Lutz, Barbara J
McNeill Distinguished Professor
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The Under-utilization of Palliative Care Services by Patients with Glioblastoma Highlights the Importance of Discussions around Palliative Care: a Cross-sectional Study with Care Partners of Patients with GBM Recruited from Facebook Support Groups,
29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology 2024-11-01
Sociocultural Considerations in Heart Failure Self-care Readiness: A Thematic Analysis,
50th Annual Transcultural Nursing Society Conference 2024-10-01
Spouse Primary Caregivers of Patients with GBM Share Tangible Needs for Health Care Team Members and the Evaluation of a PATH Forward for Better Caregiver Support,
American Brain Tumor Association Annual Meeting 2024-09-01
Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme: Evaluation of the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home (PATH©) Instrument to Better Prepare Primary Caregivers Throughout the Disease Trajectory,
Camp Lejeune's 14th Annual Research Symposium 2024-04-01
Evaluation of the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home (PATH©) Instrument by Former Primary Caregivers of Patients with GBM,
CHHS Research and Innovation Day 2024-04-01
Sociocultural Considerations in Heart Failure Self-care Readiness: A Thematic Analysis,
UNCW Spring Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2024-04-01
The Caregiver Burden of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and Feeling of Regret for Treatment Decisions Associated with GBM Standard of Care Using Qualitative Analysis,
Camp Lejeune's 14th Annual Research Symposium 2024-04-01
The Caregiver Burden of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and Feeling of Regret for Treatment Decisions Associated with GBM Standard of Care using Qualitative Analysis,
CHHS Research and Innovation Day 2024-04-01
The Effects of Patient Navigation and Palliative Care Services on Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma,
Camp Lejeune's 14th Annual Research Symposium 2024-04-01
The Use of Focus Groups to Understand the Needs of Primary Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma,
Spring Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2024-04-01
The Utilization of Patient Navigation and Palliative Care Services on Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma,
CHHS Research and Innovation Day 2024-04-01
Under-utilization of Palliative Care by Patients with Glioblastoma,
Spring Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2024-04-01
Nursing’s Role in Raising the Bar for High Quality Post-acute Care,
International Stroke Conference 2024-02-01
A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Stroke Family Caregiver Readiness,
Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force 2024-01-01
Assessing and Addressing the Needs of Stroke Family Caregivers. International Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery Conference,
International Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery Conference 2023-12-01
Female Spouse Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma Want Better Education and Communication from Health Care Professionals Regarding What to Expect During the Disease Progression,
AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Brain Cancer 2023-10-01
Implementing an Assessment Tool to Improve Glioblastoma Caregiver Readiness at Different Phases of the Disease Trajectory,
AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Brain Cancer 2023-10-01
The Caregiver Burden of Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and Feeling of Regret for Treatment Decisions Associated with GBM Standard of Care Using Qualitative Analysis,
American Association for Cancer Researchers Special Conference in Cancer Research: Brain Cancer 2023-10-01
Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma Express Regret Around Treatment Choices,
2023 Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Programs in Clinical Research 2023-09-01
Spouse Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma Report Unmet Needs Throughout the Disease Trajectory,
2023 Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Programs in Clinical Research 2023-09-01
To Mentor is to a Life Forever: Mentoring New Grads, Nurses, CRRNs, Leaders, and Researchers,
49th Annual Educational Conference 2023-08-01
Mobile Health Training Program: An Innovative Model for Non-Academic Health Centers,
2023 ACHNE APHN Joint Conference 2023-06-01
PATH2Caregiving: Family-Centered Care Model to Improve Caregiver Readiness for Discharge,
International Family Nursing Conference 16 2023-06-01
Spouse Caregivers of Patients with Glioblastoma Report Unmet Needs Throughout the Disease Trajectory,
American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2023 2023-04-01
Evaluating US Recommendations for Supporting Family Caregivers and the Role of Nursing,
Sigma Theta Tau International Congress 2022-07-01
Closing the Gap: Perspectives on Patient Work,
SNRS- Annual Conference 2022-02-01
Nursing’s role in successful stroke care transitions across the continuum: From acute care into the community,
International Stroke Conference 2022-02-01
Research priorities in family caregiving,
International Stroke Conference 2022-02-01
Using GIS to Better understand access to follow-up stroke care. International Stroke Conference,
