I love thee? Cross-partner associations between the five facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction among long-term married couples,
annual convention of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2016-10-01
Children’s cognitive ability to flexibly categorize toys,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2016-04-01
Children’s simultaneous cross- classification of toys,
annual UNCW Applied Learning ETEAL Exploration Day 2016-03-01
Examining the role of gratitude on the five facets of mindfulness and relationship well-being among long-term married couples,
convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2015-11-01
Think before you react: Exploring the association between the five facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction in long-term married couples,
annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 2015-11-01
Children's simultaneous cross-classification of toys,
biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society 2015-10-01
Mindfulness and relationship well-being,
annual Mind & Life Summer Research Institute (MLSRI) 2015-06-01
The developmental trajectory of mindfulness in children,
annual International Meeting on Mindfulness 2015-06-01
Developmental differences in theory of mind,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2015-04-01
Visually impaired and sighted children’s hope and happiness,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2015-04-01
Children’s judgments regarding the causal mechanisms underlying food origins,
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2015-03-01
Children’s reasoning within the domain of food,
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Symposium 2015-02-01
The development of cross-classification in children,
annual North Carolina Cognition Conference 2015-02-01
Are mindful couples happier because they are more grateful?,
annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 2014-11-01
Happiness and hope in children with visual impairments,
UNCW Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2014-10-01
An examination of children's and adults' beliefs about the health and taste of food,
Conference on Human Development 2010-04-01
An examination of children's and adults' beliefs about the health and taste of food,
University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Health and Related Studies Student Symposium 2010-04-01
Children’s reliance on internal sources of information about food.,
University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Graduate Student Research/Scholarship Poster Symposium 2010-04-01
How children form their evaluative categories of food based on different sources of information,
International Conference of Food Consumption, Child Culture and Education 2010-04-01
A question of flexibility: Children’s cross- classification and gender stereotyping,
biennial meeting of the Cognitive Development Society 2009-10-01
Food for thought: Categorization and reasoning in children.,
International Conference on Biological Understanding and Theory of Mind: Core Knowledge and Naive Conceptions in Children and Adults 2009-06-01
An examination of children and adults' beliefs about the health and taste of various foods within the basic food groups,
University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Undergraduate Research Day 2009-04-01
Development of a Theory-Based Intervention to Teach Children about Health: A 5-month Follow-up,
University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Undergraduate Research Day 2009-04-01
Teaching children about health: A comparison between a theory- and non theory-based intervention,
biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development 2009-04-01
Thinking about toys: An analysis of children’s ability to form conceptual combinations,
University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Undergraduate Research Day 2009-04-01
Children's concepts of healthy and unhealthy foods,
UNCW Health and Related Sciences Conference 2008-01-01
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