Selected Publications
Academic Article
- “Making War on the Deer: Deer Hunting and the Hide Trade in Colonial North Carolina. North Carolina Historical Review. 101:24-48. 2024-01-01
- Subjects, Tenants, Christians, and Neighbors: South Carolina in North Carolina's Tuscarora War.. Carologue: South Carolina Historical Magazine. 37:12-20. 2021-10-01
- Of Fortifications and Fire: The Tuscarora Response to the Barnwell and Moore Expeditions during North Carolina’s Tuscarora War, 1712 and 1713. North Carolina Historical Review. 94:263-290. 2017-10-01
- The 1937 Chowan River Dare Stone: A Re-evaluation. North Carolina Historical Review. 86:251-281. 2009-07-01
- Erasure and Tuscarora Resilience in Colonial North Carolina. Syracuse University Press. 2024-04-01
- The Tuscarora War: Indians, Settlers, and the Fight for the Carolina Colonies. University of North Carolina Press. 2013-10-01
- The Lost Rocks: The Dare Stones and the Unsolved Mystery of Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony. Dram Tree Books. 2010-03-01
- Looting Spiro Mounds: An American King Tut’s Tomb. University of Oklahoma Press. 2007-01-01
- North Carolina’s Shining Moment: World War II in North Carolina. Our State Books. 2005-01-01
- North Carolina Churches: Portraits of Grace. Our State Books. 2004-01-01
- The Texas Indians. Texas A&M University Press. 2004-01-01
- Contrary Neighbors: The Southern Plains and the Removed Indians in Indian Territory. University of Oklahoma Press. 2000-01-01
- Life Among the Texas Indians: The WPA Narratives. Texas A&M University Press. 1998-01-01
- The Caddo Chiefdoms: Caddo Politics and Economics, 700 A.D. to 1835. University of Nebraska Press. 1998-01-01
- Being Catawba: Catawba Indian Women and Nation-Building, 1540-1840. Alabama Review. 346-49. 2024-10-01
- Manteo and the Algonquians of the Roanoke Voyages by Brandon Fullam.. North Carolina Historical Review. 2020-07-01
- Thunder Go North: The Hunt for Sir Francis Drake’s Fair & Good Bay by Melissa Darby. North Carolina Historical Review. 2020-07-01
- The Lost Colony of Roanoke: New Perspectives by Brandon Fullam. North Carolina Historical Review. 2017-10-01
- The Cherokee Diaspora: An Indigenous History of Migration, Resettlement, and Identity by Gregory D. Smithers. Ethnohistory. 2017-01-01