Malo-Juvera, Victor
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The Oxford Handbook of Young adult Literature: Four Years in the Making,
Summit on the Research & Teaching of Young Adult Literature 2024-03-01
"Eight %&$#?@! Great Censored Books: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian." ,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2023-11-01
Connections within Research in Young Adult Literature: An Overview of Research on YA Literature,
The National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2023-11-01
Eight Great English Education Authors Who Light the Way for Teachers: Doing Youth Participatory Action Research: Transforming Inquiry for Researchers, Educators, and Students,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2022-11-01
A Discussion about the Relevance and Enduring Themes of The Great Gatsby,
National Council of Teachers of English Webinar 2021-01-25
Eight great approaches to teaching film that spark students’ curiosity about the world: Dystopian Societies.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2019-11-01
L. Ramon Veal Research Seminar – Mentor to doctoral students,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2019-11-01
The canon of young adult literature.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2019-11-01
WhY(A) War: Inquiring into Adolescents in Conflict.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2019-11-01
Pedagogical strategies for teaching mythology to high school students and in large university courses.,
15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019-07-01
Nuts and bolts for new English language arts teachers: Open Q & A.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2018-11-01
Teaching for equity and justice with young adult literature. ,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2018-11-01
The development and validation of the final version of the Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol.,
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2018-04-01
Eight great American novels that ignite our passion for teaching: The Color Purple.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2017-11-01
Biracial protagonists in Mexican Whiteboy. ,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2017-11-01
Culturally responsive instruction: An exploration of what matters most for student achievement.,
Literacy Research Association Annual Conference 2017-11-01
Moving in the right direction on the way to transformation: The impact of coaching-based professional learning on teachers’ efficacy and practice with culturally responsive literacy instruction.,
Literacy Research Association Annual Conference 2016-11-01
The effect of a literary unit on adolescents’ attitudes toward suicide.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2016-11-01
A mixed-methods investigation of teachers' self- efficacy for culturally responsive instruction.,
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2016-04-01
Challenges in implementing culturally responsive literacy instruction: An analysis of teachers’ interview responses.,
Literacy Research Association Annual Conference 2015-12-01
October Mourning: Students seeking social justice through poetry,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2015-11-01
The Hero's Journey in Fiction, Film, and Videogames.,
Seminar for Pender Early College Campus Visit 2015-04-13
A Q factor analysis of preservice teachers’ attitudes toward LGBTQ themed literature.,
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2015-04-01
Queering the YA 2015-03-24
Teachers' perceptions and implementation of culturally responsive instruction: The CRIOP professional development model.,
Literacy Research Association Annual Conference 2014-12-01
Eight great American poets who inspire students to discover their own voices: Teaching Langston Hughes and Black Lives Matter,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2014-11-01
Eight great multicultural novels: The Color Purple.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2014-11-01
Pushing against boundaries in the ivory tower, teachers of young adult literature.,
Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the National Council of Teachers of English Workshop 2014-11-01
Using YouTube videogame walkthroughs for archetypal analysis.,
National Council of Teachers of English Convention 2014-11-01
Politics of English education.,
North Carolina English Teachers’ Association Annual Conference 2014-10-01
Closing Plenary Session,
NC Ready for Success English Summit 2014-09-26
Conducting the Cape Fear ELA CCSS Conference,
NC Ready for Success English Summit 2014-09-26