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Glucose transporters in adipose tissues of the bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus: effects of tissue type and developmental stage,
SEAMAMMS 2016-04-03
The long and winding road: how transport processes shape the evolution of muscle structure and function 2016-04-01
Membrane lipid content as an indicator of whole animal metabolic rate ,
Society for integrative and comparative biology 2016-01-01
The effects of metformin of skeletal muscle differentiation and fusion ,
Society for integrative and comparative biology 2016-01-01
The limits of an invisibility cloak: transparent shrimp become opaque after multiple tail-flipping escapes ,
Society for integrative and comparative biology 2016-01-01
The sensitivity of white muscle contractile function to the major components of the sarcomere calcium-cycling system ,
Society for integrative and comparative biology 2016-01-01
Caffeine significantly reduces mitochondrial respiration and increases caspase-dependent cell death in murine skeletal muscle cells,
Gordon Research Conference: Cellular and Molecular Mechansims of Toxicity 2015-08-11
Locomotor muscle of cetaceans: A comparison of deep vs. shallow divers,
19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals 2011-11-01
Locomotor muscle of cetaceans: A comparison of deep vs. shallow divers,
Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium 2011-04-01
Reduced cost of Na+-K+ pump activity in large muscle fibers of the lobster, Homarus americanus,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting 2009-01-01
The influence of oxygen and high-energy phosphate diffusion on metabolic scaling in three species of tail-flipping crustaceans,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting 2009-01-01
Chemical reaction-diffusion modeling of energy metabolism and cellular organization in skeletal muscle,
Departmental Seminar 2009-01-01
Nuclear DNA content variation in decapod crustaceans: Does hypertrophic growth affect genome size in muscle fibers?,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting 2009-01-01
Scaling with body mass of mitochondrial respiration in fish white muscle,
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting 2009-01-01
The long and winding road: how transport processes help shape the evolution of muscle function and design,
Departmental Seminar 2008-01-01
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