Hughes, Christine E
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38th annual conference 2022-10-01
38th annual conference 2022-10-01
An efficient method for studying reinforcement mechanisms controlling impulsive choice for use in behavioral neuroscience.,
Symposium conducted at the 11th International Conference 2022-09-01
48th annual conference 2022-05-01
48th annual conference 2022-05-01
48th annual conference 2022-05-01
Assessing the punishing effects of stimuli associated with rich-to-lean transitions.,
Student Symposium presented at the 33rd annual conference 2022-05-01
Assessing the punishing effects of stimuli associated with rich-to-lean transitions.,
Symposium presented at the 48th annual conference 2022-02-01
37th annual conference 2021-10-01
Aversive functions of stimuli within rich-lean transitions,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2021-10-01
47th annual conference 2021-05-01
47th annual conference 2021-05-01
Diversity in behavior analysis: Cultural competence, neurodiversity, ableism, and practicing what we should be preaching,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021-05-01
Diversity in behavior analysis: Cultural competence, neurodiversity, ableism, and practicing what we should be preaching.,
Symposium at the 47th annual conference 2021-05-01
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on pausing during rich-to-lean transitions,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021-05-01
Oxycodone and sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude: Implications for opioid effects on impulsive and risky choice,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021-05-01
Oxycodone and sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude: Implications for opioid effects on impulsive and risky choice,
47th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021-05-01
Oxycodone and sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude: Implications for opioid effects on impulsive and risky choice.,
Symposium presented at the 47th annual conference 2021-05-01
Oxycodone impacts sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude in male and female rats: Implications for impulsive/risky choice.,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2021-05-01
Rich-to-Lean transitions: The dark side of positive reinforcement,
North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis 2021-02-01
Rich-to-Lean transitions: The dark side of positive reinforcement.,
32nd annual conference 2021-02-01
Oxycodone decreases sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude in male and female rats: Implications for impulsive and risky choice,
36st annual conference of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2019-10-01
Oxycodone decreases sensitivity to reinforcement magnitude in male and female rats: Implications for impulsive and risky choice.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2019-10-01
Effects of rich-to-lean transitions in a model of social aggression in pigeons,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-09-01
Effects of rich-to-lean transitions in a model of social aggression in pigeons,
10th International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-09-01
Translational timeout research: Challenges in the lab,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-09-01
Behavioral pharmacology: An animal-model success story,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
Choices in situations of time-based diminishing returns: Effects of methylphenidate on “impulsive” behavior,
41st annual conference of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2019-05-01
Choices in situations of time-based diminishing returns: Effects of methylphenidate on “impulsive” behavior.,
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2019-05-01
Methylphenidate alters sensitivity to reinforcement amount, delay, and probability: Implications for impulsive/risky choice,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
Methylphenidate alters sensitivity to reinforcement amount, delay, and probability: Implications for impulsive/risky choice,
45th annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
Opioids and impulsive choice: Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount. ,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
Positive reinforcement: Not always “positive.”,
Association for Behavior Analysis Internationa 2019-05-01
The Effects of Timeout Duration on a Concurrent Progressive-Interval Schedule,
45th annual conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
The Effects of Timeout Duration on a Concurrent Progressive-Interval Schedule.,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2019-05-01
Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2018-10-01
Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount: Implications of impulsive choice and opioid use,
35th annual conference of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2018-10-01
Can rats perform the Marshmallow Test?,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2018-05-01
Can rats perform the marshmallow test?,
44th annual conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2018-05-01
Discussant in E. Rasmussen (Chair), Walking, punching, and eating: Approaches to studying health behaviors.,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2018-05-01
Effects of methylphenidate on sensitivity to reinforcement amount, delay, and probability.,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2018-05-01
Methylphenidate alters sensitivity to reinforcement amount, delay, and probability: Implications for impulsive and risky choice,
44th annual conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2018-05-01
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on pausing in rich-to-lean transitions in pigeons,
34th annual conference of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2017-10-01
Effects of chlordiazepoxide on pausing in rich-to-lean transitions in pigeons.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2017-10-01
Rich-to-lean transitions: Separate and combined effects of work requirement and reinforcement amount,
34th annual conference of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2017-10-01
Rich-to-lean transitions: Separate and combined effects of work requirement and reinforcement amount.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2017-10-01
Timeout from positive reinforcement.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2017-10-01
Can rats perform the marshmallow test?,
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2017-05-01
Pigeons’ preference between mixed- and multiple-schedule stimuli on fixed-ratio schedules.,
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2017-05-01
Science, Skinner, and surf: Behavior analysis at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2017-05-01
Trials and tribulations of timeout research in the lab,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2017-05-01
Trials and tribulations of timeout research in the lab,
43rd annual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2017-05-01
Chlordiazepoxide effects in pigeons responding under fixed-ratio schedules.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2017-03-01
Delay discounting vs. delay of gratification in rats.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2017-03-01
Effects of the duration of timeout from positive reinforcement.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2017-03-01
Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent chains: Is sensitivity to amount affected by the specific amount ratio in effect.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2017-03-01
Rich- to-lean transitions: Separate and combined effects of work requirement and reinforcement amount.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2017-03-01
Positive reinforcement: Not always “positive.”,
Maryland Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-12-01
Effects of methylphenidate on sensitivity to reinforcement amount and delay: Implications for impulsive choice,
33nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Effects of methylphenidate on sensitivity to reinforcement amount and delay: Implications for impulsive choice.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Pigeons’ preference between mixed and multiple-schedule stimuli on fixed-ratio schedules,
33nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Pigeons’ preference between mixed- and multiple-schedule stimuli on FR schedules.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Rapid acquisition in concurrent chains: Effects of varying the reinforcer ratio on sensitivity to amount,
33nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent chains: Is sensitivity to amount affected by the specific amount ratio in effect.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-10-01
Effects of methylphenidate on “impulsive” choice: Sensitivity to reinforcement amount or reinforcement delay?,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2016-04-01
Pigeons’ preference between mixed- and multiple-schedule stimuli on FR schedules.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2016-04-01
Punishing effects of work signals on behavior.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2016-04-01
Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent chains: Effects of varying reinforcer ratio on sensitivity to amount. ,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2016-04-01
Aversive Events and Positive Reinforcement.,
Texas Association for Behavior Analysis 2016-03-01
Effects of methylphenidate on "impulsive" choice: Sensitivity to amount or sensitivity to delay?,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2015-10-01
Methylphenidate and “impulsive” choice: Sensitivity to delay or sensitivity to amount?,
32nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2015-10-01
Rapid acquisition in concurrent chains: Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount,
32nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2015-10-01
Rapid acquisition of preference in concurrent chains: Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis, 2015-10-01
Time-out as escape from rich-to-lean transitions.,
Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2015-10-01
Methylphenidate and "self-control": Using quantitative analyses to identify behavioral mechanisms,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2015-09-01
Methylphenidate and “self-control”: Using quantitative analyses to isolate behavioral mechanisms,
8th International Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International 2015-09-01
Effects of morphine and oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount,
38th annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2015-05-01
Building a Behavior-Analytic Foundation. In D. D. Reed (Chair), Is There a Home for EAB in Applied Training Programs,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2015-05-01
Effects of the Opiates Morphine and Oxycodone on Sensitivity to Reinforcement Amount.,
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2015-05-01
Delay-discounting effects on rats using matching-law analyses.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2015-04-01
Effects of oxycodone on sensitivity to reinforcement amount.,
Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Symposium 2015-04-01
Is the stimulus correlated with rich-to-lean transitions aversive?,
31th annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2014-10-01
Investigation of some familiar and not-so-familiar “punishers.”,
Association for Behavior Analysis International 2013-11-01
Effects of d-Amphetamine on behavior punished by timeout from positive reinforcement,
36th annual Association for Behavior Analysis International 2010-05-01
Effects of morphine on choice in a dynamic environment.,
36th annual Association for Behavior Analysis International 2010-05-01
Effects of raclopride and quinpriole in the impulsive choices of Lewis and Fischer 344 rats,
36th annual Association for Behavior Analysis International 2010-05-01
Experience with a novel task reverses differences in impulsivity between Lewis and Fischer 344 rats.,
36th annual Association for Behavior Analysis International 2010-05-01
Is resistance to change controlled by reinforcement or by the total number of reinforcers delivered?,
annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2010-05-01
Rapid acquisition in concurrent chains: Effects of morphine on preference controlled by reinforcement delay.,
annual meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2010-05-01
Rapid acquisition in concurrent chains: effects of morphine on preference controlled by reinforcement delay,
Society for the Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2010-05-01
Within-session discount functions in rats using randomly ordered and ascending delays,
36th annual Association for Behavior Analysis International 2010-05-01
Drug tolerance: Behavioral mechanisms. ,
21st Annual Meeting North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis 2010-02-01
Economics of drug tolerance: Effort and reinforcer efficacy,
26th annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-10-01
Rapid acquisition in concurrent chains: Development of control by reinforcement delay.,
26th annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-10-01
Within-session discount functions in rats with randomly-ordered and ascending delays.,
26th annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-10-01
Choice in a variable environment: Do findings depend on level of aggregation?,
Symposium 35th annual Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-05-01
Choice in a variable environment: Effects of d-amphetamine.,
Annual Meeting Society for Quantitative Analysis of Behavior 2009-05-01
Effects of relative amount and rate of food on preference. ,
Symposium 35th annual Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-05-01
Within-session discount functions in rats with randomly ordered delays: Effects of d-amphetamine.,
35th annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis 2009-05-01
Choice in a variable environment: Do Davison & Baum’s findings depend on large aggregates of data? ,
annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2008-10-01
Differences in impulsive choices between Lewis and Fischer 344 Rats.,
annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis 2008-10-01
Differences in impulsive choices between Lewis and Fischer 344 rats.,
Annual Meeting fo the Southeastern Assoc. for Behavior Analysis 2008-10-01
Drug tolerance: Contingencies matter.,
8th annual meeting of the Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis 2008-10-01
Within-session discount functions in rats with randomly ordered delays.,
annual meeting of the North Carolina Association for Behavior Analysis
Within-session discount functions in rats with randomly ordered delays. ,
annual meeting of the Southeastern Association for Behavior Analysis