Lord, Christina A
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Exploring Transvisual Culture in French Comics Valérian et Laureline.,
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts 2022-03-01
From French Comics to Star Wars: Transvisual Culture in Science Fiction and Fantasy.,
Virtual symposium, “Seeing in Tongues," 2022-03-01
Ungrading in the World Language Classroom: A Pandemic Experiment.,
Cape Fear Foreign Language Collaborative 2022-02-01
Anthropocene Weirding in the Fiction of French Author Antoine Volodine and Jeff VanderMeer.,
International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts. 2021-03-19
Presentation of my current/future research and teaching. ,
UNCW Research Collider on International Trade and Exchange 2020-11-01
Alien Encounters in the Anthropocene: The Science Fiction of J.H. Rosny aîné.,
Works-in-Progress in the Humanities. University of North Carolina Wilmington 2020-10-01
Weird Nature in Antoine Volodine’s Terminus radieux.,
International Colloquium on Twentieth and Twenty-First Century French and Francophone Studies. 2020-03-01
Surviving Apocalyptic Shifts.” Presented “Life in the Comic Mode: Surviving Species Extinction in Éric Chevillard’s Sans l’orang-outan (2007).,
2019 International Colloquium on Twentieth and Twenty-First Century French and Francophone Studies 2019-03-01
Contemporary French Science Fiction in Cinema and Graphic Novels.” Presented “From Hypermind to Disembodiment: The Posthuman Woman in Luc Besson’s Lucy (2014).”,
Popular Culture Association in the South and American Culture Association in the South Conference. 2018-10-01
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