International Stroke Conference 2022-02-01
Providing support for care partners through Family-Integrated CareTM,
National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research Advisory Board 2021-12-01
Implementing a caregiver assessment and plan of care: Challenges, facilitators, and benefits,
Annual Education Conference 2021-10-01
Patient Work: The Work Patients Do To Manage A Chronic Illness and How Nurses Can Be Helpful,
North Carolina Nurses Association Annual Convention 2021-09-01
Assessing family caregivers using the PATH-s instrument,
Webinar 2021-06-01
"Being Sick Is a Full-Time Job": A Job Analysis of Managing a Chronic Illness,
Academy Health-Annual Research Meeting 2021-06-01
Evaluation of the PATH2Caregiving Program,
International Stroke Conference 2021-03-01
Identifying stroke caregiver concerns pre-discharge: Uncertainty, anticipation, and cues to action,
International Stroke Conference 2021-03-01
Traveling the PATH to stroke caregiver readiness,
Gerontological Society of America Annual Research Conference, Virtual 2020-11-01
Demystifying Stroke Care across the Continuum: Rehabilitation Perspectives,
REACH Virtual Conference 2020 2020-10-01
Assessing stroke caregiver readiness,
Virtual 4th Annual International Neuroscience Nursing Research Symposium 2020-08-01
Demystifying Stroke Care across the Continuum: Rehabilitation Perspectives,
2020 Virtual Stroke Conference 2020-08-01
Utilizing the CBPR Charrette to develop capacity in a community advisory board for patient centered outcomes research in a federally qualified health center,
International Collaboration for Participatory Health Research Conference & Annual Working Meeting 2019-06-01
Familial caregiving following stroke: Findings from the COMprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) Study,
5th European Stroke Organization Conference 2019-05-01
Understanding stroke caregiver readiness: Content validation of the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home after Stroke (PATH-s),
5th European Stroke Organization Conference 2019-05-01
“They didn’t tell us what to expect”: Successes and challenges implementing transitional care models after stroke,
Spring Conference: Greater North Carolina Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 2019-04-01
American Nurses Foundation Funding Opportunities: Invited Funding Panel,
Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2019-03-01
A transitional care intervention to improve outcomes after stroke or TIA: The COMprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) Study,
International Stroke Conference 2019-02-01
COMPASS Study: Nursing Research in Stroke,
International Stroke Conference: Stroke Central Expert Theater 2019-02-01
Family caregiving in minority women,
International Stroke Conference 2019-02-01
Integrating the COMprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS) Model into Routine Care: A qualitative analysis,
International Stroke Conference 2019-02-01
The Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home after Stroke (PATH-S) predicts important domains of health and well-being associated with caregivers of stroke survivors,
International Stroke Conference 2019-02-01
Facilitating Family-Centered Transitions across the Continuum of Stroke Care,
Arizona Stroke Conference 2018-11-01
“I Didn’t Know What I Didn’t Know”: Understanding and Addressing the Post-Discharge Needs of Stroke Family Caregivers,
Arizona Stroke Conference 2018-11-01
PCORI’s TC-E2AM Trials to Enhance Care Transitions for Patients with Rehabilitation Needs,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 95th Annual Conference 2018-10-01
Special Symposium: Health Care Reform and Rehabilitation for People with Spinal Cord Injury,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 95th Annual Conference 2018-10-01
Stroke Caregiver Readiness: Coming Full Circle,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 95th Annual Conference 2018-10-01
System-Level Challenges and Strategies for Implementing The COMPASS Model: A Statewide Comprehensive Post-Acute Care Intervention for Stroke Survivors and their Family Caregivers,
World Stroke Congress 2018-10-01
The Crisis of Stroke: Understanding Caregiver Readiness,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 43rd Annual Education Conference 2018-10-01
Stroke Recovery Models: Preparing Family Members for the Caregiver Role and the Stroke Survivor’s Re-Integration into the Community,
Neuroscience Conference. Eastern AHEC 2018-06-01
Challenges and Strategies for Implementing Interventions in a Statewide System-Based Pragmatic Trial,
American Academy of Neurology 70th Annual Meeting 2018-05-01
Investigating Parkinson's Disease in the United States: An Exploration of Environmental and Socio-Economic Variables and Distance to Treatment Centers,
American Association of Geographers Annual Conference 2018-04-01
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Stroke Caregiver Readiness Assessment and Intervention to Enhance Discharge Outcomes,
American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference & Expo 2018-04-01
Building Successful Hospital-Community Networks for Stroke Survivors and their Family Caregivers,
Understanding Disordered Sleep and Stroke: International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2018-01-01
