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Teacher leadership, professional learning community, and instructional practices.,
2022 AERA Annual Conference 2022-04-01
International evidence of teacher leadership, professional learning community and instructional quality.,
2021 virtual AERA Annual Conference. 2021-04-01
Less prevalence of distributed leadership in poverty schools is detrimental for student learning. ,
2021 virtual AERA Annual Conference. 2021-04-01
The evidence of distributed leadership practices using the 2013 TALIS Data.,
UCEA Annual Meeting Virtual. 2020-11-01
How does principal leadership influence teachers’ instructional quality? A multicountry analysis of TALIS 2013 dataset. ,
UCEA Annual Meeting Virtual. 2020-11-01
National contexts, school conditions, and individual characteristics: Which matters more to teachers’ participation in induction programs? ,
AERA 2020 annual conference 2020-04-01
Examining associations among teacher professional development, schools’ socioeconomics, and distributed leadership.,
UCEA 2019 annual conference 2019-11-01
How is the operation of distributed leadership related to teacher job satisfaction and organizational Commitment?,
UCEA 2019 annual conference 2019-11-01
Teacher wellbeing: insights from TALIS on teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction.,
EARLI 2019 in RWTH 2019-08-01
Does schools' disadvantaged socioeconomic status hinder school’s implementation of distributed leadership and building a collaborative teacher community?,
BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society) 2019 Annual Convention 2019-07-01
An integrated model of instructional and distributed leadership related to teaching and teacher attitudes.,
BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society) 2019 Annual Convention 2019-07-01
Understanding teacher leadership in an international context by distinguishing formal and Informal teacher leadership and their effect on instructional quality.,
BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society) 2019 Annual Convention 2019-07-01
Does instructional leadership mediate effects of home resources on opportunity to learn and math reasoning? ,
AERA 2019 annual conference. 2019-04-01
How are instructional and distributed leadership related to teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction through mediating effects of supportive school culture and teacher collaboration.,
AERA 2019 annual conference. 2019-04-01
How context influences educator perceptions of teacher evaluation systems.,
AERA 2019 annual conference. 2019-04-01
Teacher distribution across countries: A comparative study between the US and four high performance countries using the TALIS 2013. ,
AERA 2019 annual conference 2019-04-01
The role of an integrated model of school transformational and instructional leadership in support of teacher efficacy.,
AERA 2019 annual conference. 2019-04-01
The roles of instructional leadership and teacher leadership in support of teaching and student learning.,
AERA 2019 annual conference. 2019-04-01
How teacher leadership and instructional leadership interactively impact teaching and learning. ,
UCEA 2018 annual conference. 2018-11-01
The role of transformational leadership and instructional leadership in support of teacher self-efficacy and student performance.,
UCEA 2018 annual conference. 2018-11-01
Distributed leadership and teacher collaboration: A multi-level GSEM with the TALIS 2013 data.,
BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society) 2018 Annual Convention 2018-07-01
The impact of transformational leadership and instructional leadership on teaching and student outcomes.,
BELMAS (British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society) 2018 Annual Convention 2018-07-01
How teacher leaders help to build a strong professional learning community.,
Teacher Leadership Institute Annual Meeting 2018-05-01
Connecticut system for educator evaluation and development: Identifying factors that enhance new accountability practices. ,
AREA 2018 conference. 2018-04-01
Open the black box of distributed leadership: A cross-country study using the teaching and learning international survey 2013. ,
AREA 2018 conference. 2018-04-01
Teacher leadership, instructional Leadership, teacher efficacy, and student performance: A multilevel structural equation model in a Chinese Context.,
AREA 2018 conference. 2018-04-01
Transformational leadership, instructional Leadership, and the impact on teacher efficacy and student outcomes: A multilevel structural equation model in a Chinese context.,
AREA 2018 conference. 2018-04-01
Who plays the magic leadership role in building a school collaborative learning community? A multilevel model with the teaching and learning international survey 2013 data.,
AREA 2018 conference. 2018-04-01
How school climate really matters for the principal job satisfaction.,
UCEA 2017 annual conference. 2017-11-01
Will distributed leadership help boost both the principal and the teachers' satisfaction, commitment and school cohesion?,
UCEA 2017 annual conference. 2017-11-01
Teacher leadership and the international evidence.,
Teacher Leadership Institute Annual Meeting 2017-05-01
Teachers' professional development and the impact on teachers' self-efficacy for teaching.,
AREA 2017 conference. 2017-04-01
Open the black box of distributed leadership.,
AREA 2017 conference. 2017-04-01
Open the black box of distributed leadership.,
UCEA 2016 conference. 2016-11-01
How different leadership styles may impact school climate? ,
AERA 2016 conference 2016-04-01
Multilevel analysis of the relationship between principals' instructional leadership and teachers' self-efficacy.,
CIES 2016 conference 2016-03-01
Teacher leadership and teacher quality -Mixed model with complex survey data of the TALIS 2013.,
CIES 2016 conference 2016-03-01
An international perspective of school leadership styles and school climate.,
UCEA 2015 conference 2015-11-01
Hierarchical multivariate regression of school climate and principal job satisfaction.,
UCEA 2015 conference 2015-11-01
How distributed leadership allied with instructional leadership impacts school climate?,
UCEA 2015 conference 2015-11-01
How multiple school and principal factors impact distributed leadership?,
UCEA 2015 conference 2015-11-01
Examining school principals’ satisfaction with work environment and profession: The effect of school climate and leadership types.,
European Educational Research Association 2015 conference 2015-09-01
Distributed Leadership as a way to improve school effectiveness.,
AERA 2015 Annual Conference, 2015-04-01
Sanwa market as a multilingual text: A multimodal analysis of discourse and diversity.,
University of South Florida’s World Languages Colloquium 2015-04-01
Career path and self-efficacy of teachers in Tibet. ,
CIES 2015 Annual Conference 2015-03-01
Comparative study of principal job satisfaction in different countries,
CIES 2015 Annual Conference 2015-03-01
How will school climate and principal characteristic influence distributed leadership? - Comparative study using TALIS data. ,
CIES 2015 Annual Conference 2015-03-01
Street-level implementation of national teacher evaluation reform. ,
CIES 2015 Annual Conference 2015-03-01
Why have experienced teachers become exhausted teachers? -Stories from Han teachers in Tibetan schools.,
CIES 2015 Annual Conference. 2015-03-01
Discourse analysis of Chinese education reform.,
Middle West CIES 2014 Conference. 2014-10-01
How teachers respond to teacher evaluation under Chinese national education reform.,
Middle West CIES 2014 Conference. 2014-10-01
Comparative study of American and Chinese education reform. ,
58th Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society 2014-03-01
School transformation under educational reform - A case study of Chinese high school.,
58th Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society 2014-03-01