Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Choosing an Accounting Firm: Perspectives From New Accounting Hires. New Accountant. 790:6-8. 2022-12-01
- From Practitioner to Professor: Why Aren't More Accountants Getting PhDs?. The CPA Journal. 92:49-55. 2022-09-01
- Bluth Company: An Adobe Acrobat Case Motivated by Practitioner Feedback. AIS Educators' Journal. 16:1-18. 2021-01-01
- Factors impacting the investigation of whistleblower tips.. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research. 6:149-175. 2021-01-01
- Beyond Excel: Software tools and the accounting curriculum. AIS Educators Journal. 13:44-61. 2018-05-01
- An analysis of auditors' perceptions related to fair value estimates. The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 28:18-37. 2017-04-01
- Auditors' insights regarding U.S. GAAP - IFRS convergence. New Accountant. 4 & 21-23. 2016-07-01
- Impact of extreme frames and extreme decisions on attribute framing effects. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research. 13:63-80. 2015-12-01
- How framed information and justification impact capital budgeting decisions. Advances in Management Accounting. 23:183-212. 2014-01-01
- Impact of framed information and project importance on capital budgeting decisions. Advances in Management Accounting. 21:1-24. 2012-12-01
- Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Related to Loans and Receivables.. Internal Auditing. July/August:16-26. 2012-07-01
- Reprinted - Taking the plunge: Life as an accounting PhD student. CPA Voice. 22-25. 2011-10-01
- Taking the plunge: Life as an accounting Ph.D. student. Interim Report. 52-55. 2011-05-01
- An Accounting Research Primer. New Accountant. 742:14-17,22. 2011-04-01
- How decision preference impacts the use of persuasive communication frames in accounting. Advances in Management Accounting. 18:111-148. 2010-12-01
- The effects of trust, client importance, and goal commitment on auditors' acceptance of client-preferred methods. Advances in Accounting. 26:246-258. 2010-12-01
- The impact of task and evidence frames on profitability expectations. Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences. 22:25-40. 2010-10-01
- Accountant Legal Liability: The Perils of the Profession. New Accountant. 16-20. 2009-11-01
- The effects of satisfaction with a client's management during a prior audit engagement, trust, and moral reasoning on auditors' perceived risk of management fraud. Journal of Business Ethics. 85:109-136. 2009-03-01
- The joint influence of client attributes and cognitive moral development on students' ethical judgments. Journal of Accounting Education. 25:59-73. 2007-06-01
- A research note regarding the development of consensus on appropriation scale. Information Systems Research. 14:356-359. 2003-12-01