Educational Assessment Strategies that Professionals can Implement,
Understanding Disordered Sleep and Stroke: International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2018-01-01
Interaction of Stroke Survivor Disordered Sleep and Family Caregiver Sleep,
Understanding Disordered Sleep and Stroke: International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2018-01-01
Stroke Nursing Oral Abstracts (Moderator),
Understanding Disordered Sleep and Stroke: International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2018-01-01
What I Didn’t Know – Helping Family Members Transitioning into the Caregiving Role,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 42nd Annual Education Conference 2017-11-01
The Experience of Illness Control and Hospital Readmission in Adults with Chronic Heart Failure,
STTI 44th Biennial Convention 2017-10-30
A Model for Improving Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Research Conference 2017-10-01
Nurse’s Role in Transitions of Care,
Stroke Quintessentials Conference 2017-09-01
Family Caregiver Role in Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Services (COMPASS),
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress 2017-07-01
Reasons for Care Seeking in the Emergency Department by Older Adults with Chronic Illness,
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress 2017-07-01
The Experience of Illness Control and Hospital Readmission in Adults with Chronic Heart Failure,
American Association of Heart Failure Nurses 13th Annual Meeting 2017-06-23
Keynote: Dealing with the Shock and Crisis of the Stroke Event, Discharge, and New Life Responsibilities,
Stroke Caregiver Summit 2017-06-01
Meeting the Needs of Young Adult Stroke Survivors,
2017 Nursing Research Symposium 2017-05-01
Developing a Tool to Assess Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2017-04-01
Investigating the Relationship between Parkinson’s Disease and Environmental and Socioeconomic Variables,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2017-04-01
Developing a Tool to Assess Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting & Forum 2017-03-01
A Willing and Able Caregiver will Optimize Community Re-Integration Post-Stroke: The Importance of Assessment,
Optimizing Community Re-integration Post-stroke Symposium: International Stroke Conference 2017-02-01
Individualized Electronic Care Plans and Performance Measures for Comprehensive Post-Acute Stroke Care,
Symposium: International Stroke Conference 2017-02-01
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Regarding Advanced Care Planning in Active Duty Military Personnel Ages 18-30,
32nd Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2017-02-01
Let’s Go! Facilitating Admission, Progression, and Discharge for Stroke (Moderator),
Symposium: International Stroke Conference 2017-02-01
Preparing Young Stroke Survivors for the Community and Return to Work,
Redefining the Continuum of Stroke Care for Working Age Adults: International Stroke Conference 2017-02-01
Alleviating the Crisis of Discharge Post-Stroke,
YoungStroke 2016 2016-12-01
Improving Post-Acute Comprehensive Stroke Care: An Opportunity to Improve Recovery, Independence, and Health,
Southern Arizona Stroke Conference 2016-11-01
Improving Stroke Care Transitions: Lessons from Family Caregivers,
COBRE and WISSDOM Center Lecture Series 2016-11-01
The Experience of Illness Control and Hospital Readmission in Adults with Chronic Heart Failure,
Sigma Theta Tau International 3rd Annual European Regional Conference 2016-06-08
ED to Home Transitional Care: Report on Preliminary Findings of Patient Perspectives,
Academy Health Annual Research Meetings 2016-06-01
Leveraging Your Program of Research & Scholarship to Impact Practice & Policy,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2016-04-01
Using Interactive Theater to Improve Provider-Family Communication and Promote Interprofessional Education and Practice in Palliative Care ,
National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting & Forum 2016-04-01
Addressing Unmet Palliative Care Needs of Stroke Patients and Their Families (Moderator),
Symposium: International Stroke Conference 2016-02-01
Results from an ED to Home Transitional Care Intervention Pilot Study,
30th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2016-02-01
Using Interactive Theater to Promote Awareness of Advance Directives and Decision Making,
Southern Nursing Research Society's Annual Conference - SNURS 2016-02-01
Assessing and Addressing the Needs of Stroke Survivors and Family Caregivers across the Care Continuum,
Symposium Meeting Family Needs at the Bedside and Across the Continuum: Theory, Research, Response: Sigma Theta Tau International 43rd Biennial Convention 2015-11-01
The Experience of Illness Control and Hospital Readmission in Adults with Chronic Heart Failure’,
21st Qualitative Health Research Conference, Toronto, Canada 2015-10-19
Care Transitions throughout the Continuum of Care,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 41st Annual Education Conference 2015-10-01
Identifying and Addressing the Needs of Vulnerable Populations in Stroke,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 41st Annual Education Conference 2015-10-01
Models to Promote Best Practice in Interprofessional Care of Stroke Survivors and Their Caregivers,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 92nd Annual Research Conference 2015-10-01
