Linderholm, Tracy Ann
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Teacher certification pathways for paraprofessionals: Eliminating barriers to promote a diverse workforce,
AACTE 75th Annual Meeting 2023-02-01
Using a think- aloud protocol to investigate teacher candidates’ writing processes,
Literacy Research Association 69th Annual Conference 2019-12-01
Retrieval practice enhances recall and transfer of learning of physiology information,
Experimental Biology 2019 2019-04-01
Retrieval practice and JOLs enhance delayed recall and transfer of learning,
59th Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting 2018-11-01
Supporting graduate student writing: A WAC solution,
International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2018-06-01
Digital badges and differentiated instruction: Program evaluation in supporting online professional development,
American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2017 Annual Meeting 2017-04-01
Digital badges, community engagement to support teacher professional growth and certification renewal,
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) 69th Annual Meeting 2017-03-01
The effect of selected “desirable difficulties” on multiple text processing,
SoTL Commons Conference 2016-03-01
Capitalizing on the testing effect to enhance learning in the classroom,
14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education 2016-01-01
The role of prior knowledge in the testing effect,
14th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu 2016-01-01