Mehl, Eva M
Director of Honors College
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Expanding Boundaries in the Catholic Spanish Empire: Spanish Augustinian Missionaries in China, 1680-1724,,
Maritime Missions: Religion, Ethnography and Empires in the Long Eighteenth Century 2019-05-01
Spanish Augustinian Missionaries in China in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries,
Southwest Seminar on Colonial Latin America 2018-11-01
Expanding (and Raveling) Boundaries: Spanish Augustinian Missionaries in China in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries,
Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 2018-04-01
Políticas coloniales y agendas locales en los márgenes del imperio español: reclutas y vagos mexicanos en las Filipinas, 1765-1811,,
Association for European Historians of Latin America 2017-09-01
The Challenges of Defending a Trans-Oceanic Empire: Spain, Mexico, and the Philippines in the Revolutionary Era,
Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies 2017-03-01
Transoceanic Connections in a Polycentric Monarchy: Convict Transportation and Military Recruitment in the Spanish Empire, 1765-1811,,
American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 2017-03-01
Parents, Youngsters, and the State in the Banishment of Mexicans to the Philippines, 1765-1811,
Latin American Studies Association 2016-05-01
The Philippines in the Mexican Imagination: The Manila Galleons and the Creation of a Conflicted Image of Asia,
Yale InterAsia Connections Conference 2016-03-01
Transportation of Mexican Recruits and Vagrants to the Philippines: Relationships of Power in the Periphery of the Spanish Empire, 1765-1811,,
International Conference Carceral Archipelago: Transnational Circulations in Global Perspective, 1415-1960 2015-09-01
Requests for Deportation: Parents, Youngsters, Wives, and the State in the Banishment of Mexicans to the Philippines, 1765-1811,,
TePaske Seminar 2015-03-01