Strategies for Improving Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
29th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2015-02-01
Strategies for Patients and Caregivers Who are Discharging to Home,
International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2015-02-01
Stroke Family Caregiver Interventions: Where’s the Evidence?,
International Stroke Conference American Heart Association 2015-02-01
Issues and Dilemmas in Stroke Survivor Transitions: Transitional Care for Stroke Family Caregivers,
Symposium Scientific Sessions: American Heart Association 2014-11-01
Facilitating Successful Transitions Home Following a Visit to the Emergency Department,
American Academy of Nursing, Policy Conference 2014-10-01
Family-Centered Care: Voices of Family Caregivers,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 40th Annual Education Conference 2014-10-01
Identifying and Addressing the Needs of Vulnerable Populations in Stroke,
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 91st Annual Research Conference 2014-10-01
The Essential Role of the Rehabilitation Nurse in Facilitating Care Transitions: What Role do you Have?,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 40th Annual Education Conference 2014-10-01
Strategies for Improving Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
New Hanover Regional Medical Center Cardiovascular Disease Conference 2014-09-01
The Stroke Care Trajectory from Acute Care to Home: Implications for Family Caregivers,
New Hanover Regional Medical Center Cardiovascular Disease Conference 2014-09-01
Stroke Family Caregivers: Resources, Policy, and Future Directions to Support Stroke Family Caregivers,
International Stroke Conference 2014-02-01
Stroke Palliative Care: What to Expect? Symptom Management after Stroke,
International Stroke Conference 2014-02-01
Public Health Nursing in the 21st Century: Reclaiming Our Roots through Home-Based Care Coordination & Case Management,
American Public Health Association 141st Annual Meeting 2013-11-01
Family-Centered Care in Rehabilitation: Addressing Issues and Concerns to Improve Care Transitions,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 39th Annual Education Conference 2013-10-01
Strategies for Stroke Caregiver Readiness,
International Stroke Conference 2013-02-01
Assessment of Stroke Caregiver Readiness: A Primary Prevention Strategy,
Scientific Sessions: American Heart Association 2012-11-01
Assessment of Stroke Caregiver Readiness: A Primary Prevention Strategy,
State of the Science Congress on Nursing Science 2012-09-01
Abstract NS 12: Caregiver-Provider Interactions Impact Preparedness of Family Caregivers of Stroke Survivors,
2012 International Stroke Conference 2012-02-01
Assessment of Stroke Caregiver Readiness: A Primary Prevention Strategy,
2012 International Stroke Conference 2012-02-01
Submitting an Abstract,
State of the Art, Stroke Nursing Symposium 2012-02-01
Healthcare Provider Respect for Stroke Caregivers – New Insights on the Evaluation of Needs and Satisfaction,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 37th Annual Educational Conference 2011-11-01
Stroke Rehabilitation Practice Guidelines: Interdisciplinary Management across the Continuum,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 37th Annual Educational Conference 2011-11-01
Beyond Focus Groups and Interviews: How to Develop Competitive, Rigorous Qualitative Proposals in Public Health Nursing,
American Public Health Association 139th Annual Meeting 2011-10-01
The Stroke Crisis Trajectory for Acute Care to Home: Implications for Caregivers,
Brooks Rehabilitation 3rd Annual Research Day 2011-10-01
Caregiving Load and the Decision to Institutionalize a Relative with Parkinson’s Disease: A Grounded Theory Study,
25th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2011-02-01
Provider Decision making Regarding Vaginal Birth after C-Section: A Critical Ethnography,
25th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2011-02-01
The Experience of Caring Health Care Experiences of Women on Welfare: A Photovoice Study,
25th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2011-02-01
The Experience of Caring for the Hospitalized Patient at End of Life: A Narrative Analysis,
25th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2011-02-01
Using an Interdisciplinary Qualitative Data Analysis Group to Strengthen Students’ Analytic Abilities,
25th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society 2011-02-01
A CBPR Guided Depression Screening and Suicidal Ideation Disclosure: Linking RCT Findings Back to Qualitative Inquiry in the “CBPR to Reduce Women's Health Disparities Thru TANF Study”,
American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting 2010-11-01
Community-Based Exercise Classes for All: A Success Story,
American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting 2010-11-01
Stroke Care Trajectory from Acute Care to Home: Implications for Caregivers,
American Public Health Association 138th Annual Meeting 2010-11-01
Using RNF Funds to Launch a Research Career: Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Stroke Patient/Caregiver Dyads,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 36th Annual Educational Conference 2010-11-01
