Keane, Chelsea Elizabeth
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"We Live As If Divided": Imperialism, Globalism, and Elemental World-Building in Avatar: The Last Airbender,
American Comparative Literature Association 2025-05-01
The Party That Doesn't Want to End: Deconstructing Mythologized Medieval Legacy in Tracy Deonn's Legendborn,
Sewanee Medieval Colloqium 2025-02-01
Arrogance and Hubris’: Medieval and Modern Deep-sea Submersible Exploration,
Nurturing Waters/Consuming Waters. New Chaucer Society’s Biennial Congress 2024-07-01
'Managing the Blood Lines’: Medieval Legacy in Tracy Deonn's YA Contemporary Fantasy The Legendborn Cycle,
Young Adult Medievalisms. Panel Sponsored by International Society for the Study of Medievalism. 59th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2024-05-01
Avatars of White Masculinity: Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival and Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One,
Science Fiction Medievalisms III: Old Texts in Strange New Worlds. Panel Sponsored by International Society for the Study of Medievalism. 58th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2023-05-01
The Aphotic Imaginary in Medieval English Literature: Extraction in Deep-Sea Literary Ecologies,
Medieval Ecological Flows. Sewanee Medieval Colloquium 2023-03-01
'It’s Definitely Green-ish’: Vegetal Time in The Green Knight,
The Green Knight (2021): Key Critical Perspectives (A Roundtable). Panel sponsored by International Society for the Study of Medievalism. 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2022-05-01
'Þurg þe depe and in derk walterez’: The Aphotic Imaginary and Patience’s Deep Sea,
Medieval Ecocriticisms: Humans and Nature. Panel Sponsored by Medieval Ecocriticisms. 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2022-05-01
Homo/humus/musca: Human, Earth, and Creeping Things in Dante’s Inferno,
Very Close Encounters: Insects and Humans in the Middle Ages (A Roundtable). Panel Sponsored by Oecologies: Inhabiting Premodern Worlds. 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2022-05-01
Ecophobia in Early Modern Colonial Travel Narratives,
Early Modern Ecocriticism and Critical Race Studies, Virtual Preconference. 50th Annual Shakespeare Association of America 2022-04-06
‘gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name': Towards a Milieu-Specific Shakespearean Ecocriticism.”,
Theoretical Futures in Shakespeare Studies. Shakespeare Association of America Virtual Graduate Symposium 2022-02-01