A Public Health Intervention: Educating Alachua County Citizens about the Referendum Regarding School Nurses,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 7th Annual Research Day 2009-03-01
Lesbians’ Experiences with Health Care and Health Care Providers,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 7th Annual Research Day 2009-03-01
“My Whole Life Has Changed!”—The Experiences of Stroke Survivors and Their Families Transitioning Home After Discharge (conference abstract),
2009 International Stroke Conference 2009-02-01
Without Borders or Walls: Developing Online Master’s Education for Public Health Nurses,
American Public Health Association 136th Annual Meeting 2008-11-01
“You Had Me at Hello!” Essentials of Writing a Winning Grant Proposal,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 34th Annual Educational Conference 2008-10-01
Health Care Experiences of Women on Welfare: A Photovoice Study,
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Stroke Institute 12th Annual Stroke Update 2008 2008-09-01
A Concept Analysis of Compassion Fatigue,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 6th Annual Research Day 2008-03-01
Exploration of the Concept of Compassion Fatigue,
Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference 2008-02-01
Perceived Personal Robotic Technology Needs among Elders with Mobility Impairments,
International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence (ICADI) 2008-02-01
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) to Reduce Women's Health Disparities Thru TANF Study: Focus Group and Survey Findings to Redesign a Clinical Health Screening Questionnaire,
American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting 2007-11-01
Innovative Methodological Strategies for Data Collection in CBPR: Lessons from the Field,
American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting 2007-11-01
Perceptions, Delivery, and Understanding of the Informed Consent Process among Women Participating in a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Study of Welfare Policy and Health,
American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting 2007-11-01
Persons with Mobility Impairments and Caregivers: Factors that Aid Community Mobility,
American Public Health Association 135th Annual Meeting 2007-11-01
Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis: Where to Begin?,
Advances in Qualitative Methods Conference 2007-09-01
Community Access Issue in Clients with Mobility Impairments,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 5th Annual Research Day 2007-03-01
The Needs of Caregivers and Veterans with Stroke Using a Home-Based Telehealth Program (conference abstract),
2007 International Stroke Conference 2007-02-01
CBPR to Reduce Women’s Health Disparities Thru TANF Study: Description and Overview,
American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting 2006-11-01
Mobility, Disability, and Community Access: Preliminary Findings from an Ethnographic Study,
Conference of the Social Sciences 2nd Annual Meeting 2006-10-01
Piloting a Home-Based Tele-Health Intervention for Veterans with Stroke and Their Caregivers,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 32nd Annual Educational Conference 2006-10-01
Home-Based Telehealth Care: Validation of Evidence-Based Stroke Dialogues for Patients and Caregivers,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 4th Annual Research Day 2006-03-01
Discrimination and Inequities in Housing Policies and Practices in Privately-Owned Subsidized Housing: A Case Example in Public Health Nursing,
American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting 2005-12-01
Identifying Stroke Recovery Care Coordination/Home Telehealth Strategies for Veterans and Their Caregivers,
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 31st Annual Educational Conference 2005-10-01
Implementing a School-Based Asthma Self-Management Program: A Partnership between a State University College of Nursing and a Public Elementary School,
American Public Health Association 132nd Annual Meeting 2004-11-01
Designing Consumer-Centered Community-Based Services for Adults with Physical Disabilities: Matching Resources with Needs,
University of Florida/Brooks Center for Rehabilitation Studies/Department of Veteran’s Administration Rehabilitation Research Day 2004-05-01
Men Telling Their Story: A Secondary Analysis of Dyadic Social Support for Men with Prostate Cancer,
University of Florida, College of Nursing, 2nd Annual Research Day 2004-04-01
Issues with Providing Consumer-Centered Care for Medically Indigent Adults with Physical Disabilities,
Midwest Nursing Research Society 28th Annual Research Conference 2004-02-01
Navigating the Treacherous Waters of the Health Care System,
Semi-Annual InfoShare Conference for Adults with Developmental Disabilities 2002-06-01
Understanding how having a Disability Influences Quality of Life: The Perspectives of Adults with Physical Disabilities,
Midwest Nursing Research Society 26th Annual Research Conference 2002-03-01
Health Status and Quality of Life Outcomes Instruments: Implications of their Use with the Wisconsin Partnership Program,
1st Annual Wisconsin Partnership Program Retreat 1997-04-01
Research Overview
Transitional Care
Caregiver Health
Stroke Rehab and Recovery
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Health Policy
Population Health